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Please be aware of a possible scammer .....

Sun, May 19 2024 3:34 PM (21 replies)
  • WillieSinkit
    1,749 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2024 5:55 AM

    Just played in an alternate shot and one of the players was offering the three of us wgt vouchers in exchange for our  wgt passwords, or even just the first five characters.

    I smelt a rat and told him / her that it was against wgt's t's and c's to share account details.

    The game was forfeited almost immediately ! ! !

    Please be aware folks.

  • callaghan159
    6,263 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2024 1:17 PM

    Just played in an alternate shot and one of the players was offering the three of us wgt vouchers in exchange for our  wgt passwords, or even just the first five characters.

    hope you reported him/her to wgt


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Sun, May 12 2024 12:55 AM

    Was it a French girl who made that offer?

  • WillieSinkit
    1,749 Posts
    Sun, May 12 2024 4:23 AM


    Was it a French girl who made that offer?

    Hi Simon,

    Yes it was someone showing a French flag. Very quickly introduced herself with a female name but the avatar shows a male character.

    Was very, very insistent that we give over our passwords quickly as he / she would be leaving wgt in the very near future and needed to pass on some "wgt vouchers" asap.

    I'm possibly over reacting a bit, but I would hate to see  someone have their account compromised and their hard earned credits spent by someone else.

    My activity on my profile page will tell you more.

    Best regards all,


  • BlackBogey
    369 Posts
    Sun, May 12 2024 6:51 AM

    I'd have suggested if she felt the need to just dump her credits before leaving that she could just gift me 4 sleeves of my preferred ball at the conclusion of the game - no need for a password to do that 😉.



  • IamNicklaus
    496 Posts
    Sun, May 12 2024 10:44 AM

    Another  wgt forum post gem .....If anyone is stupid enough and greedy enough to think they are going to get free wgt credits/vouchers by giving up their password , then they deserve to be scammed . 

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sun, May 12 2024 1:03 PM



    Was it a French girl who made that offer?

    Hi Simon,

    Yes it was someone showing a French flag. Very quickly introduced herself with a female name but the avatar shows a male character.

    Was very, very insistent that we give over our passwords quickly as he / she would be leaving wgt in the very near future and needed to pass on some "wgt vouchers" asap.

    I'm possibly over reacting a bit, but I would hate to see  someone have their account compromised and their hard earned credits spent by someone else.

    My activity on my profile page will tell you more.

    Best regards all,


    Was she a good putter?...If so, I'd be happy to give her my password..:)

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Sun, May 12 2024 9:24 PM

    Hi Willie,

    Yeah, I think I know who it was. Actually, I guessed it after seeing your activity on your profile.

    The player seems to play lots of skins & alternative shot games and perhaps that's how she seeks people who would hand her over their password.

    Maybe what she was telling you is true, but my take is anytime, anywhere either online or offline, anyone asking for your password NEVER can be right.

    And what are those vouchers she's talking about? And how you get them, you buy them?? And why would she need your password to transfer them to your account?!

    I don't get the whole series of things here. 🤔

  • WillieSinkit
    1,749 Posts
    Mon, May 13 2024 7:18 AM


    Another  wgt forum post gem .....If anyone is stupid enough and greedy enough to think they are going to get free wgt credits/vouchers by giving up their password , then they deserve to be scammed . 

    So, do you support her behaviour then ?

    Or are you just trolling, yet again ?

  • IamNicklaus
    496 Posts
    Mon, May 13 2024 7:46 AM



    Another  wgt forum post gem .....If anyone is stupid enough and greedy enough to think they are going to get free wgt credits/vouchers by giving up their password , then they deserve to be scammed . 

    So, do you support her behaviour then ?

    Or are you just trolling, yet again ?

    Listen up  buttercup , an opposing take isn't trolling , it is just an opposing take . If you are really that concerned about this individual , did you report them to wgt ? Do you really think any sound minded person who read someone offering wgt vouchers for passwords wouldn't realise that it was just a pointless scam or maybe just someone having a joke .