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Callaway hidden feature

rated by 0 users
Fri, Nov 4 2011 6:13 AM (32 replies)
  • IrishDragon
    4 Posts
    Thu, Mar 24 2011 3:07 AM

    That is all well and good but my release of Arnold Palmer Links '99 has a spot on the ball & lets you move Left to Right as well as Up and Down.  There is very little Ball Control in WGT and it is Frustrating...  On top of that I am Constantly having to Re-Select My Club as the Screen likes to change my choice on every Hole.  Tell me why the Computer thinks that a Driver is the Correct Club to use from a Sand Trap 69 yards from the Cup.!!!  Bollux it all.  You would think that a Damn Brit Designed it.!!!

  • MioKontic
    4,606 Posts
    Thu, Mar 24 2011 4:44 AM

    my nickel's worth.

    Well quite frankly, Lee or Sharon or whoever you are as you don't seem to know yourself, you're nickel is worth, how can I put it, DIDDLY SQUAT!  Rather than wasting time writing garbage like you do, you should go back to school and learn to write properly.  Sentences have capital letters in them, and make sense too.  Yours do not.  Nor or they funny, informative, or anything else that would be of any use to anyone.

    Maybe when you grow up you will understand what life is about.

    That's my few dollars worth!

  • Wayno_1
    397 Posts
    Thu, Mar 24 2011 2:24 PM


    There are quite a few of us that are fond of Lizzie. We enjoy her wit, personality and gift of prose. This is a "social forum"...get it? We don't want to read your never ending negative posts. So... get a life with some personality and keep your nickle.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Mar 24 2011 4:47 PM

    At first I was not going to reply,based upon my sense of equality to all,freedom of expression and just common decency.Then I took a peek at the profile of a person who has been advised to "get help" by people who felt moved to leave a comment."Get help" was the mildest of what was written in many ways.

    I at that point formulated a theory.It is by no means unique,nor even a new theory,but one based on certain stereotypical behavioural patterns displayed in certain of the species.(Anyone else notice the similarity between "certain" and "cretin"?maybe it was a contextual freudian mental slip)

    My theory was this: You drive a big red sports car.



    Lee be happy,lee be light,

    This is one bout you don't want to fight

    There's more to life than spats and collars,

    Stiff and starched like new printed dollars

    You can find joy and you can find life,

    Don't be slave to grouch and his wife

    Open your eyes and unfold your heart

    Never the day,when too late to start

    Rise in the dawning,and throw back the drapes

    Let in the day,with merry played japes

    Look not with a scowl,nor neither that frown

    Everyone knows you die alone with that thorny crown

    And when someone knocks,knuckles to wood

    Open wide of the door,it may just be good

    Now I know you dont like,frippery and tripe

    But one day you'll see,it's right what I type.



    Lizzie xx and for lee :-)

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Thu, Mar 24 2011 6:25 PM

    have never been a searcher for happiness. it is or it isn't.  yes, starched. straight, and un-yeilding, but not unbending.  as a matter of fact your entry on this particular forum was done correctly,  i should have just let you go on in happyland with your trolls, lap puppies, whatever form they wish to take.  it is still my nickle.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Thu, Mar 24 2011 6:30 PM



    There are quite a few of us that are fond of Lizzie. We enjoy her wit, personality and gift of prose. This is a "social forum"...get it? We don't want to read your never ending negative posts. So... get a life with some personality and keep your nickle.

    never found that a personality was required for a sucessful life.  you must not have read all of my posts as certainly some were not negiative.  you were correct this forum gate way is for "and anything else"  certainly lizzie's entry was anything else, i rocked the boat, mistakes are made.  FINI.  and the nickel is still mine!

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Thu, Mar 24 2011 6:48 PM


    my nickel's worth.

    Well quite frankly, Lee or Sharon or whoever you are as you don't seem to know yourself, you're nickel is worth, how can I put it, DIDDLY SQUAT!  Rather than wasting time writing garbage like you do, you should go back to school and learn to write properly.  Sentences have capital letters in them, and make sense too.  Yours do not.  Nor or they funny, informative, or anything else that would be of any use to anyone.

    Maybe when you grow up you will understand what life is about.

    That's my few dollars worth!

    i do not, under most circumstances, try to be exceptionaly correct when i write on the forum. same with spelling, grammer, whatever, i'm not trying to impress anyone by my writtings, i am in most instances trying to be understood,  however i am aware that some "educated" people would choose to use this as a reason to make themselves feel important in front of others.  this doesn't bother me, criticize as you will.   i also don't paragraph.  something else you can point out to others.  i do know who i am.  my user name has nothing to do with who i am, or even what i am.  okay as to my schooling,  i only attended 11 1/2 years of public school, however i gained a hs ged, a 1yr and 2year college credits, so i don't think i do that badly on the intelligence scale with a 164.  as to my nickel, i will continue to use it to point out the failures of others as they affect me and what i want to do.  i will spend it as required.  if there is anything else you want to know, just ask.  i may actually reply.  again my bright shiny nickel.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Thu, Mar 24 2011 7:02 PM


    At first I was not going to reply,based upon my sense of equality to all,freedom of expression and just common decency.Then I took a peek at the profile of a person who has been advised to "get help" by people who felt moved to leave a comment."Get help" was the mildest of what was written in many ways.

    I at that point formulated a theory.It is by no means unique,nor even a new theory,but one based on certain stereotypical behavioural patterns displayed in certain of the species.(Anyone else notice the similarity between "certain" and "cretin"?maybe it was a contextual freudian mental slip)

    My theory was this: You drive a big red sports car.



    Lee be happy,lee be light,

    This is one bout you don't want to fight

    There's more to life than spats and collars,

    Stiff and starched like new printed dollars

    You can find joy and you can find life,

    Don't be slave to grouch and his wife

    Open your eyes and unfold your heart

    Never the day,when too late to start

    Rise in the dawning,and throw back the drapes

    Let in the day,with merry played japes

    Look not with a scowl,nor neither that frown

    Everyone knows you die alone with that thorny crown

    And when someone knocks,knuckles to wood

    Open wide of the door,it may just be good

    Now I know you dont like,frippery and tripe

    But one day you'll see,it's right what I type.



    Lizzie xx and for lee :-)

    if you took the time to read my profile, then you should have taken on the responsability of researching what they were responding to.  in each case i have left those responses on my profile for that purpose.  i do not enjoy the rampet QUITTING that takes place. and shortly after using this site i became aware that wgt is not, does not, can? not. do anything about it.  so i take it upon myself to educate those persons who do QUIT without regards to others.  thier lack of a good response to these entries on thier profiles cause them to go bananas, seek help, medication, et al.  i can not control what they write nor do i fathom thier thinking which causes them to do so.  so should you care to continue in this vein please research it better.   freudian slip, cretin.  i did not challage your mentalitiy please do not presume to challange mine.  my education or lack of it, fine, but not my intelligence.  just spent another bright shiny nickel.....

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Thu, Mar 24 2011 7:08 PM


    my nickel's worth.

    Well quite frankly, Lee or Sharon or whoever you are as you don't seem to know yourself, you're nickel is worth, how can I put it, DIDDLY SQUAT!  Rather than wasting time writing garbage like you do, you should go back to school and learn to write properly.  Sentences have capital letters in them, and make sense too.  Yours do not.  Nor or they funny, informative, or anything else that would be of any use to anyone.

    Maybe when you grow up you will understand what life is about.

    That's my few dollars worth!

    in my previous response to your entry i neglected to comment on your slur about when you grow up.  i will have you know that i have never seen a need to comply with the commen idea of growing up.  a person gains knowledge, respect, thoughtfulness, absurditiy all on thier own schedule as life permits.  grow up indeed!  only when i no longer wish to learn. then do i attain grown-up status?  another bright shiny nickel in your face.....


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Mar 24 2011 7:48 PM

    Further to my original post,try as I might,I cannot get my callaway to frown.It's not as good as all that then,if I can only get 99.9% of possible faces and facial expressions.I need a model,one who REALLY knows how to frown.Suggestions and/or offers anyone?









    All of the above and more and yet no frowns? Almost I am disappointed,back to the lab folks,need to find that missing link.


    Lizzie xx. LAMBERT! bring me my meds.