nat11:Chrome cast will let you use the phone as a controller whilst the game client shows the game on your TV... So therefore they are actually playing on a mobile device and other systems allow this also .... these days you can even plug a gaming controller into your smart phone then send it your tv set so playing on a 17" LAPTOP 27" PC monitor i`d say were behind the times on the pc version compared to them playing on 60" TV monitors whilst sat on the sofa with a split screen laughing watching the big bang theory on the half the screen and the mobile players dont have pc issues they get a smoother meter .... Its the way i`ll be going in a month or 2 just seeing which set up looks best for what i want it for :)
That's correct Nat. Chromecast, Smart TV's, and other streaming type devices will aloow you to play on a bigger screen, However, you will still be playing on the mobile version, have the mobile avatar, etc. There's a glitch that allows people to play mobile-only tourneys in the PC game client. The game is then exactly like all of the PC's versions, and it's cheating the mobile players. Like I said, you can't do a normal "save a replay" to your profile when playing on mobile (be it a phone, tablet, or streamed to a TV).
I've been told by several WGT people that it will be fixed. I don't play much multi-player (AS, Match, Skins) because of my time restraints, and the often discussed disconnects, but I do play a good bit of one on one on the mobile, and it's really enjoyable. Of course I've only played with Yancy, and he's fun, anyway, so maybe that's why it's enjoyable :-)
I imagine playing on a phone would be more like just passing time, since the screen is so small. I have a couple of tablets (8" and 10") and I have used an OTG cable to hook up a wireless mouse (the vids on You Tube), but it's just as easy without the mouse, once you get the hang of it. The meter is very consistent and the game is almost flawless on mobile, anyway.