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Christmas in July 2015

Mon, Jul 13 2015 5:16 PM (1,238 replies)
  • adeypa
    1,151 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 1:36 PM


    Thank you so much for your generosity. many of us cannot afford to drop money on this game. I have a couple of times but not much... I have 4 children after all. I think this is a great way to encourage people to start playing or return from a long hideous. If I was one of the lucky ones to be given a gift that I got to choose; I would like to get a putter. I've been playing with the starter one and its just not cutting it. I'm 2/3 putting almost every green and its killing my scores. Any putter will do but I've been drooling over this one. if it wouldn't be too much to ask for a nice set of slow meter balls that would be awesome:


    TaylorMade Ghost Spider Putter (L35+)

    I have been a good boy for the most part Santa and would love to see these in my bag so i can play better and contribute more to my CC

    Enjoy your new putter Bigvic

  • thekidispure
    104 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 1:43 PM

    still hoping on level 98 taylor made driver not really expecting much but i can still ask thank you.

  • bajakma
    29 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 2:06 PM

    TY for the great gesture, I would love some nike L71 balls 450 credits.....will take as many as you want to give.

    TY Again for the kind gesture


  • first164
    6 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 2:07 PM

    Dear Santa MrCaddie Claus,

    Pretty catchy name there...I would like to give you reasons like my sick little brother wants this, or my parents can't find work, but truth told these are things I would like...selfish as it may be. 

    Black R1 driver 

    R15 3 wood

    TaylorMade wedges 52, 56, 60

    Ping Answer 2 putter

    I earned credit and purchased a set of TaylorMade irons recently and my scores are getting lower. My wishlist items would be a tremendous help to my game, and if it all goes well I hope to one day be Santa for the next new players on the site.

    Thank you and Merry Christmas in July!


  • jaygrashot
    2 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 2:20 PM


     Its the MrCaddie 12 days of Christmas in July 2015 give away .

     If you need something from the pro shop that will help your game now is your chance to ask the Santa,s .

    This thread will be open for the next 12 days to give all the good boys and girls here in WGT land time to post .

    Many will ask for a gift , But there are only so many Santa,s , So not every one will get a gift 



    a nike putter plz.


  • catz37
    24 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 3:15 PM

    Dear Santa,I ask only for an upgrade to my irons of your choosing or really an unexpected gift like the lvl 79 Slider  thx for the consideration:))!!

    TaylorMade SLDR 9.0° Driver (White) (L79+)

    3,740 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 3:18 PM

    Dear Santa

    I would love the r1 black level 99 drive, however, i just made level 98, so have a ways to go, but would be happy with a few sleeves of the golf balls i use, 700 cc a sleeve


    bob bench

  • POLSKA76
    2 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 4:06 PM

    nike vapor irons l 64 please please

  • JayFaceKilla
    33 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 4:13 PM

    Dear Santa,


    This is super cool and a very charitable endeavor! I've been playing for about a month and I have never played such a fun game in my life, consider me a lifer! I just reached L44, but would really like the TM TP driver at L48 as I think it would take my game to the next level! Thanks so much!

  • TheGarbageMan
    10 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 6:00 PM

    Dear Santas,


    I need some new Nike balls so I can level up to master and then tour master.  I would appreciate a dozen Nike Rzn balls so I cn do my best to beat some of the best.

    I greatly appreciate your thinking of me, Ive been bad, but thts how it goes here on WGT ... make me good with some new balls.

    Thank you very much Santa.

    The Garbage Man "TGM"