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Scott's tips

Fri, Apr 12 2024 12:26 PM (748 replies)
  • Kenher01
    1,151 Posts
    Fri, Nov 29 2019 3:42 PM

    Hi Scott,

                  Something similar, PinMe!


  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2019 12:21 AM

    Thanks Ken, but you can't maximize/restore down the Unity game window with that. ; )

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2019 2:38 AM

    Always On Top by AutoHotkey includes maximize the Unity game :

    Another surprisingly delicious chocolate from the box! Quelle œuvre de génie!

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2019 4:16 AM

    Thank you Simon. You might be my only customer, lol.  ; )

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2019 12:59 PM

    Seriously what makes your "products" and work so special is that not only you know exactly what your "customers" want to begin with, but also you listen to us, and constantly improve and upgrade your work. It just shows how wonderful and considerate you are by nature. I wish WG... Never mind.

    EDIT : ↓↓↓ Wow! LOL :-) ↓↓↓

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Sun, Dec 1 2019 1:13 AM
    ...all the right stuff
  • Yiannis1970
    3,277 Posts
    Thu, Dec 26 2019 3:49 AM
    Merry Christmas to you Scott!! Ok...followed the guide for the launcher. When i go in fullscreen mode i have my taskbar available and most of the features work pretty fine but i can't drag the meter to play a shot. Does not work. When i select the window mode, the window is pretty small but the meter works just fine. My monitor's native resolution is 1920 x 1080. My question is this: Can we make the necessary adjustments into the script so in window mode shows the window at desired resolution? OS is win7 64 bit.
  • Yiannis1970
    3,277 Posts
    Thu, Dec 26 2019 4:01 AM

    Everythin's fine with the meter. Probably some glitch cause i had wgt's page opened at the same time. The second question still stands.

  • Dave33200
    2,952 Posts
    Thu, Dec 26 2019 4:03 AM

    Hi Yiannis1970


    I also experienced the same as you when I added the hot key full screen. I noticed that on the bottom of the screen I had to click about a ¼” above where I was wanting to click. Like on the ball spin, and meter I had to click above it to get it to work.


    What I did to fix this was I moved my task bar to the side, and did the Ctrl + F, then I moved it back to the bottom and did the Ctrl + F. This fixed it on my computer. Hope it helps.



  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Thu, Dec 26 2019 4:11 AM

    Hello Yiannis and Merry Christmas to you.

    You're right about the meter bug in fullscreen, I did put a notification on the fullscreen post about the fact that there was a glitch. You can read that HERE.

    I'm not exactly sure what the 'desired resolution' is Yiannis, but I am working on a custom resize addition to this script, so you will be able to set the game to whatever size you want, but that is still in progress.