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is there anyone left that don't quit

Tue, Oct 12 2010 1:13 AM (179 replies)
  • isolater
    426 Posts
    Sat, Oct 2 2010 8:00 AM

    hey    um chill man yeah i got your point i hate it when people quit on me unfortunatly that's the go, 95% of people do it i don't do it so chill on me , but yeah i was piss off to but oh what do you mean isolator? is that an insault haha

    i'm not here  to insult anyone or point fingers at anyone  i'm just  here to try and  gather  ideas   on how to stop the problem  and make the game fun again

    Play Well Have Fun





  • isolater
    426 Posts
    Sat, Oct 2 2010 8:10 AM

    How about if WGT were to reward players who putt out in a round of golf by giving them maybe 10 credits for everyone else who putted out in the same round. Eg if only 2 people putt out they get 10cr each. If 3 putt out they all get 20 each and if 4 putt out they all get 30 plus a bonus of 20. That way people are being encouraged to finish out their rounds and it may even just about pay for the golf ball they used up during it


    thats is a good idea reward those that finish and impose  penalties on those that quit  by subtracting  just for a random #   3 levels in experience points  but with your idea  i don't think wgt  would care to part with    that many credits at once  may 10 credits per player that finishes  18 and 5 to those that finish  9 or something along those lines just for the simple fact if you  increase the amounts of credits each gets   wgt  won't get  as many people   using their credit cards to buy credits   if they can accumilate them quickly  by playing.

      its a great suggestion and with some tweaking   could probably work  bonuses  for finishing  penalties for quitting , but  would wgt  be able to tell  who quits  and who loses a game because of a game crash because nobody should be penalized  for something beyond their control


    Play Well Have Fun




  • isolater
    426 Posts
    Sat, Oct 2 2010 8:18 AM

    3 disconnects yesterday and one today. I had a putt to go -3 on the 9th at Kiawah and it all froze up.


    i spent 5 hrs   on here  yesterday  i got 1 round of 9  and 1  round  of 18   and a whole bunch of 1 and 2 holes   because of quitters .why do these people even bother with multiplayer  why not just play  single player ranked games  then  they can quit and do what ever they want  without ruining  somebody elses game . nothing worse than waiting to find someone that will actually play 18  only to haave them quit before  i even get to tee off on the first hole  because they  don't like their tee shot . if someone  doesn't have enough confidence in their game   that they can't make up 1 shot  or even a couple shots  because of a bad hole in a round of 18 they shouldn't be playing multiplayer

    Play Well Have Fun




  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Sat, Oct 2 2010 11:55 AM

    but  would wgt  be able to tell  who quits  and who loses a game because of a game crash


    No, they can't - this reason alone is why I am very much against any kind of a reward/punishment system for quitting. There is simply no way to know the true reason for a disconnect, and thus, no fair way to implement a reward/punishment system or a reputation tracking system (at least, one specific to finished rounds). It IS possible to program the quit/end round button and record its use, or any other site specific option for that matter. There is no way (program-atically speaking), unfortunately, to know if a player closes the window to intentionally quit or loses power, or has a game freeze, etc......

  • isolater
    426 Posts
    Sat, Oct 2 2010 12:42 PM

    No, they can't - this reason alone is why I am very much against any kind of a reward/punishment system for quitting.

    ok thanks for that info ,   ok  scrap the reward / punishment system . i still like the idea  of a competative  side and a just for fun side   seems like the easiest way to  solve the problem of quitting



  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sat, Oct 2 2010 1:25 PM

    There is no need to scrap anything, Dave.

    A 100% accurate and fair reputation tracking is definitely possible, and it would be pretty easy for WGT to implement. (Details are here.) Reputation tracking is the ideal way to resolve the quitters issue once and for all.

  • Tigerwids
    238 Posts
    Sat, Oct 2 2010 1:39 PM

    go back to ladders and see quitters

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sat, Oct 2 2010 1:47 PM

    You've got that upside down: Ladders are the site where you can go if you don't want to see quitters. And even if you did, you can name & shame any quitter in that site's forums, unlike here on Also, that site has a working and reliable Karma rating for every player, which would reliably flag every quitter for other players. That's why we also need reputation tracking here on the main site.

  • Greggatshack
    21 Posts
    Sat, Oct 2 2010 2:29 PM

    No, they can't - this reason alone is why I am very much against any kind of a reward/punishment system for quitting. There is simply no way to know the true reason for a disconnect, and thus, no fair way to implement a reward/punishment system

    Acutally if we focus on the "reward" rather than the "punishment" it won't matter if WGT can't tell who has quit a game deliberately from those who just crash.

    If you have set up a sufficient encouragement for people to continue then the important point is that they will be trying to complete their games, particularly if the reward is perceived as being higher than the reward to quit. (It seems that keeping your average low is seen as a reward by many people for quitting games that they have had a few bad shots in.)

    If the game crashes one will think "Oh damn, I won't get those finishing credits, oh well... best start another game". (Which is better than the current situation when you find that everyone has quit on you and you are thinking "You lousy f***ers, all I wanted to do was finish a game in good company and I got teamed up with spineless idiots, I'm too mad to bother starting another game I think I'll go watch TV.")

    So, whether the reward is credits or experience points or something we haven't thought of yet, the important thing is to make it more attractive to finish (if you can finish) than to quit.



  • isolater
    426 Posts
    Sat, Oct 2 2010 2:41 PM

    Acutally if we focus on the "reward" rather than the "punishment" it won't matter if WGT can't tell who has quit a game deliberately from those who just crash.

    that makes good sense   reward those that finish  and sorry bout their  luck for the quitters


    If the game crashes one will think "Oh damn, I won't get those finishing credits, oh well... best start another game".

    thats the stage i was at  before the new tiers  but now i'm at the stage  where

    you are thinking "You lousy f***ers, all I wanted to do was finish a game in good company and I got teamed up with spineless idiots, I'm too mad to bother starting another game I think I'll go watch TV.")