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Meter problem is getting worse

rated by 0 users
Tue, Sep 14 2010 7:13 PM (73 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,634 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 6:10 AM


    FAO the admins please......I am having real problems over the last few days, the worst of which is when I try to make my swing, the blue power meter line releases itself before I have reached full power.

    This is happening on all types of shots, and most times I can stop / avoid my swing. But on putting, it seems to then react as if I have taken my shot, giving me a shot of about 1'.


    I have had that kind of problem before. And it was not WGT! it was a worn out mouse. A mouse as it wears sometimes the buttons don't react like they should. The contacts wear and your lose contact and the games reads it as a click. Try a new mouse and see if that problem might go away. Ninjaed by VHL lol

  • dcassman
    19 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 6:50 AM

    Lucky you, maybe I'm going to the wrong church! But its pro meter guys like you who shouldn't say anything, do you think we're all making this up. There is definately a problem and it should be addressed. Not only does it ruin the game but I can see why others disconnect during a game, hoping to reboot and its still a factor. Certainly you have to agree if not your a closed minded idiot.

  • dcassman
    19 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 7:39 AM

    I'm really getting tired of your game meter problems!!!!!!!!!

    Not only does it take the fun out of the game but can be costly by mishits and loss of ball. Maybe this as a company is what you want, but I would think you'd rectify this problem, atleast agree to the players that its a problem and you're addressing it. Maybe its the monitor who reads the letters and doesnt do their job by passing it along where it belongs. Yes I'm talking to the one reading this, do your job. how many letters do you need to see its a BIG problem. For the love of the game do something!

  • igiveup
    110 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 3:29 PM

    I feel that the meter today is slower than yesterday. I played the new levels yesterday for the 1st time  and felts the meter was quick. Today, it seems as though someone has adjusted a parameter and slowed the meter.

  • RHawkman
    21 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 6:24 PM

    I concur.  Today has been particularly bad.  Not saying it was good before, but I left the game some months ago because it was such a big problem.  I refuse to put money into this game until this issue is fixed.  Matching, leveling, courses, realism and everything else is secondary to this - basic game play.  The swing meter is used on every single shot no matter what other factors are involved.  Job #1, make the game play consistent.  I, too have tired of reading that it is a machine problem.  I play at work (yes at work) on high end Core 2 Duo workstations with 512 MB graphics cards and 8GB or RAM that spit, stutter and stop on the swing meter just as my computers at home do.  Core 2, 4GB RAM and graphics cards sufficient to play Far Cry, UT3, BioShock etc near maxed with 50+ FPS on them all.  

    When the day comes that every time I swing the virtual club in the game, it goes smoothly I will put down my money to buy all the gear.  You know, like Tiger Woods or heck, even Links (pick your version) did from the moment I installed them.  All the fluff is nice and multiplayer and stats and all the g-whiz stuff is nice, but the rudimentary input controls of playing the game MUST come first.  I would not buy and any product only because it has nice options but doesn't work properly.  I could sell you this great car that is perfect in every way except the engine is running on half the cylinders.  Hey, that's only 1 item out of thousands on the vehicle...shouldn't you be happy to pay full price?

    For what it's worth, I love this game.  Everything else about it is near perfect and I applaud those working on it.  But the engine is not running properly.  I guess it's time to give Tiger Woods PGA Online a shot. :-(

  • Johniedino
    786 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 6:54 PM

    My only wish is that there was still a Links program around for golf.

  • frispounette
    2 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 6:57 PM
    I registered to that game two months ago, started with no issue, enjoying all aspects. But like many on this post, for the last few weeks, it gets almost impossible to shape any shot. I tried again today ended up thrpwing all my drives out of the map as the meter was moving VERY inconsistently (like stops and go) making almost impossible to play. I am going to quit if nothing is done to improve this.
  • RHawkman
    21 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 7:00 PM

    I still have my Links 2001 that I load on laptop for trips.  Was and still the best.  Right now I am over on TW PGA Online.  Gonna take some getting used to.  Quite different.  Not nearly as pretty and annoying music and previews.  We shall see.  Let the battle of the browser golf programs begin.

  • BEARlyThere
    88 Posts
    Tue, Sep 7 2010 8:59 AM

    Before I say anything here, I've read every post I can find regarding this issue and tried every solution that applies.

    Regardless of that, the meter stutter is driving me bananas. More so in past week than ever.

    I thought maybe it was my system since it had been a long time since I did the old format/reinstall everything on a nice clean error-free hard drive. So, yesterday morning I woke up and did just that.

    Then, I installed just the necessary things I would need to run WGT. OS, drivers, browser, flash, etc.

    It was a test.

    WGT failed that test.

    After several (bad) games yesterday and today, the meter problem was still there. And, with my computer fully loaded again today with everything I use, the stutter is no worse.

    Whether I'm using Game Booster or a myriad of other "tweaks" or just running the game with my system as is after startup the stutter remains the same.

    My computer specifications are far and above what is required by WGT and every diagnostic I've run tells me it's running at optimum. My internet connection tests in the top 28% world-wide constantly so that's not it either.

    So, I can only come to the conclusion that the problem lies with WGT.

    The game is playable (barely) but definitely not enjoyable. Nor is it worth putting any more money into it. I bit the bullet and upgraded my clubs while I had a chance (after being bumped up to Master...I'm still laughing about but once my supply of balls runs out I won't be purchasing any more. As for needing better clubs in the future - well, with the gameplay as poor as it is right now - I'm in no fear of moving up the tier level any time soon so I don't think that will be a

    I've seen too many posts here and had too many players in multi-player games complaining about the same thing.

    Suck it up WGT - it's not all of us - it's you. Just fix it okay?


  • GregSK
    1 Posts
    Tue, Sep 7 2010 11:33 AM

    I agree with bigrayyy. It is not only the swing meter that shoutters, jumps or what ever you want to call it but the rest of the action before and after the swing. It is now occuring in all 18 holes played. It has gotten to the point where I no longer want to play the game in which I have invested over 400 rounds. I love the game and the formats and let's not forget it is free but free or not you have to be able to enjoy it. I have had a computer expert addess any problems that may be in my system and he has found none. I have shut down any other running program and it has had no effect. I just widh someone would come up with a fix so that I can get back to a great game and participate in pro tournaments which I will not do under the current circumstances. SOMEONE HELP?