I'm now experiencing "intermittent" meter problems like Priestess is... but rarely make it past 4-5 holes in a round w/o some type of stutter. Usually my rounds start-out OK, but sometimes I get a stutter right off - on the first tee. There just doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.
Just an observation about a couple things I hardly ever see mentioned in these "meter threads"... the mouse, and how it performs its tasks.
Being that the mouse IS the input device that is used to interact with the game software programming and Flash, I would like to think that WGT has tested, at least, the "more common ones". Has WGT offered a minimum requirement for this piece of essential hardware? I don't see any mention of this in the Optimizing Thread . I find it perplexing that the quality of one's mouse simply doesn't matter.
Does anyone in the thread have any experience with jscript "mapping", that would care to explain the relationship of the positon of the cursor to the "Swing" (left-click hold/drag and release), and the subsequent left-click utilized as the meter moves to the centerline?
With all this speculation of the causes and potential cures for an ailing meter, have we all lost site of the forest, and failed to spot the tree we've been beating our heads against?
Is the scripting, either intentionally or unintentionally flawed (or inadequate), when it comes to the mouse/meter interaction and its inconsistency? And are some system configurations somehow "better equipped" to handle these interactions?