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cheating software

Wed, Dec 6 2023 10:32 PM (154 replies)
  • FormerTL
    9 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 3:32 AM


    Other gaming sites can detect  parallel software running to enhance game play. WGT wont.


    In fairness to WGT (an irony coming from me) I know for a fact that they go pretty hard at the multi's at least.  They took my Son out at the knee's about 2 weeks ago because they suspected I was playing his account.  But they hit a lot more than my Son's account.  When he shot 68 in the Pro Monthly it was being led by a 58.  His 68 put him in about 10th or 11th.  After the "purge" 65 won the tournie and 69 came third!

    So a lot of accounts went the way of the dodo in a pretty stunning hit.

    I've since suggested, and got some interest, that one other way to get at the "cheat at playing" variety that they "spot check" hot shooters from time to time by inviting them to play while a WGT mod / sanctioned vetter links to the players computer and watches on.

    As I said in the suggestion, surely if a player can shoot 55 in 3 RG's in a row they should have no problem shooting low whilst being watched - around the same course under the same conditions.  I also opined that I suspect the mere mention of such a scheme would make some players nervous.  I finished my proposal with "it should be a lot of fun!"  :-)


    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 4:22 AM

    "Yes, I can climb that mountain" if in reality I can't ?

    Physical impossibilities are withstanding of course, however , if you reach for the stars and fail, you wind up in the clouds. Higher than when you began.

    Don't reach, and stay where you are.

    Whether you  believe  you can or whether you  believe  you cant, you're right.

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 5:05 AM

    There is positive and negative thoughts in all walks of life, but I work on this saying that I think of in everything I do....''.To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others.''

    It is only your own self that holds you back from doing anything in life. No one else!!!!


  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 5:37 AM

    wow this went from cheating software , to the little train that could.   LMAO


  • TarheelsRule
    5,526 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 6:59 AM

    Admittedly I have not read every post in this thread, but this is nothing new.

    I believe the original discussion that started this was about a program that has been around for a while and is approved by WGT.  I've seen it posted on the forums before, you enter in the wind speed, direction, distance, etc. and it tells you what club and what percentage to hit.  I can't remember who developed it but I think it overlays on your screen (I have never used it only seen the screenshots).  I questioned WGT about this software and was told it is legal, it doesn't slow the meter, hit the ding, etc. but acts as a calculator for you, much as most of us do in our heads, or with notes, or with a real calculator.

    The reason some of the players want a 30 second clock is so that you don't have time to do all of this stuff.   As always if there are credits, money, etc. involved you can count on people trying to get around the system

  • hobbe95
    812 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 8:52 AM

    As long as many has said  when $$ is in play  people will cheat..

    i dont give a shite just play or not  its up to you the player.

    WGT wont do nothin about it or cant 

    again  i stopd to care  i play and have fun :)


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 9:45 AM

    As long as many has said  when $ is in play  people will cheat..


    i dont give a shite just play or not  its up to you the player.


    WGT wont do nothin about it or cant 

    or won't tell everyone what they have in the pipeline to combat it.

    I dined out at a fancy Chinese restaurant today and because I chucked away the chopsticks and used a fork, I felt I was cheating.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,526 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 10:05 AM

    Nice TBE

    It is only cheating in the Chinese restaurant if they were going to reserve the rice that you could not pick up with your chopsticks.   How was the dog by the way.

    I think this thread might be nearing an end    lol

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 2:54 PM

    It is only cheating in the Chinese restaurant if they were going to reserve the rice that you could not pick up with your chopsticks.   How was the dog by the way.

    funny you should mention dog. i might be barking mad but for some reason I feel a bit ruff ruff.

    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 7:27 PM

    to the little train that could.   LMAO


    You reckon you could go invisible or busy when your online, have sent you hundreds of invites whilst you are green dot and we all wait, twidling our thumbs..  no Woodo to be seen.