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Mon, Feb 27 2017 4:33 PM (2,573 replies)
  • garylewisgr
    415 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 7:35 PM

       CT---I have only 5 friends cause that's the way I like it---you have a problem with that go see your shrink.

      BTW--thanks for blocking me . I guess the truth hurt you too much.

     Remember last week when you posted on some woman's wall, you came on the forums ranting that she deleted your post and blocked you. You didn't like it ! Did you ?

    Steve  was spot on with what he said !!


    PS---I also have a CC with only 1 member---ME ! You have a problem with that too !






  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 8:20 PM

    That wasn't a woman who blocked him...not a real one, anyway.

  • xxxhogheadxxx
    949 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 8:57 PM


    That wasn't a woman who blocked him...not a real one, anyway.

    Michael,  I do enjoy your quips.

  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 11:12 PM

    I have been watching this thread go down the tubes for weeks now. It's just not right and not fair to Rich who started it with the best of intentions.

    In a probable useless attempt to restore the original content of the post I offer my updated story.

    I started playing WGT in 2011 on a cold winter day in Manitoba, similar to the present conditions.|I played a couple of times and thought....OH this is too tough for me. I came a week or so later and made a couple of birds. The rest is history.

    I have made many close friends here and have had a ball playing game after game.Some have come and gone for various reasons, but I have enjoyed each and every one. I did send a fair chunk of $ to one friend who was  suffering from cancer and had no money for a Christmas for her Son.Call me an idiot if you must, but I have no regrets and got a heartfelt thank you on my phone. Mission accomplished !I expected nothing in return.but that call was plenty of return.

    I sold my  business property a year ago now after 20 years there and am enjoying a kind of semi retirement. I had a building left over that I am trying to bring back to life which is a challenge. I work at it every day and thank God that I can still work that hard and still function. 

    I drink lots of all my friends can verify;)but they put up with me just the same.I'm not a great player and I don't give a $hit. It's all about friends here and nothing more.

    And.......Anytime you wanna get yer a$$ kicked Renni.....Alt works too  Look me up.!     R

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sun, Feb 14 2016 2:36 AM

    Nice post Ross...a hearty Canuck from Manitoba (I call anyone who can survive a Cdn winter on the Prairies, "hearty")...I've played Ross a few times...good guy and a lot of fun. should definitely take him up on his offer to play.

    ..."watching this thread go down the tubes".  Many have echoed similar statements (so, I guess I'm in the minority), but as I previously stated, if the only criteria for a thread to be successful, is for it never to veer off track, then nary one thread has ever been successful. I have enjoyed every post in this thread...they may not be penned as a summary of one's life, but they display how a person honestly thinks and acts...and that, I would think, is the goal of a thread titled "let's be honest".


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sun, Feb 14 2016 3:38 AM


    That wasn't a woman who blocked him...not a real one, anyway.

    Thanks for the top cover Mike...but Gary is simply following through with his righteous quest to get this thread "back on track" (rolls eyes). 

    PS:  Gary, this is ranting:

    "Henry and many others. It almost belittles me to say this. But why don't you all just F^CK right off - you are *** social pariahs that have not one ounce of decency in your miserable sad little body's. You are small people - small in mind, small in stature and very, very small in personality. Seriously children, just *** off and leave this thread alone.

    Or can you not resist the fact that hundreds of people will see your small minded insignificant posts.

    Are you that pathetic? Well, yes, you are."

    Given the out of control anger, poisonous language and broad brushed accusations ... I can see why you are so enamored...perhaps a 6th friend for your list?

  • craigswan
    31,176 Posts
    Sun, Feb 14 2016 3:50 AM

    Let's Be Honest: Party Game

     Let's Be Honest. A risky game for honest friends..

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sun, Feb 14 2016 5:14 AM

    Dan, thank you for your story. Glad to know you. I am starting to get a good laugh over some of the posts here. As stated by many it doesn't have to be a life history. If you jump on here and let if fly, then so be it. All I ask is we keep it in good taste and the sportmanship that golf deserves. Craig never lets me down when I need  a fresh smile, he will always find something relevant or not to snap a bad mood. Keep it coming folks, if the truth hurts then we need to suck it up and take it on the chin.


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sun, Feb 14 2016 5:50 AM


    Dan, thank you for your story. Glad to know you. I am starting to get a good laugh over some of the posts here. As stated by many it doesn't have to be a life history. If you jump on here and let if fly, then so be it. All I ask is we keep it in good taste and the sportmanship that golf deserves. Craig never lets me down when I need  a fresh smile, he will always find something relevant or not to snap a bad mood. Keep it coming folks, if the truth hurts then we need to suck it up and take it on the chin.


    Now that ^^^^^^ is what I have been saying also. Good on ya Rich.

    ps...this thread going to be 100 pages shortly...does anyone know what the longest thread is, under one theme or heading?...just curious