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Mon, Feb 27 2017 4:33 PM (2,573 replies)
  • opyeuclid
    6,706 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 4:33 PM

    Please try try the Decaf coffee 


  • garylewisgr
    415 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 4:48 PM


     To the post before Opys

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 4:57 PM


    Whats it mean?

  • xxxhogheadxxx
    949 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 5:01 PM

    I'll contribute to get this back on track.

    Real name is Dan, 52 years old, 6'2" 240 lbs.  Have two children and somehow a wife that has put up with me for almost 30 years.  Born and raised in SE Arkansas, just above poverty level but happy family, hunted and fished - a lot.  Joined US Army in 1980 (waiver to get in @ 17), changed my life as a new world opened up.  While running around the world playing Soldier, I found the time to get an Electrical Engineering degree (finished @ University of New Mexico - Great School - wonderful people in that State).  Been in San Diego, California for over 20 years now (working for US Navy as an civilian Engineer).  Guess I'll stay here until the San Andreas quake drops us into the ocean  LOL.  I surf, golf, lift weights, play WGT golf, ride bike(not motorized- an accident almost got me) and read lots of books, magazines, etc.  anything related to Science but venture to politics,economics on occasion.  Recently joined Firefighters and Architects & Engineers for 911 truth.  Eye opener. see my profile page.  Been reading all I can on that and the awful Fukushima accident.  That's about it unless I give out my SSN and bank info which you could probably get from China underground sources because they recently stole all of DoD folks data.


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 5:22 PM



     To the post before Opys

    That would be name is Colin, or CT.  You could have attached your response directly to my post, as I have done...less awkward for you that way. You could also be courteous enough to decipher your repetitive "SMIP",  given you believe it's use is critical to keeping this thread on track?  (that seemed so important to you a few posts back). 

    ...or, just stick with cheering on Steve...maybe add a rage filled rant of your own. You don't want to be seen as a mere groupie...(poor form)

    ntmu Gary..:)


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 5:28 PM


    I'll contribute to get this back on track.

    Real name is Dan, 52 years old, 6'2" 240 lbs.  Have two children and somehow a wife that has put up with me for almost 30 years.  Born and raised in SE Arkansas, just above poverty level but happy family, hunted and fished - a lot.  Joined US Army in 1980 (waiver to get in @ 17), changed my life as a new world opened up.  While running around the world playing Soldier, I found the time to get an Electrical Engineering degree (finished @ University of New Mexico - Great School - wonderful people in that State).  Been in San Diego, California for over 20 years now (working for US Navy as an civilian Engineer).  Guess I'll stay here until the San Andreas quake drops us into the ocean  LOL.  I surf, golf, lift weights, play WGT golf, ride bike(not motorized- an accident almost got me) and read lots of books, magazines, etc.  anything related to Science but venture to politics,economics on occasion.  Recently joined Firefighters and Architects & Engineers for 911 truth.  Eye opener. see my profile page.  Been reading all I can on that and the awful Fukushima accident.  That's about it unless I give out my SSN and bank info which you could probably get from China underground sources because they recently stole all of DoD folks data.


    Great story, Dan..but you skipped where the name "hoghead" originated from. Also, this "911 truth"...bit afraid to ask, but is this referring to conspiracy theories?

  • HenryKawa
    1,722 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 5:33 PM

    .... thank you hoghead!  Great post.  Nice to meet  you.


  • xxxhogheadxxx
    949 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 6:15 PM


    Great story, Dan..but you skipped where the name "hoghead" originated from. Also, this "911 truth"...bit afraid to ask, but is this referring to conspiracy theories?

    Hi ct690911

    hoghead is a nickname given to me by a friend where I work.  Being from Arkansas, The UA Razorbacks was all I had to cheer for (regarding sports) and I let people here in California know the Razorbacks are my favorite team.  The x's in the name are just placeholders and have no meaning.

    No need to be afraid to ask anything about 9/11 ct.  I am not a person that believes everything I'm told(especially by those in power positions).  I used to be though.  The events surrounding 9/11 are almost on the level with the JFK assassination.  But since the early 1990's with the introduction of the WWW and all the data available to the masses now, we have a better opportunity to find out the truth - no matter what event it is.  Until the day governments around the world decide to limit our access to the WWW, it is our duty to know all reasons for major events.  The term 'conspiracy theorist' was given a bad name by our former President George Bush when he addressed Congress shortly after 9/11.  Back then, I was 'with him' as he said.  Nowadays, I have a lot of questions that I want answered.  It takes a lot of research to find answers today, but we have a much easier time to do this as people in the 1960s did not.  Look up the words separately, conspiracy - theory, and you should come to find out that those words taken as one phrase are not to be ashamed of or looked down upon.  And watch the videos on my page, may take a few nights, but listen closely to the people(firefighters) that were actually there and the information they are telling us.  Then listen to PHD's in Science explain that the official story of 9/11 doesn't 'hold water'.  I am a Scientist in some respect but I do not have the higher degrees to have 'standing' when trying to explain how in the history of modern man, on 9/11, we had three steel I-beam buildings collapse, due to fire.  Jet Fuel (JP5) does not melt steel, office fires do not melt steel; if this were the case, then one should be very afraid to ever enter any building more than three stories in height with steel support.  And I mention three stories because you could probably jump from a third story and have a decent chance at surviving.  I'll stop here but look into the event yourself and put aside biases to have a clear mind.  You will be surprised at what you discover.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Feb 13 2016 7:15 PM


          ^----NOPE !

    Gary thinks making us all play childish guessing games, while he gleefully cheers on a foul mouthed, over the top tirade, are crucial to getting this thread "back on track"...who knew?