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Master Drivers: G10 vs R9

Tue, Jan 11 2011 8:03 AM (59 replies)
  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 8:15 PM

    I simply prefer brunettes over phony morality, and seeing a blonde wield your Rapture has got to be a major let-down.

  • salamii
    1,058 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 10:02 PM

    OK Faterson, you had me worried there for a second.  As for me, I can find something worthwhile in any of the colors and would never deny any of them the opportunity of  wielding my  9.

  • chipshotcharlie
    538 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 10:32 PM

    R9 Rocks have also used both, but get the R9 into a side wind miss the ding into the wind and pow you can get crazy distance and getting out of shitty lies is now a specialty lol.

    R9 for me CSC

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 10:40 PM

    wielding my  9.

    Sadly, the above bimbo can easily handle the 9 and only complain and plead for more. When enjoying a sow one must prepare for grim outcome. 

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2010 12:05 AM

    This would be more to my liking... In another leak, I believe this must be the preview of a future advertisement, with Natalie Imbruglia promoting the eagerly anticipated GI2-SD balls. Might come in handy to slow down the lightning-speed meter of those new 285yd drivers. I hear, though, that the price for a 3-pack is gonna be pretty steep!

    We don't want to engage in needless speculation, however, do we? In 2 or 3 days from now, we shall see.

  • salamii
    1,058 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2010 2:28 AM

    Sadly, the above bimbo can easily handle the 9 and only complain and plead for more. When enjoying a sow one must prepare for grim outcome

    SweetiePie, it seems by your reply that you misunderstood my quote. I was referring to   Mr. Faterson's comment that he prefers brunettes and that seeing a blond wield my Rapture would be a major let-down.

    I replied that I do not prejudices against any woman and would never deny them the opportunity of using my driver, which is the r9.    Mr.Faterson must realize the fact that the blond he loathes may actually turn out to be the brunette that he has long coveted.

  • ChristopherRouss
    133 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2010 4:33 AM
    I haven't tried the G10 so I can't compare, but in this game where the longest club they offer averages 275........ I'll take the distance. It comes down to what kind of person you are. If you like driving as far as you can you want the R9.... If you are.... excuse the pun.... anal retentive and have to be perfect on fairways and like to strategize the game more.... then you would prefer the more forgiving, precise G10. It all comes down to the person you are, how you prefer to play... ect... again... like in real life. I don't think this is a subject worth arguing about really.... I do like the TM wedges for master...... nice control and good with the spin. So when can we pay to go to a gym and get stronger so we can drive farther? Are you gonna offer more new clubs later that can drive even farther?
  • ChristopherRouss
    133 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2010 4:41 AM

    Doublemochaman you are just asking for torture arent you.........  I mean that is almost like when they started the Bethpage US Open here and people were posting 78s....  I think my first score was a 80+ there with the start up clubs.....  I mean.....  It's a brutal course for pro from the pro tees.....  but I guess if you like struggling to make par most the time and getting only 4 or 5 realistic birdie chances out of 18....  go for it I say...

  • ChristopherRouss
    133 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2010 4:46 AM

    Well said.....  Oakthe Toke.....  I hit a 382 yard drive on St. Andrews #4.....  Mind it was with a heavy wind blowing from my rear but.....  still.....  I didn't think the ball would go that far even with that strong of a wind....  I mean I was 30 some yards from the hole after the drive...........  So what is the farthest anyone has hit a drive with a G10?

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2010 9:42 AM

    Mind it was with a heavy wind blowing from my rear but.....  still.....

    Wow.... 5 hours later and not one soul has pounced on that line...

    The restraint these days is impressive.  Must be the new moderator and/or his big stick!