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Master Drivers: G10 vs R9

Tue, Jan 11 2011 8:03 AM (59 replies)
  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 10:54 AM

    Well using my female perogative,I may sway with the majority as I have the R9 on hold with no intention of selling it...certainly not at a 75% reduction...I hate getting fleeced also.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 11:08 AM

    I've just discussed this privately as well, with someone taking sides with Ms. Sweetiepie's recommendation, BUT..


    ... if you take a closer look (click the pic above for full size) at that Oakmont screenshot first published in MisterWGT's blog, it seems to reveal a new driver with a default 285yd hitting distance. I believe that, no matter which brand this driver – or what its precision – may be, 285yd would be such a huge improvement compared to 270yd, that this debate will be over & moot if WGT gives us a new, extreme-distance driver.

    Perhaps this is going to happen in a few days from now, in the March product update?    

    337 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 11:10 AM

    I think SP is saying that her approach to this game is similar to how she plays the real game.


    I have noticed this about myself.


    There are types of shots that I never try here because it just isn’t in my real game.


    I bought the G10 iron set (based on the reviews and who use them) and found that the game became somewhat unrealistic…


    The TM Tour Preferred set is back into my bag.


    The balls appear to have more of an affect on shot selection than any one particular club(s)…


    Except of course the 64 degree wedge…if WGT tries to take away that club it will be from the cold dead grip of my hands.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 12:30 PM

    I believe that, no matter which brand this driver – or what its precision – may be, 285yd would be such a huge improvement compared to 270yd, that this debate will be over & moot if WGT gives us a new, extreme-distance driver.

    This only works playing from further back. A starter upgrade that goes further than an R9?-I don' t think so, not from the blue tees. It might be the cheaper option in drivers afforded those that get to whatever tier plays from the black tees, whenever that happens.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 12:39 PM

    I want to play Black from the blacks!  Talk about a challenge!  And with Pro clubs...

  • OaktheToke
    409 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 1:06 PM


    ............I don't have a favorite mascot, but if I did it would be the St Joe's Hawk, Stanford Tree, or San Diego Chicken.

    ............when analyzing the advantages of the R9, there's more to consider than just a few sloppy yards, like the lower trajectory of the ball flight that is less affected by the wind, resulting in straighter drives.

    ............being a little sloppy isn't so bad.  In the grand sale of sloppiness, I'd put the few extra sloppy yards ahead of sloppy joes but definitely behind sloppy seconds.

    ............if the R9 driver is the most commonly held club among the top Master players, then your proclamation that it sucks and the G10 is better is more a matter of minority opinion than a matter of fact. that chef in Ziwataneo tried to tell me, Iguana really is the chicken of the trees recently purchased the R9, are just accustomed to playing with the G10, and you're comments were on the premature side of the hatorade spectrum.

    ............the difference between a clever midget and a venereal disease is that the first is a cunning runt.


  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 1:31 PM

    Hi all,

    Regarding the "new" features in the photo please read MisterWGT's statement here.  This is only a press-release mock-up for the GUI.

    ... please note that our marketing/PR group, which builds the high-resolution images for press purposes, has a mock GUI file.  They do this because it needs to be 300dpi for press purposes.  In this case, I was a bit hasty in posting their work without first reviewing all our new "features."  - MisterWGT

    As far as the March Product update, you can find what's scheduled for upcoming release in the Upcoming Product Releases thread.  I'd recommend limiting your speculation to what's on the 30-60 day list. =)

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 1:31 PM

    OaktheToke: recently purchased the R9, are just accustomed to playing with the G10, and you're comments were on the premature side of the hatorade spectrum.

    Again, perhaps. I must rely upon trust...and if you don't know the true meaning of trust, allow me to share it. Real trust is two cannibals having oral sex.

  • OaktheToke
    409 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 1:36 PM

    Real trust is two cannibals having oral sex

    I'm guessing a no on a dental dam?

    ........yikes, just thought of the other end of the equation.  That just went from advantage push, to advantage snapperhead.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 2:06 PM

    As far as the March Product update, you can find what's scheduled for upcoming release in the Upcoming Product Releases thread.  I'd recommend limiting your speculation to what's on the 30-60 day list. =)

    It's rather terrifying that finishing the St. Andrews course is not even on that 30 to 60 days list (!), and not even at the top of the Roadmap list, which would signify we might expect St. Andrews in May at the earliest! I hope that that's a mistake and that it won't actually take that long. Bethpage was released in May 2009 and if WGT is going to take the full 12 months (or longer) to produce a new course, I'm afraid this game and community will soon fold down, crushed by an unbearable sense of boredom.

    PS: Yes, the drivers speculation relates to the 30 to 60 days bracket. I'm ready to spend about $40 for Master gear instantly, but I don't dare to do so, because I have no idea what clubs are supposed to be included in the March product update on Wednesday or Thursday. If WGT gave us a few hints as to what clubs we may expect in a few days from now, I'd feel comfortable spending my money at the ProShop right away, but because we know nothing about which clubs will be added, I don't dare to spend a dime at this point.