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Thu, Mar 30 2023 6:18 AM (111 replies)
  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,693 Posts
    Mon, Mar 13 2023 6:12 PM

    When one is determined to oppose for the sake of opposition, there's nothing that can be done.

    I'm outta this one here. LOL

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,693 Posts
    Mon, Mar 13 2023 7:25 PM

    Alright, first off, you're being beside the point (once again) here but let's just put it aside now, and have a look at this one.

    I also know that the chances of playing against a multi accounter is slim to none . There are so few .

    LOL While you're saying so affirmatively that there is no evidence of others' opinions...

    How do you know this?? How can you be so sure about it???

    I just get tired of all these threads talking about " all these cheaters and multi's

    Then disregard it. It's not like we sat you down and made you listen to it. Just because you got sick of it, it doesn't mean they don't exist any more.

    Unlike you, I wouldn't say conclusively, but many witnesses and testimonies from a considerable number of players indicate that there are people who abuse and cheat in various forms and ways in coin rooms, if not, in this game. All I was trying to say is these are reasonable doubts while yours is an assertion, a refusal to believe otherwise.

  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Thu, Mar 16 2023 7:31 AM

    Ok,i'm gonna weigh in on this cheating subject but slightly off thread. I have found that in the higher level coin rooms(higher buy ins), that cheating appears to be rampant. Some examples. I played the same player 3 times over the course of a week. This player never missed a putt of any length in all 3 matches. I'm talking 30,20 10 whatever distance putts,sunk. I also recently played, a player using the rock that hit the ball within 5 ft of the hole on every green. Now don't have any proof. But the old saying,if it walks like a duck,and quacks. We may surmise its a duck. My point is it's incredible difficult to get a square game. This makes me not want to waste my time playing,except my my 1 match each evening to keep my cdp going. If wgt doesnt do something about the cheat programs,all that will be left playing the game is cheaters. Finally,my question is where is the fun in being a cheater? You're not good at wgt, you're only good at cheating! Does this give you pride in your accomplishment? End of rant.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,693 Posts
    Thu, Mar 16 2023 2:54 PM

    I played the same player 3 times over the course of a week. This player never missed a putt of any length in all 3 matches. I'm talking 30,20 10 whatever distance putts,sunk. I also recently played, a player using the rock that hit the ball within 5 ft of the hole on every green.

    First of all, thanks for sharing your experience, BOZ. The description you provided just reminded me of a couple of players I come across every now and then in coin rooms. (Nope, I'm not gonna name them since I don't want this thread to be blown up by WGT again like they did earlier to a similar thread to this.)

    Now don't have any proof. But the old saying,if it walks like a duck,and quacks. We may surmise its a duck.

    Exactly, thank you! Whether you have a proof or not, however, it doesn't really matter for some people 'cause they've already got their own answers fixed in their heads.


  • IamNicklaus
    496 Posts
    Thu, Mar 16 2023 5:21 PM

    Where's the evidence for the cheating ?  oh yea , there isn't any !