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WGT Nico Q&A - 1/27

Mon, May 8 2023 12:31 PM (236 replies)
  • WGTNico
    622 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 11:05 AM

    Probably not but it would be nice to have. Taking something from someone's inventory and then sending it to another player's inventory is a pretty big engineering task. Same goes for CC passes in inventory.

    gift friends balls from your own bag


  • WGTNico
    622 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 11:09 AM

    Everyone starts on moderation, then as we see good posts on a consistent basis, we (we being me, a few people on customer support, and sometimes Champ) will take them off moderation. Now putting people back on moderation is often a case by case basis but it is rarely one post and you're back on, but it's constant negative infractions that make us do so. Apologizing does help but it does not guarantee anything happen. 

    Who decides to put someone on moderation . Is it one person or more . And who decides how long they are on on moderation for . Does apologising help . Permanent moderation is harsh for sometimes not a lot . Is it three strikes and your out .


  • WGTNico
    622 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 11:12 AM

    I'm not entirely sure on the "why" but I assume it's a pretty old system that could use a good overhaul. It does a decent job of flagging the "bad" but sometimes some does get through but it does at times flag the "good" 

    Why is the software you use to detect unsuitable profile pictures, so ineffective. Even my current profile picture was flagged for review by your system and although it got through eventually, it should not need to be reviewed in the first place.

  • WGTNico
    622 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 11:26 AM

    1. No 

    Can we have a compass to work in conjunction with the wind direction arrow similar to the clock face in Kat’s wind calculator 

    2. I don't really think there's anything wrong with the way it is currently. So if we did it really wouldn't ever be a priority thing we'd want to change. 

    Can we have a better way  to set spin so we can know exactly how much spin we use.

    3. Hopefully someday it can make a return, but there's a lot we'd like to do within WGT before bringing replays back. Especially with phones and PCs being able to grab a replay or record pretty quickly nowadays.

    Will we ever have a way in game to save replays again 

    4. Pretty sure we lost the licensing for some old CTTH courses and since CTTH isn't the most used mode of play it's unlikely we'll be pushing for those back. 

    Will we ever get the CTTH courses that we lost when flash went away

    5. I really really hope so lol. We made it better for a good number of players recently but it does still happen and is really annoying I fall for it every time. 

    Will the inbox glitch showing we have something in our inbox when we don't ever ne fixed. 

  • WGTNico
    622 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 12:06 PM

    1. Well given that we don't have them shot as full courses we can't exactly give them to players as full courses. Even if we did have them, we would never gatekeep them behind Country Clubs since getting the courses in WGT is very very expensive. 

    Why can't CC's over Level 21 have access to the CTTH Courses as Full Courses? (Like Valhalla and Celtic Manor ONLY being available as CTTH Courses)

    2. Spinner could probably use a good refresh at some point, I don't know about 1000 minimum but making it more "worthy" is something we should look into. 

    The Spinner! Coin Prizes of 50,75, 100, 125, 150? A bit low, don't you think? Any chance of making the MINIMUM prize 1000 Coins?

    3. When things like tiers exist in WGT and no real inventory, equipment, clubs, etc. benefits after level 102, there really isn't any current reason for us to prioritize lowering experience over level 200. We appreciate and are incredibly impressed by all those that have gotten or are approaching level 200. So using engineering resources to make experience adjustments when we don't really have anything to give you all really isn't worth it for level 200 players. If/when we get more things at higher levels then yes absolutely that's something we'll be doing. 

    Isn't it about time WGT awarded Players near to or Over Level 200 a few MORE Levels to play for?

  • WGTNico
    622 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 12:11 PM

    1. I'd love if we could actually get some of the CTTH courses shot as full courses someday but since we do not they will be staying in the CTTH game modes. Also outside of us losing the licensing for a course, we would never retire or put a course rotation given the amount of money we spend to get them in game. 

    How about putting some of these amazing courses that are only for CTTH matches into the regular rotation. I'm referring to course like Valhalla, Harbor Town, Edgewood, you get the idea. You could retire others if needed like Chambers or Merion

    2. I would like to create the setting for a tournament to "force" players to use a certain ball for a given tournament "similar to set of the week." On the other hand though these balls do cost money so it wouldn't be a smart business decision on our end to always make players use a certain ball. 

    Secondly, when playing in shared tournaments everyone uses the same clubs. The apparel bonuses are removed; however, everyone is still allowed the use of their ball bonus. It would only be fair to either allow apparel bonuses or ball bonuses not one or the other. If everyone has to use the same clubs, they should also be required to use the same balls. 


  • WGTNico
    622 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 12:17 PM

    1. Ya 13 speed should be more readily available game wide, hopefully sometime in 2023. We like to keep 14 green speeds for things like live series and the 1k ready-go though and that's unlikely to change. 

    When will we have option of practicing on Champ greens in Stroke play courses 

    2. Should be 2023 

    Option of Skins Alt Shot for mobile

    3. We're in talks with a few different courses but nothing official 

    New courses 

    4. This is something we want to do really badly but would be a very long/ongoing project when we start as it would need basically every person in WGT working on at some point. It's definitely one of our "higher priorities" that we want to do but haven't started or know when we will start on it.

    New pins 

    5. We just haven't done a good customization part of MP yet no ETA on that 

    Why Matchplay has fixed set of pins for courses 

  • WGTNico
    622 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 12:17 PM

    That's up the to the supplier if that's something they want to do or not


    Will PC free credit videos be available again for all regardless of region?


  • WGTNico
    622 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 12:20 PM

    Didn't we have something similar to that in flash? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think we did allow you to move around cameras, I definitely think it'd be a good addition but unlikely a priority if we did want to bring it back. 

    My ask is, the abilty to navigate around the course to watch when my opponent is shooting especially when they're putting as it adds to my personal enjoyment game wise.

  • WGTNico
    622 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2023 12:28 PM

    Really 12 questions I had a rule. I'm answering these in quick rapid-fire for breaking the rule.

    1. For WGT specifically there's about 40ish. This counts engineers, QA, marketing, product, partnerships, art, and the senior level people

    How many employees at WGT?

    2. We have lots of all black apparel

    Can we get an all black apparel head to toe? (Thanks Sam)

    3. Yes eventually 

    Sunglasses to go with any apparel?

    4. Someday

    Fix showdown issue.

    5. Sure ya I like this one 

    Change all default games to scored instead of practice?

    6. Probably not 

    Create a handicap system for cc’s possible?

    7. Use Discord 

    In game audio chat?

    8. What's wrong with it I don't play skins 

    Fix skin’s winning shown at end of game?

    9. Could cause matchup issues and facing the same club(s) repeatedly more than you already do

    Tiered Clash? 

    10. No one can change their usernames that system isn't built 

    Why can I not have my username changed to ProtoNC?

    11. Didn't we just change this 

    In game chat, playing with default player images makes it hard to distinguish who’s chatting, can we come up with something better?

    12. That probably would be helpful, I'll send it to marketing and let them decide 

    Add color descriptions to all apparel for us colorblind people.