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WGT Nico Q&A - 1/27

Mon, May 8 2023 12:31 PM (236 replies)
  • callaghan159
    6,424 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2023 2:56 AM

    Thanks for this thread Nico........

    1).......Are the "billboards" on the screen going to be fixed someday, can't see my putt go in the hole. LOL.

    2).......Back in the flash days there was a 3 colored system for people who quit games..Red, Green and yellow...Red---don't play this person, Yellow----take your chances (person prob quits as many as they finish) and Green----good to go, this person rarely quits. There are way to many quitters on this site especially when they hit a bad shot and then blame WGT for it. LOL. I run into these quitters on a daily basis as I play mostly alt shot and it's very frustrating when using a pass and they quit. Cheers

  • DirtyDuffer
    877 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2023 3:23 AM

    Thanks for this opportunity…

    When or will it ever be possible to gift friends balls from your own bag. I win balls I’ll never really use, I just waste em…It would be nice for other players to be able to use em.

    Also gifting CC passes you have in lieu of having to purchase in order to gift..



  • craigswan
    32,209 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2023 3:23 AM
    Who decides to put someone on moderation . Is it one person or more . And who decides how long they are on on moderation for . Does apologising help . Permanent moderation is harsh for sometimes not a lot . Is it three strikes and your out .
  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2023 6:00 AM

    Why is the software you use to detect unsuitable profile pictures, so ineffective. Even my current profile picture was flagged for review by your system and although it got through eventually, it should not need to be reviewed in the first place. Very frustrating!

    EDIT : Oh, so that's why! Lol.  : ))

  • HamdenPro
    2,525 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2023 6:55 AM

    Even my current profile picture is flagged for review by your system

    Maybe because this is more appopriate:

  • borntobesting
    9,754 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2023 7:47 AM

    1 Can we have a compass to work in conjunction with the wind direction arrow similar to the clock face in Kat’s wind calculator 

    2 Can we have a better way  to set spin so we can know exactly how much spin we use.

    3 Will we ever have a way in game to save replays again 

    4 Will we ever get the CTTH courses that we lost when flash went away. And no I don't mean Cabo and Whistler. Best of water shots and Hilversumche to name 2 

    5 Will the inbox glitch showing we have something in our inbox when we don't ever ne fixed. 

  • Kacey1977
    804 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2023 8:30 AM

    Thanks Nico. Here we go, then:

    - Why can't CC's over Level 21 have access to the CTTH Courses as Full Courses? (Like Valhalla and Celtic Manor ONLY being available as CTTH Courses)

    - The Spinner! Coin Prizes of 50,75, 100, 125, 150? A bit low, don't you think? Any chance of making the MINIMUM prize 1000 Coins?

    - Isn't it about time WGT awarded Players near to or Over Level 200 a few MORE Levels to play for? Why not take it up to 250? But, of course, make the Level XP's Actually Achieveable!

    Thank you in advance.


  • wrd108
    53 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2023 9:25 AM


    First off thank you for opening up to our input. I have 2 suggestions/questions. 

    How about putting some of these amazing courses that are only for CTTH matches into the regular rotation. I'm referring to course like Valhalla, Harbor Town, Edgewood, you get the idea. You could retire others if needed like Chambers or Merion, as I'm sure most of us are sick of them anyway. I mean Chambers, you may as well just put up the windmills and clown mouth and call it what it is. LOL

    Secondly, when playing in shared tournaments everyone uses the same clubs. The apparel bonuses are removed; however, everyone is still allowed the use of their ball bonus. It would only be fair to either allow apparel bonuses or ball bonuses not one or the other. If everyone has to use the same clubs, they should also be required to use the same balls. 

    Well, that's my 2 cents, 

    Thank you for giving us this format.


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2023 10:54 AM

    As requested Nico, to show how difficult your job is ;-)



    1 Can we have a compass to work in conjunction with the wind direction arrow similar to the clock face in Kat’s wind calculator 

    2 Can we have a better way  to set spin so we can know exactly how much spin we use.

    Please don't do this, there are too many aids as it is.  As well asking for a big arrow saying where to aim and the swing meter only extending to the exact amount needed for the distance. Lol, I can guess what comes next :-)

  • jason01291
    417 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2023 11:39 AM

    1. When will we have option of practicing on Champ greens in Stroke play courses 

    2. Option of Skins Alt Shot for mobile

    3. New courses 

    4. New pins 

    5. Why Matchplay has fixed set of pins for courses