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Conspiracy Theory

Sun, Oct 30 2022 6:16 PM (123 replies)
  • rawits
    56 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2022 4:03 PM

    Not enuf guys went to Qanon  school to get their WGT Tour cards...

  • SamSpayed
    5,043 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2022 4:48 PM


    Not enuf guys went to Qanon  school to get their WGT Tour cards...

    I got my WGT Tour card from a guy dressed like Elvis in a pizza shack in Chicago.  Place gave me the creeps 😬

  • tramilleo
    1,903 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2022 5:30 PM

    Hahaha Sam

  • TheDudemeister69
    1,567 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2022 7:20 PM

    rawits:'ve got little room to open your mouth....a quick look at your haven't played anything but red tees for 3 months...not a single ranked round on a standard course...everything in blue font...meaning a CC Course....pffft...

    You need to take a better look.  I play mostly CC tournaments, yes, but the vast majority of them are in tier conditions from tier tees.  There are a few easy tee tourneys in there, called "Easy Tee tourney", etc.  Everything else is tier tees, including all the CC tourneys, and WGT tourneys (also in blue font, but I guess you didn't know that).

    I'll tell you one thing though:  All those CC tournaments that I play, from tier tees... NO APPAREL.  Unlike you playing with all the apparel enhancements in your ranked rounds, my rounds (mostly from tier tees) are played with no apparel boosts.  That means YOU are the one playing in easy conditions, compared to me.

    There's one common thing I see with most people who claim the game is fixed:  they don't know how to play.  You, on the other hand, play decently enough, and have enough skill, that there's no reason for you to try to blame the game, say it's fixed, etc.


  • TheDudemeister69
    1,567 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2022 8:17 PM

    Just to put your mind at ease, rawits, I went and played a quick ranked round on PGA National front 9 (the course you've played the most in the past month).  I shot 27, using no apparel enhancements.

    I unfortunately had a headwind on both par 5s... should I think that the game is fixed?

  • rawits
    56 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2022 8:42 PM

    Silly's a Conspiracy Theory...I just want an intelligent human being to admit it's nearly impossible to hit 2 pixels out of 2000 consistently. There has to be built in "gain" on the ding line, and that "gain" one pixel or three could be applied to different algorithms based on Tier, Experience, Playing Devotion, Cost of Kit...or arbitrarily to a selected, or select list of players...

    Anyone who says the "ding is overrated is full of bull...the ding gives the maximum possibility that your pre-shot decisions have the veracity that your brain worked through. Any deviation from ding gives the algorithms (plural) an opportunity to muddle your shot.

    Assuming there's 20 graphic scenarios for a ball contacting the modulating target of the hole...if you pick the right line, and supply "appropriate power"...the ding  gives you at least one point of consistency...How the ball contacts the modulating target, and the ball speed at that point sends the server to one of many graphics arrays, and a random number generator picks one of them as the view you see on the it a miss? Which miss?, The slide by, the lip out, the round the world, the tail off towards downslope, the hang on the rim...?

    Is it a make? Which "make"? the topple in, the slap the back of the hole, pop up an inch, and fall back down, the side door hang n fall?

    Without the ding, you're left with the fact that you have no idea why you missed...was it the line, the power, your misread of slope...or did the random number generator just pick a visual...and paste it in???

    I play a lot of Alt, and PB or WC for a chance at a 27 and a ..01 reduction in my average. I don't use charts, or notes, or windage calculators, the only calc I use are .6 + 1 downhill, .7 + 1 uphill, with a mental adjust for some innate experience for the green...

    Most people say I play a decent enough game to not embarrass myself, and give my partner a chance to shine  Yiannis and I have had one or two stints, even.  Yes it's a I said like Solitaire, only with fancier looking cards that you pay for there should be more points of consistency...not less...

  • TheDudemeister69
    1,567 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2022 11:32 PM

    Anyone who says the "ding is overrated is full of bull...

    I suggest you go watch some of Young46's videos.  He's one of the best and most successful players on WGT.  See if he dings anywhere near 100%, using a high-end ball, then come back and re-evaluate your statement.

    It is difficult to ding in this version of the game (unlike the old Flash version).  It's pretty common knowledge that as long as you hit near the ding, and on the best side, your shot will play out fine.


    I don't use charts, or notes, or windage calculators...

    That is a very strange statement, coming from the guy who said...

    Having spent thousands of dollars, and hundreds of hours mapping clubs and balls for distance and windage...

    Did you spend those hundreds of hours mapping clubs and balls just for fun?


  • Yiannis1970
    3,328 Posts
    Sat, Sep 24 2022 12:00 AM


    Most people say I play a decent enough game to not embarrass myself, and give my partner a chance to shine  Yiannis and I have had one or two stints, even.  Yes it's a I said like Solitaire, only with fancier looking cards that you pay for there should be more points of consistency...not less...

    Then...if you want to raise your ding percentages, play like this:

    Game resolution: 1024 x 768 fullscreen mode.

    Monitor resolution: 800 x 600.

    Afterwards, get back in here to tell us how much better is your ding rate.

    NOONE hits not even close to 40% dings by playing 1080 on a 1080 monitor resolution. I have explained these things a million times. I stop here. There is no other magic or sorcery to hit the ding. There are no secret ding ''margins''. It's all about how you set up your game. I went with this workaround cause i believe ding is the desirable way to play. However, there are many people out there who are playing off ding with quite good results and the reason is simple:

    WGT is not a game where 1+1 makes 2. There are so many factors which prevent a player being perfect on every shot even if he or she hits 100% dings. VEM and various inconsistencies will always be there. So, try to get better with what you have and get...



  • Trent0419
    11 Posts
    Sat, Sep 24 2022 10:01 PM

    I was coming to the forum to post on this exact subject. Most people I’ve talked about it with have been aware of it for so long, they just call it getting WGT’d. In fairness, it works both ways. I’ve had just as many games where I completely mis-hit the ball, only to see it land a foot from the pin. But I bet when that happens, it’s easier for people to convince themselves they really did deserve to land there. Really it’s just made me question how much of this is actually skill and how much is a computer program that’s duping people into believing it’s a game. Definitely a disappointing enough realization to question whether or not I’m willing to waste anymore time and money on it. So I think I’ll compromise and while I probably will still waste some time on it, will never feed it a cent of real $ anymore. 

    Anyone know of other golf games that are actually based on skill? Where what you do is actually reflected in the results? To play on a phone rather than gaming consoles…