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Deliberate disconnections

Sun, Sep 16 2012 2:07 PM (49 replies)
  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2009 4:01 PM

    I guess it will help in avoiding the player who quits a lot

    That's all that matters, Larry. If you're the game host, you'll be able to reject anyone with a suspiciously low reputation tracking who'd like to join your round. I think that might eventually teach them to stop willfully quitting their rounds. (To enable the game host to make these decisions, the players' reputation scores should pop up along with their average scores when their names are suggested as potential multi-player partners.)

  • 5419
    79 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 3:22 PM

    This feature will still require you to complete the game as a single player even if the rest of the group drops out or else your reputation rank will be affected.

    WGT, please explain your position on the match play disconnection and the stroke play disconnection

    Match play you penalize ONLY the disconnector

    Stroke play you want to penalize everyone.

    Seeing that you programmed match play to charge the disconnector ONLY, why did you choose to go the opposite direction for stroke play

    It seems to me that it would have been much easier to program that if you hit the disconnect button, you were the bad guy, and everyone else is released from prison

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 3:41 PM

    MInd-boggling indeed.    It defies common sense, logic, and sense of fair play. If someone had told me 3 days ago that this would be introduced here, I would have laughed and said that was a bad joke to make.

  • 5419
    79 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 3:57 PM

    MInd-boggling indeed.

    played twice today, down to 66

    1---His wheel kept spinning on the first tee. I asked if he was still there, and had no response. No choice but to disconnect

    2--2 minutes ago. Had a very good player with an avg of 72. Beth is not playing to his liking, and at the end of the 4th he is 2 down in stroke play. He hits approach 27 yards, and it goes 44. Ooops, he disconnects. Choice, do I play out or quit. Now I am down to 66. At this rate I should be a zero by sunday, and I will ask GOD to forgive me

  • chipshotcharlie
    538 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 4:03 PM


      WGTadmin, I believe that's a serious mistake you're making. That's exactly what we have been warning you about. Please reconsider and do not implement it in this way.

    If you do what you describe above, the reputation score will be useless. You will be punishing the quitters' victims along with the quitters.

    You see, when I want to play a multi-player game, I want to play a multi-player game, not single-player! Just try it sometimes, WGTadmin: join a dozen random-pickup multi-player rounds (but not as WGTadmin; as a regular-joe beginning player), and I guarantee you all or most of the rounds will fall apart after a few holes played. Do you have the time or inclination to finish all of those rounds by yourself? Nope. That's not what you wanted.

    I believe it would be better to have no reputation scores at all, than scores that would be as seriously flawed and unfair as suggested above.

    Please, when someone is left alone on the course, automatically consider that round single-player, giving that deserted player the option to quit the round without any penalty.

    Thank you for giving this a thought.

    faterson i dont think they gave it a thought.!!!! thx chippy


  • eighteenholes
    10 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 4:12 PM

    Nicely said !

    I had two drop out on me before we reached the first green.

    Reputation meter or not, I disconnected and went directly here to see how this impacted me. I enjoy the comradeship of a multi player round; otherwise I would just play single player rounds. 

  • WGTalex
    2,087 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 4:22 PM

    We appreciate the feedback, and would like to hear more about how you think the feature can evolve to make everyone happy.

    To those who are trying to stay constructive on the topic: thanks.

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 4:37 PM

    ..and this is why there should have been no reputation tracking in the first place.  Those of us with half an ounce of sense could see that there is no way to discriminate between types of disconnections.  Therefore, the only way to penalize is to do it to everyone.  You can finish the round to avoid the reputation black mark.  That's the best that can be done, and even that ends up being pretty silly and tiresome for those who really do just wish to play with other people.

    Perhaps next time people will listen to the 'elite' players of this game in the first place before demanding useless features that take away time and resources for the limited number of staff at WGT to fix other issues and implement more meaningful features.  None of  the top players wanted any of this reputation business instituted. Why?  Because it's sophomoric to playing the game itself, and irrelevant to the host of other issues WGT has to work on. It even states in the FAQ regarding reputation tracking that  "No, your Reputation Percentage will have no effect on your game. It is displayed only as an additional piece of information about all players in World Golf Tour"  . Why bother spending time on issues that have no effect on the game?  There are more important things to be done here than keeping track of something that every single player here is capable of keeping track of themselves with a simple piece of paper and pencil, or just having a decent memory.  Now, no one is going to be satisfied with the system, so it's going to be the colossal waste of time many of us knew it would be.

    As it stands, every moment spent reworking this 'reputation tracking' system is another moment that St. Andrews isn't being worked on, the swing meter issues aren't being worked on, and other new features aren't being worked on. Thanks a bunch.

    Play with your friends, and don't worry about the reputation tracking.  If you've spent any time here in the game at all, you know who is worth playing with and who isn't.  If it's a random game you are after, then I really have no sympathy for what you might end up with.  Random games have random outcomes, some of them being disconnections.  I know, I've played a few hundred of them. I've met my share of bad losers, and I've also encountered some of the best this site has to offer.  C'est la vie. You take the good with the bad and you move on.

    My constructive opinion is to ditch the reputation system altogether and just leave it as it was.  There will always be quitters in this game, no matter the penalty.  Those of us who have been around for a long time have found ways to handle that and go on with the business of enjoying the game.  It's really not that difficult.

  • GolfDum
    396 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 4:51 PM

    I agree 100% with Tibbets and his "points" are right on the money in my opinion.



    701 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 4:59 PM

    Play with your friends,

    Thats what I think.Why keep on looking for a multi-player round knowing that your one bad shot away from being left all lone.Or a really good shot by you, that will run them off too.Thats whats mind boggling to me.I know good and well that when playing with friends it's alright to disconnect to protect the average so why not extend the offer to a stranger.Whats the big deal?
