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Best Ball for the Moiney

Fri, Jun 9 2023 12:34 PM (30 replies)
  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Tue, Jun 7 2022 10:48 PM

    Even more frugal is the Tour-SD @65 cr - it brought me to Legend!

  • Lesthanpar
    1,487 Posts
    Wed, Jun 8 2022 12:40 AM

    It really depends on how much you want to spend for the potential to score better. What I found for me is basically the more a ball cost the better you will score with it on average after you learn it as far as distance control with spin and wind or learn the roll out on a cheap low value WGT ball with little or no spin. You can learn what any ball will do with your clubs if you play it enough. The cheapest ball that has a little bit of distance and spin is the WGT Tour S for 43 credits. The next best one is the Tour SD Alosso mentioned in the previous post which gives you 1 more dot distance for 65 credits. That ball is without a doubt the best of the cheap WGT ones with no feel. There is a huge jump in price to get 1 dot of feel which does help stabilize the meter. It's not so much about meter speed but rather stability. The WGT BXD gives you 1 dot of distance for 10 credits but if you want one dot of feel with one dot distance you will pay 44 credits per sleeve   Same thing for the cheap one dot spin ball the WGT-BES that has nothing but one dot of spin. If you want one dot of feel and spin then you will pay 49 credits per sleeve for that ball. Either one of the 10 credit per sleeve balls play far better than a starter ball for next to nothing. So to add 1 dot of feel to a Tour S ball with a little bit of everything, distance, spin and 1 dot of feel it goes up to a whopping 83 credits per sleeve for a WGT GIS ball.. In addition to the higher price they do not last last long at all, only 1 dot durability making them even more costly. From there the next best ball for cost to me is a Srixon at 180 credits per sleeve. The standard middle of the road ball is the level 33 Cally at 250 credits. It has decent distance spin and feel. I never really liked that ball  though but I did like the level 43 Cally on the flash version. See the level 43 Cally played better than the level 33 because it cost more even though it is the same 250 credits per sleeve it does not have the durability of the level 33 making it more costly which is my long winded point again The more a ball costs the better it will play for you on average so how much do you want to spend? 

  • BogeyOne
    1,988 Posts
    Wed, Jun 8 2022 4:18 PM

    An excellent ball that compares quite favorably with the 33 Callaway and for 100 credits less is the WGT Legend G12-SD2 (Level 30+, Legend+). The stats are:

    Distance 3

    Meter speed 2

    Spin 2

    Durability 1.5

    Cost 155 credits

    I always have some in my inventory.

  • Lesthanpar
    1,487 Posts
    Thu, Jun 9 2022 2:26 AM

    I reread my own post and realized I did not even answer the question lol. I think the level 11 Srixon for 180 credits per sleeve is the best ball for the money. That ball gives you enough distance, spin and feel to control your shots and be on the green most of the time with a decent putt at it. It's all about reading the putts right and making the putts to score anyway. Yes, the level 33 Cally that many say is the best one for the credits does play better but it cost 70 credits more than The Srixon which is significant. As far as the higher end balls most of you are talking about I have not played much. I still have 6 Nike balls I won in club play about 10 years ago. I did try them but when a non premium player like me plays a premium ball they do not know things go wrong lol. I knew I would never play them all the time because of the high cost so did not take the time to learn them. Bang for the Buck for cheap go with the Srixon.

  • Lesthanpar
    1,487 Posts
    Thu, Jun 9 2022 3:14 AM



    An excellent ball that compares quite favorably with the 33 Callaway and for 100 credits less is the WGT Legend G12-SD2 (Level 30+, Legend+). The stats are:

    Distance 3

    Meter speed 2

    Spin 2

    Durability 1.5

    Cost 155 credits

    I always have some in my inventory.

    I played these balls for a short time. The durability is an issue because I did not think they even have 1.5 durability worth of clicks in them. Another problem I had with them is more distance than spin. Try that ball with a tail wind, downhill, down gran on 14 greens no way it will stop. Ideally, I like a balanced ball with the same distance as spin. That is why I liked the level 43 Cally better because it is balanced with 3.5 distance and 3.5 spin. Sorry but I disagree, these balls are a poor value not worth the credits they cost for how they play.

  • Tony08888
    597 Posts
    Tue, Oct 18 2022 4:46 AM

    What ball will give me the best bang for my bucks?


    A lot of good advice here and a lot of good balls that are relatively inexpensive. The question being “best bang for the buck” in my opinion is definitely the Callaway 33. For 250 credits you get 3.5 spin which is a great spin rating with decent rollout, a 3 distance which isn’t bad, and a durability of 2.5. Have to get used to the 2.5 meter though. Its not that tough once you get used to it. A step up from there would be the Taylormade 48 for 400 credits IMHO.
  • Kittykat2017
    673 Posts
    Tue, Oct 18 2022 10:55 AM

    The free one. ;-)

  • Anthony6863
    3 Posts
    Fri, Nov 4 2022 4:37 PM

    I'm a Master at level 78. I feel my golf ball is keeping me back. Right now I'm still playing with a Tour bx at 300. Don't get me wrong its been good to me, but I'm having a hard time sticking the ball on the green. I need something more lively and  close to the meter speed.

    any suggestions ?

  • Tony08888
    597 Posts
    Mon, Nov 7 2022 5:16 AM
    Looking at your equipment, the ball isn’t the issue with a 3.5 spin. All of your clubs have virtually no spin with your irons having only 0.5. Investing in higher spin clubs should help considerably.
  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 1:01 AM

    +100 Tony!

    My rule of thumb is that the levels of major clubs and balls should match for optimal results of using their performance.

    Here, L9 clubs don't match L52 balls at all. Some better clubs (L59 or L69 Pings?) would unfold the ball's performance, and with such one-time investment, Anthony might be able to select a cheaper ball than these expensive "slow meter" Bridgestones.

    Other recommendable changes are a short(!) wedge of 50 or 60 yds, and to drop the Starter 3WD for a third, intermediate wedge.

    It ain't cheap, and it may push you, Anthony, to the next level, so choose wisely, according to your goals.

    Have fun!