Funny how ironic it is that the guy who goes around, attacking me, basically driving me out of the threads, and making nasty comments on member's walls about cheating, and using multiple accounts, has quite a few himself!!!
In fact, this guy has so many, it is astonishing, even some posing as woman. Ever notice, cheaters can be so dumb? He even posted profile pics on different accounts in which he, himself, is in them.
No need to go back and delete them, I already took screen shots. I even got the one with the fake woman pic that was revealed using Tineye.
What was the purpose of having so many accounts? There could be so many reasons he does this. In 2010, he created at least 9 or 10 accounts. Why? Was it for the free balls when referring friends or some other sinister reason? Does it even matter why he has so many accounts? What is the funniest, he goes around posting on other members walls accusing them of having multiple accounts!!
Oh, this guy has also been the cause of many threads having been closed by ICON, going back to 2012. So, all I have to say is:

Isaiah 11:6 (RHE) The wolf shall dwell with the lamb: and the leopard shall lie down with the kid: the calf and the lion, and the sheep shall abide together, and a little child shall lead them