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Tier up to champion

Tue, May 14 2024 11:14 AM (28 replies)
  • Almogk4588
    4 Posts
    Mon, Sep 20 2021 4:57 AM
    Hey guys. Lately I tiered up to tour legend going under 60 average. Since then I played a lot and my average went up and down and now I’m under 59 which I thought will tier me up to champion because I also have more than 750 ranked games. Does anyone know why I didn’t tiered up again and how to do it?
  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Sep 20 2021 10:22 AM

    Hey guys. Lately I tiered up to tour legend going under 60 average. Since then I played a lot and my average went up and down and now I’m under 59 which I thought will tier me up to champion because I also have more than 750 ranked games. Does anyone know why I didn’t tiered up again and how to do it?

    The 750 ranked rounds needed are as a tour legend not in total.  You became TL on the 8th of this month and I know you said you've played a lot recently but I doubt if you've played 750 ranked rounds in that time.

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Mon, Sep 20 2021 2:49 PM

    I wouldn't worry about it too much, though.  With all the easy-tee Kiawah and Wolf Creek tournaments you play to artificially lower your average, I'm sure you'll be a (red tee) Champion in no time.

  • Almogk4588
    4 Posts
    Tue, Sep 21 2021 5:56 AM
    Thank you for answering. That’s exactly the little piece of information I missed. Cool. 👍🏻
  • Almogk4588
    4 Posts
    Tue, Sep 21 2021 5:58 AM
    Thanks for your very uplifting input. Just so you know, it was a general wondering about how the game works. I got my tour legend by merit. Good luck to you as well.
  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Tue, Sep 21 2021 12:01 PM

    I got my tour legend by merit.

    Sure you did  🤣🤣🤣

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Sep 21 2021 12:29 PM tee champions. Gotta luv their integrity and dedication to improving.


  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Sep 21 2021 5:42 PM

    And yet again we have an example of the ego  being so fragile that they resort to artificially lowering their average in order to get a label that they don't actually deserve.  


    If you get there  before you are ready you put yourself in a group that you can never hope to win against.  Or really even be competitive.  

    Anyone with any brain knows this is a stupid way to play. 


    The ego for a label never ceases to amaze me. 

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Tue, Sep 21 2021 7:40 PM

    Like DodgyPutter said, the 750 ranked rounds must all be played from when you advanced to the Tour Legends tier, not from the total RR’s you played from the start of joining WGT. There is also another way of tiering up if you play in the coin rooms but that’s a mystery to most of us on how it works.


    Also play the game the way you want to play, don’t worry about others trying to tell you how they want you to play. This game is all about just having fun, some people just take it a bit to seriously. Have fun and enjoy.




  • pjsbush74
    366 Posts
    Wed, Sep 22 2021 1:46 AM

    The guy only asked a question !! It doesn't take two guys to rip him a new one how he got there you pair seem to answer on every post and not always generous comments. . Worry about your own game before being critical of others