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Replays and Saving Shots

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jul 28 2022 7:50 AM (41 replies)
    293 Posts
    Mon, Dec 28 2020 5:34 PM

    went thru all of my replays today. Have been sending them via Email to myself since 2014.

    All but one worked...

    In the end I only found ONE worth saving and it wasn't by me :(

    Not many times you see a hole in one on PB #1.

    But here it is ...

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2020 12:30 AM


    Think I'll keep all 200 odd of mine to myself after watching that, lol.


  • astoressop
    68 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2020 12:57 AM

    Excuse me, can you tell me how to make the avatar transparent in the application? Thank you.

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2020 1:31 AM

    That should happen automatically if your avatar is between the camera and the flagstick.

    In the flash game you can make your avatar transparent while on the green, but as flash comes to an end today it's hardly worth it.

  • astoressop
    68 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2020 1:53 AM


  • SamSpayed
    4,953 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2020 6:56 PM


    Not many times you see a hole in one on PB #1.

    But here it is ...

    Wow.  That was pretty fricken awesome 😁

  • Dad2147
    1,745 Posts
    Fri, Jan 29 2021 4:24 AM


  • puma1220
    5 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2022 9:12 AM

    Sorry to bump an old post.  I am somewhat new here.  I play on my desktop.  Is there still no way, within game, to save awesome shots?  I saw a WGT post of facebook that was asking folks to upload their favorite shots...What am I missing here...?

    293 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2022 9:22 AM


    Sorry to bump an old post.  I am somewhat new here.  I play on my desktop.  Is there still no way, within game, to save awesome shots?  I saw a WGT post of facebook that was asking folks to upload their favorite shots...What am I missing here...?

    there is no longer an in game option to save replays.

    There are only two ways I know of now.

    1. via OBS replay buffer (I keep mine running all the time, even when NOT playing golf).  

    2. Xbox game bar in windows.

  • puma1220
    5 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2022 10:24 AM

    Thanks for the response.  I am hesitant to put another program on my machine to do recordings.  Crazy it's not an option in game, and even crazier that it sounds like it used to be, but was lost with an "upgrade"...


    Anyway, happy shooting to you!