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Hall Of Fame Tier

Wed, Sep 20 2023 6:55 AM (263 replies)
    6,890 Posts
    Wed, Oct 27 2021 9:34 PM

    The Clash hmmm let me see......It's a "Cash Cow" for WGT nothing more nothing less ...I personally would love to see it "Fade Away"  If it were up to me I wouldn't play one round ... Much better to listen to "The Clash" for 48 hours straight..( And I don't even like The Clash all that much lol)

    The Clash Album Cover High Resolution Stock Photography and Images - Alamy

    Now that being said I have a responsibility as a club owner to Represent ALL of our members the best I can ...Our club is theirs as much as mine  and if members in my club enjoy the clash and like competing... Then I got their backs and I will continue to play the dam thing every 2 weeks and play a fair amount as well (I would guess 35 yo 50 rounds)

    My BIG issue along with many others I've spoke to over the years is, was and always will be the RIDICULOUS cheesy  prize structure !! Absolutely a Joke...from 4th place on down almost identical and CHEAP...WGT makes on TON on these events and gives back probably 2-4% ?

    And the "Big Clash Clubs" (They know who they are) Originally "The Georgian"  who force members to clash hard or risk banishment...Well I will bite my tongue  on my opinion of those type clubs...I don't understand how any "average" member in that type of club would beat his/her brains out playing  endless clash rounds spending a ton of credits on passes and balls ( I realize passes and balls might be being gifted to some) in the hopes of winning the almighty "Golden Goose Putter" (Which I've heard is nothing special when used anyway) for Someone in the club WAY above them in the pecking order. A prize that 90% of the members doing all the work will never see? Has always baffled me.

    I digress ... I realize I got a bit off topic with my clash rant lol

    But I have to agree with the above ...If you wanna "Clash" to your fingers bleed for years on end ..Good on ya! But in NO WAY is that Hall of fame worthy..."Best of the Best" is just that...Aside from exceptions like Casey for example Who in my opinion is a "First Ballot WGT Hall of Famer" who deserves to be in maybe not on his playing and scoring like the top dawgs but on all his selfless work and helping sooo many over the years! And some others for their accolades not their golf play. (Scott Hope comes to mind)


  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2021 7:45 AM

    Well said...

    This did make me chuckle though...

    "First Ballad WGT Hall of Famer"

    I was reading it as Balled until I realized it wasn'

    6,890 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2021 4:38 PM


    Well said...

    This did make me chuckle though...

    "First Ballad WGT Hall of Famer"

    I was reading it as Balled until I realized it wasn'


  • mbcarp99
    1,078 Posts
    Sun, Oct 31 2021 6:49 AM

    I personally believe players from all styles off play should be considered

    Don't get what you mean here,surely we all play the same style, try to get the ball in the hole in as fewer shots as possible

  • Kenbo00
    434 Posts
    Sun, Oct 31 2021 10:09 AM


  • Tabarnak777
    176 Posts
    Sun, Oct 31 2021 5:06 PM


    Personally... if the hall of fame tier does continue. I personally believe players from all styles off play should be considered. 

    Like any professionnal sports, i would like to see standings with various stats and stuff. HoF status is just a decorated medal. Only owners give them. Like the golden putter after a Clash victory.

  • borntobesting
    9,759 Posts
    Mon, Nov 1 2021 4:07 AM

    It saddens me to see that Andyson's profile isn't even on WGT anymore. In my opinion and that of  many other members he should have been the first member of the Hall of Fame tier! 

    I tested something. I searched the forums until I found a post by Dennis and clicked on his name and his profile page loaded but it is not searchable. Why did WGT remove his profile? They have never done posthumously before that I know of. Well I guess they do though because Legendcrusher is not searchable either, But I really think WGT should make Dennis's profile searchable and raise him to Hall of Fame status!

  • pmm711
    5,790 Posts
    Mon, Nov 1 2021 9:39 AM


    It saddens me to see that Andyson's profile isn't even on WGT anymore. In my opinion and that of  many other members he should have been the first member of the Hall of Fame tier! 

    I tested something. I searched the forums until I found a post by Dennis and clicked on his name and his profile page loaded but it is not searchable. Why did WGT remove his profile? They have never done posthumously before that I know of. Well I guess they do though because Legendcrusher is not searchable either, But I really think WGT should make Dennis's profile searchable and raise him to Hall of Fame status!

    How many people are in the HOF now?

  • pmm711
    5,790 Posts
    Mon, Nov 1 2021 9:40 AM


    It saddens me to see that Andyson's profile isn't even on WGT anymore. In my opinion and that of  many other members he should have been the first member of the Hall of Fame tier! 

    I tested something. I searched the forums until I found a post by Dennis and clicked on his name and his profile page loaded but it is not searchable. Why did WGT remove his profile? They have never done posthumously before that I know of. Well I guess they do though because Legendcrusher is not searchable either, But I really think WGT should make Dennis's profile searchable and raise him to Hall of Fame status!

    How many people are in the HOF now?  It’s not even a searchable tier.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Nov 1 2021 10:54 AM


    It saddens me to see that Andyson's profile isn't even on WGT anymore. In my opinion and that of  many other members he should have been the first member of the Hall of Fame tier! 

    I tested something. I searched the forums until I found a post by Dennis and clicked on his name and his profile page loaded but it is not searchable. Why did WGT remove his profile? They have never done posthumously before that I know of. Well I guess they do though because Legendcrusher is not searchable either, But I really think WGT should make Dennis's profile searchable and raise him to Hall of Fame status!

    I don't think WGT loved Dennis the way you and some others do.