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becoming tour Legend

Mon, Jul 1 2024 4:37 PM (76 replies)
  • dennisd567
    10 Posts
    Thu, Jul 23 2020 2:11 PM

    Some Posts indicate tour legend at 500 rounds  as legend and score <60-- I thought it was originally @62- However, I see players @L99 ave 63.xx that are tour legend - How did they become TL?? I am L99 ave 60.xx and still Legend......frustrated


  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Thu, Jul 23 2020 2:21 PM


    Saturation at Legend tier is 500 ranked rounds played at that tier. Par 3s, par 5s, and custom courses do not count toward average. In order to tier up, a player needs to have those 500 rounds and an average of 60.00 or lower. 

    For those who follow the traditional route (i.e. ranked rounds) levels don't matter. Realize, however, that WGT has different criteria for coin players that (in part) uses levels as one of the criteria. 

    Once a player tiers up, his or her average resets with his or her first ranked round played at the new tier. So, a player could tier up to TL, then play a ranked round of 76, and his new average would be 76, even though he is a TL. 

    Averages are calculated only on the ranked rounds within the tier the player currently is at. 

    I hope that helps. 

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Thu, Jul 23 2020 3:09 PM

    Here is the new chart that most people agree is true after the last update from WGT.


  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Thu, Jul 23 2020 3:17 PM

    Nevertheless, the one thing that has continued to confuse players is that "Min ranked rounds"" means minimum at that tier and not overall. A note of clarification to the chart might be helpful.

    Just a suggestion. 

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Thu, Jul 23 2020 5:36 PM

    Great suggestion Robert. Fixed it.



  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Thu, Jul 23 2020 8:21 PM


    Great suggestion Robert. Fixed it.

    That looks terrific! Really nicely done.

  • dennisd567
    10 Posts
    Thu, Jul 23 2020 9:22 PM

    None of the replies answers the question -However, I see players @L99 ave 63.xx that are tour legend - How did they become TL???? ( and I have well over 500 rounds at Legend and will likely need another 500 round to get from 60.9 to 59.9)

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Thu, Jul 23 2020 9:34 PM

    None of the replies answers the question
    On the contrary: Robert's first reply @dennisd567 was exhaustive.

    However, I see players @L99 ave 63.xx that are tour legend - How did they become TL????
    I'm gonna repeat what Robert said:

    1) The level may only have an influence when playing "mobile" games like HTH and "rooms".

    get [...] to 59.9

    2) Misleading number: To become a TL via ranked stroke play, an average of 60.000 or lower is necessary. If a Legend average shows anything like 59.99 or lower, it lacks saturation.

    3) After tier promotion, the average resets and may become higher than before.

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Thu, Jul 23 2020 10:07 PM

    None of the replies answers the question -However, I see players @L99 ave 63.xx that are tour legend - How did they become TL???? ( and I have well over 500 rounds at Legend and will likely need another 500 round to get from 60.9 to 59.9)

    If Robert's and Alosso's answers didn't do the trick for you, let me try. Once you move from Legend to Tour Legend your former average is swept away and replaced by the average score of rounds you have shot as a TL. Then comes the slow climb to 750 ranked rounds and saturation. Hence, my current average as a TL is 62.77. None of the rounds from previous levels contributed to that average. And yes, the trip from 60.9 to 59.9 is as excruciating as a drive across Nebraska in August with no air conditioning. Been there, done that. Both.
  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Fri, Jul 24 2020 5:51 AM

    I hope that helps. 

    Apparently, Robert's explanation didn't help. 

    Robert will let others continue to try. Robert did his best.