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Flash "AFTER" DEC 2020 ....This may work?

Thu, Feb 9 2023 5:54 AM (67 replies)
  • SamSpayed
    4,953 Posts
    Tue, Oct 6 2020 4:36 PM


    Champ just posted that Flash will NO LONGER be playable after December 29,2020.

    You can read about it...


    Well, damn.  All that typing I did for nothing.

    Thanks, Don.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,891 Posts
    Tue, Oct 6 2020 4:47 PM


    6,844 Posts
    Tue, Oct 6 2020 8:36 PM

    It ain't F****** good!!  😡🤬🤬

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Tue, Oct 6 2020 8:47 PM



    Champ just posted that Flash will NO LONGER be playable after December 29,2020.

    You can read about it...


    Well, damn.  All that typing I did for nothing.

    Thanks, Don.

    All we'd discussed just became futile, a waste of time.

    Sorry to hear it really. Devastating... :-(

  • Yiannis1970
    3,277 Posts
    Wed, Oct 7 2020 2:25 AM

    Cmon now guys...don't tell me you didn't expect it. I have posted it several times during this last month. We are all many years in here to understand how wgt works...cmon now!!

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Oct 7 2020 5:13 AM


    Cmon now guys...don't tell me you didn't expect it. I have posted it several times during this last month. We are all many years in here to understand how wgt works...cmon now!!

    I think we all knew a Month and half ago where this was going. We were hoping though.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,277 Posts
    Wed, Oct 7 2020 5:20 AM

    To quote Alosso in Borg mode: We are talking about wgt, hope is futile.

  • giraldin
    3,712 Posts
    Wed, Oct 7 2020 5:48 AM

    I am totally inept when it comes to computer language, but I think that following this thread might help me

  • lexmarkz33
    8,662 Posts
    Mon, Oct 19 2020 9:28 AM

     I just took a look at the new version WGT game. And frankly if that is the only option for playing thhis game I won't be playing. The new version is grossly inferior to what we have now. It is not realistic and very cartoonist by comparison. And not worthy of my time for playing. However I will attempt to convert the Caddie to be used with it.

    Fortunately, there will still be a way to maintain the current way we play the game:


  • lexmarkz33
    8,662 Posts
    Mon, Oct 19 2020 9:28 AM

     I just took a look at the new version WGT game. And frankly if that is the only option for playing thhis game I won't be playing. The new version is grossly inferior to what we have now. It is not realistic and very cartoonist by comparison. And not worthy of my time for playing. However I will attempt to convert the Caddie to be used with it.

    Fortunately, there will still be a way to maintain the current way we play the game:
