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Why is this game freezing all the time?

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jun 29 2023 9:11 AM (48 replies)
  • RUSTY40
    255 Posts
    Tue, Nov 24 2009 2:26 PM


    If I keep the menu (chat function) dropped down during match play it  has yet to go blank and freeze up. Once I accidentally tried to see the hole by hole score; as soon I went out of chat and tried to access the menu the drop down was blank and the freeze started. The problem seems to be in that top left section overlay. 


  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Tue, Nov 24 2009 2:29 PM

    Did you sent an in game bug submission.  If not please do the next time. You may be on to something.

  • RUSTY40
    255 Posts
    Tue, Nov 24 2009 3:05 PM

    I tried that. It comes up blank

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Tue, Nov 24 2009 5:48 PM

    thanks for trying we will look into it further

  • coonass62
    1 Posts
    Tue, May 4 2021 7:32 AM

    This freezing issue isn't just in match play . It's in head to head play also . And yes my system is more than meets game requirements so don't try that crap . Fix the damn problem .This issue has been there since the last game update and gotten worse . WGT want everyone to think it's on they side and not take action to fix the issue , they still laughing all the way to the Bank . 

  • terencehill3
    978 Posts
    Fri, Jun 23 2023 6:36 AM

    this game is freezing badly today - 23.06.2023

  • Yiannis1970
    3,277 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2023 1:09 AM

    Let's add one more useless/ignorant/whatever post to 25.091 of yours to make them 25.092. It's free, no? Why not then?

    I wonder about your posting rate if you would be taxed every time you spread nonsenses on this forum.

    The main issue here in 99% of the cases is WGT's poor servers. After all these years you haven't  learned a thing about how this game works but you keep spreading misinformation to anyone like this one:


    ''The game freezes for essentially the same reasons that it did way back in flash .

    One is a weak internet or wifi service on the players end .Probably the most common''

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2023 7:31 AM

    I think it freezes because it forgot its' sweater...however, I may be over-simplifying it.:)