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Free Credits Videos

Fri, Aug 18 2023 7:37 AM (66 replies)
  • AlaskanDame
    19,769 Posts
    Mon, Feb 10 2020 8:28 PM


    passive/aggressive?  no,  unadulterated sarcasm. ............


    Same mega-multiple restarts needed by me, too, to eventually get 150, whether I reset Ad I.d, or not.  On both iPad and iPhone, which have got to be a couple of the mobile devices most used worldwide, not some esoterica owned by only a few.  While the advertisers may have pushed for the limit, it is a WGT message I get that says, “No videos currently available,” until I finally have 150 after the multiple restarting irritations, and then WGT says, “We are unable to find additional videos.”  Then I know another restart would be useless.  TG!  Obviously, WGT programmers prepared those statements, knowing the two different circumstances that would come up regularly.  

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Feb 10 2020 8:58 PM

    I get my 150 a day no problems, but i have always had to restart after 8 videos, i have read numerous posts about resetting ID which i have done countless times but still have to restart after said amount. 

    It might be a geographical thing?

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 9:30 AM



    I get my 150 a day no problems, but i have always had to restart after 8 videos, i have read numerous posts about resetting ID which i have done countless times but still have to restart after said amount. 

    It might be a geographical thing?


    also turn off "limit ad tracking"


  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Fri, Feb 14 2020 9:24 AM




    I get my 150 a day no problems, but i have always had to restart after 8 videos, i have read numerous posts about resetting ID which i have done countless times but still have to restart after said amount. 

    It might be a geographical thing?


    also turn off "limit ad tracking"


    Done all that, it’s never bothered me having to reset.

  • Tony08888
    641 Posts
    Fri, Feb 21 2020 9:53 AM


    I've also found a few things that help on an android tablet on the mobile wgt game.

    1. Shut the wgt mobile app DOWN/OFF.

    2. Go to Settings; Go to App Settings; Go to the wgt App; 

         Clear the wgt App Cache; then  Do a Force Stop; 

          Back out of the wgt App to Settings; and go to the Google item in the Account group;

           Open the Google item,  Select the Ads item in Services;

           Select the "Reset advertising ID" item, Select  "OK" , replacing your advertising ID

            Close SETTINGS window,  Open wgt App, SELECT "Free Credits" on wgt app main page.

    This has allowed me to continue to view videos & get the credits.

    I agree with the comment abofe about the reset time being 7pm UTC which for me is 12 noon MST , sometimes it sems to be about 10 or 15 minutes late...??? who knows ?

    Works for me. Been getting the allotted 150 credits regularly.

    Someone said the vid "system" was down later this afternoon, I don't know?

    All that for another 150 credits? Wow


  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Sat, Feb 22 2020 3:56 PM

    150 a day “free credits and people still complain, i don’t play much now but still collect my allocated amount, just sit there in the evening watching tv for the 15 minutes it takes.

    If you to want more them, the excessive amount we were all getting was good while it lasted. 

    Things have changed, their still giving you the option to play for free.

  • bossbird
    2,254 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2020 12:40 PM

    Personally I think a restriction is a good thing , just think 150 a day is a bit low , when running a club , wanting to make prizes available in tourneys or reward members with occasional balls , as well as own balls and passes for the turf wars and clashes . But it depends how much one wants to play , I know I now only play free WGT tourneys . 

  • pdiehm
    307 Posts
    Tue, Mar 31 2020 4:01 AM

    I also play TAP sports baseball which has a 500 video limit at 5 gold per video.  That said, you cannot access their game on an emulator, so the only way to do it is to manually click though the videos.

    I did reach out to WGT and pass along that idea about making it unable to be ran on an emulator, and instead of having a credit limit, put a cap on the videos (maybe make it 500 videos a day for example) because the reality is, people aren't playing as much because the 150 credits a day isn't enough to continuously purchase balls to play, let alone to upgrade equipment, and even if you increase it to mirror tap sports for example, it's still likely not enough to purchase equipment, and will take a few days or cash to do so.  

    I definitely like the inability to run the game on an emulator though, not sure how that gets set up, but it is something to think about.

  • twinponds169
    3,052 Posts
    Tue, Mar 31 2020 11:40 AM

    Are they just a bit late today in releasing the pittance? Thought it normally turned over at 2 PM Eastern time. Then again, never had this much time on my hands to notice.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Tue, Mar 31 2020 12:42 PM

    It’s because the good ‘ol USA loves to make everything more complicated than it needs to be and several years ago changed it’s Daylight Savings dates to be different than Europe. WGT bases all of its times off of Greenwich Mean standard time. 
    Add on top of that the fact that the EU was debating on getting rid of DST altogether and it’s even more complicated. North America “sprung” forward a few weeks back and the EU was supposed to do it this past weekend ... but (???) it seems either they are not doing it anymore or WGT just didn’t update something.
    Long story Short the 2pm EST Reset time is currently 3pm EST. Similarly the Consecutive Days reset has been at 8pm EST for a few weeks rather than the usual 7pm EST.