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WGT Desktop Early Access for Mac

Sat, Nov 25 2023 10:05 AM (290 replies)
  • NeilDootson
    9 Posts
    Thu, Oct 5 2023 10:10 PM

    I would try to reload the game because as of today October 5th at 1:00 a.m. here on the east coast of the United States I am running 10.13.6 on my Mac and after a week of the game not loading for some reason tonight it loaded the game update looked slightly different than it has for the last week and it caught my eye so I said hold on this looks different sure enough the game loaded I couldn't believe it


  • madpat2012
    11 Posts
    Thu, Oct 5 2023 11:40 PM

    Mine loaded yesterday bur getting launcher error today

  • NeilDootson
    9 Posts
    Sat, Nov 18 2023 3:31 PM


    It's finally HERE! Download WGT in Early Access for Mac! 

    This release is the most current so all features are the same as the Windows version. 

    Be sure to let me know any feedback you have and any issues you encounter. 

    Please keep all feedback and issues in the WGT Desktop Early Access Forum. 



    Good Evening..

    I know the post that I quoted was from 2019 but I needed to comment on something in the post that you said ( and please understand this is NOT directed at you , I am actually coming to you for advice as it seems NO ONE else seems to be questioning the most recent UPDATE Nov 15th 2023 / Early Access. 

    In the quoted post you mentioned how WGT continues to do what is neccesary to make the game available to all its members.

    "We’re actively working on and adding to the standalone version and will be making regular updates to bring over the missing features as well as add new features and improvements. It’s important to us that this new standalone game is at least as good as our Flash game has been for many years. Most importantly, we want YOUR feedback to help make this the best version of WGT."

    This brings me to my ( as well as countless thousands of others who just dont speak up) issue. In September of this year 2023 the game was updated and ALL MAC USERS using MAC OS 10.13.6 and below were NO LONGER able to play the game we love so much. (There remains an undeterminable amount of WGT GAMERS out there who have older MACBOOKS which due to the age of the MAC and Model CANNOT be updated past 10.13.6 which is High Seirra I happen to be one of them) 

    so on September 26th of this year 2023 I was told "Sorry we dont support your OS anymore youll have to update to a newer OS...Oh so thats the solution?? after YEARS of PLAYING THIS GAME as my #1 form of decompression and stress relief after a long day at work I now basically have to go buy a new MACBOOK if I want to continue playing??? Flash forward to OCTOBER 5th 2023, just for the hell of it I try to load the game to see if by some miracle something was done about the countless number of MAC USERS complaining about the issue.....WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT WORKED ! WE HAVE OUR GAME BACK !!!! HORRRRRAYYYYYY!

    dont get too excited, here we are less than 2 months later and the September 26th "WE DONT SUPPORT YOUR OS ANYMORE" nightmare is back with a I contact WGT supportvia email and....Want to take a guess what Im told? 


    Correct me if I am wrong, but it takes all shapes and sizes from every walk of life, rich poor etc to make a particular movement what it is, right? 

    My point is us little guys who cant run out and just buy a new MACBOOK to be fortunate enough to continue playing this game we love so much helped catapult WGT to the GREATEST VIDEO GOLF GAME ON THE PLANET, the same way that everyone who is still playing today did....It is ENTIRELY, COMPLETELY, NOT EVEN DEBATEABLE WRONG, WRONG , WRONG , WRONG. that thousands of us are going to have to take a seat on the sidelines and watch because our OS is no longer updatable and or because we cant magically pull 1000$ out of our pockets to buy a NEW MACBOOK..


    in closing AGAIN this is NOT directed at you in any way shape or form, you just so happened to be the moderator who spoke the words that fueled the fire... Im sure there are plenty of poeple you have to answer to as well.

    So for myself and for ALL THOSE OTHERS OUT THERE who dont know how to stand up for themselves and are just going to take this sitting down like "Oh well it was fun while it lasted" I / WE ASK YOU TO PLEASE DO SOMETHING or PUT THE BUG IN THE EAR OF THOSE WHO CAN DO SOMETHING to get us our beloved game back...

    your post said you wanted our input...I speak for all of us MAC USERS who just got booted off the platform due to a NO LONGER UPDATABLE OS


    thnk you for your time and your understanding in this matter

  • garyk49
    2,329 Posts
    Sat, Nov 18 2023 9:11 PM

    Now you are running into the same things us windows users ran into, with older non supported (by Microsoft) OSs, or older outdated equipment, why Apple doesn't do the same thing is beyond me.  You have an OS that was created in mid 2017 probably running on a computer that is even older tech. then that. 

    Don't buy prebuilt and pay an arm and a leg for.  Get the satisfaction of building your own the way you want it built, it is not that hard.  You will probably be able to use some of your older parts (if not that old).  Case, power supply to name a few and only have to purchase what you absolutely need to.  

    I can tell that you have never been a gamer, as you would have had to update or replace your Mac a number of times to play current titles of games.   As updating is easier said than actually doing, if you could even get current titles for a Mac.

    Search the internet on how to build and it will probably also list some sites to pick your parts from.  Good luck with that. 

    I used to run a single computer on 98, then had to switch to XP and then again to Win7 and now run 4 on Win10, mainly because of End Of Life for the OS's.  These people can't just keep writing code to make an older OS continue to work.  Get a Microsoft pc and try to run this on some of the older Microsoft's OS's, it's not going to happen, no matter how much you want it to.  You can't even run some of the new PC games without a more up to date video card, and those games change every 3-4 years.

    On a side note, I did some searching around and it's much easier to upgrade a PC then it ever would be with a Mac.  You can't even update the OS is some cases on a Mac.  In most cases a souped-up Mac is more then likely actually running PC hardware.  I call PC's anything other than a Mac.

  • RamJamSingh
    4 Posts
    Mon, Nov 20 2023 4:57 AM


    As I recently posted following the November 23 update  I was again getting music, a grey bar with WGT but an entirely black screen as was also the case in October 23 with the last update which was eventually fixed.

    I am running an upgraded 2009 Mac running High Sierra which I can't update. I guess there are lots of us. I am getting the same via Steam.

    Does anyone know if anything is being done for us High Sierra users on Mac's or are we no longer able to play. 




  • NeilDootson
    9 Posts
    Mon, Nov 20 2023 6:23 PM


    Now you are running into the same things us windows users ran into, with older non supported (by Microsoft) OSs, or older outdated equipment, why Apple doesn't do the same thing is beyond me.  You have an OS that was created in mid 2017 probably running on a computer that is even older tech. then that. 

    Don't buy prebuilt and pay an arm and a leg for.  Get the satisfaction of building your own the way you want it built, it is not that hard.  You will probably be able to use some of your older parts (if not that old).  Case, power supply to name a few and only have to purchase what you absolutely need to.  

    I can tell that you have never been a gamer, as you would have had to update or replace your Mac a number of times to play current titles of games.   As updating is easier said than actually doing, if you could even get current titles for a Mac.

    Search the internet on how to build and it will probably also list some sites to pick your parts from.  Good luck with that. 

    I used to run a single computer on 98, then had to switch to XP and then again to Win7 and now run 4 on Win10, mainly because of End Of Life for the OS's.  These people can't just keep writing code to make an older OS continue to work.  Get a Microsoft pc and try to run this on some of the older Microsoft's OS's, it's not going to happen, no matter how much you want it to.  You can't even run some of the new PC games without a more up to date video card, and those games change every 3-4 years.

    On a side note, I did some searching around and it's much easier to upgrade a PC then it ever would be with a Mac.  You can't even update the OS is some cases on a Mac.  In most cases a souped-up Mac is more then likely actually running PC hardware.  I call PC's anything other than a Mac.

    Thank you for youre response it is very much appreciated (for real Im not being sarcastic) I wasnt aware that Windows Users experienced the same dilema, now that I do know I dont feel so alone meaning..with the exception of a few random responses here and there, it seemed as though MO ONE could even provide an answer as to why for one this was going on and for two how to correct the issue. 

    As for myself NO Iam NOT a GAMER. I just play WGT as an escape from bringing my job home with me after work. ( not that this matters anymore or less than anyone elses reasons for playing what ever game they love, enjoy, or count on for relaxation) Im a full time Substance Abuse Counselor in a city ( probally similar to most inner cities in the US now ) overrun by the Heroin Fentanyl Epidemic. Everyday its another death, another client put to the streets because their insurance ran out, so on and so forth. I changed my life 25 years ago and have pretty much dedicated my life since then to helping as many others change theirs as humanly possible. Might sound wicked corny but when i discovered WGT and started playing it helped ease the non stop anxiety and constant thought of who's wake and funeral Id be attending next. there was just something about this game that made me focus on something other than my job. Shortly after I started playing I had the same passion for the game I had for my job and looked forward to going home to play as opposed to the earlier feelings of not wanting to go home and stress out with no outlet. 


    Back to the game, so my MACBOOK is a Late 2009 Model and CANT be updated any further that 10.13.6. Ive researched a ton of videos and have read probally even more articles on how to by pass Apple's "Sorry but your system doesnt meet the requirements to update any further" 

    When this happened 2 months ago with September 26ths update 9 days later on October 5th WGT obviously went back and changed something allowing god knows how any of us to be able to play once again. If they did it then they can do it now. I dont understand why they would want to exclude any member let alone countless members who love and support their game. Now I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but I know enought to know that they have a simple solution to this to allow all of us to continue playing and it ISNT SUGGESTING WE PURCHASE A NEWER LAPTOP/PC with a more up to date operating system.


    again though for real thank you for your response Im GOING to loook into what you suggested. At least you took the time to respond. I mean Ive gotten a ton of texts from alot of people I play with experiencing the same thing but I DONT see ANY OF THEM asking the right questions to the right people...matter of fact most all of the them are just like I said earlier "WELL IT WAS FUN WHILE IT LASTED" lol that just not in my DNA

  • NeilDootson
    9 Posts
    Mon, Nov 20 2023 6:26 PM



    As I recently posted following the November 23 update  I was again getting music, a grey bar with WGT but an entirely black screen as was also the case in October 23 with the last update which was eventually fixed.

    I am running an upgraded 2009 Mac running High Sierra which I can't update. I guess there are lots of us. I am getting the same via Steam.

    Does anyone know if anything is being done for us High Sierra users on Mac's or are we no longer able to play. 






    Hey my friend Im in the same boat with you. same 2009 MAC same 10.13.6 High Sierra, Ive been asking them as moany questions as possible and getting very little in return except what they said 2 months ago when it happened the first time

    "Sorry our platform no longer supports 10.13.6 youll have to update your MAC OS"



    so frustrating, keep asking questions buddy maybe twell get ebough people to make them correct the issue like they did last month

  • SamSpayed
    5,001 Posts
    Fri, Nov 24 2023 11:10 AM

    Now I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but I know enough to know that they have a simple solution to this to allow all of us to continue playing and it ISNT SUGGESTING WE PURCHASE A NEWER LAPTOP/PC with a more up to date operating system.

    As a former IT professional for many years, I could write a couple paragraphs on why you're wrong about this, but I'll try to keep it brief instead.  The IT world has changed a lot since your Macbook was released in 2009.  Your Macbook is no longer supported by Apple.  Apple ended support for macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra in January 2021 - over 2½ years ago.  

    It's time to buy a new computer or tablet if you want to continue to play WGT.  Nothing lasts forever in the IT world (and that includes apps like WGT).  Apple doesn't support your OS.  WGT doesn't support your OS.  There is no "simple solution" (as you put it) to allow you to continue playing WGT on an obsolete Macbook.  Be happy you got as much life out of it as you did, and move on.  It's Black Friday weekend.  I'm sure there are plenty of good deals to be found on a new computer or tablet.  Good luck.

  • garyk49
    2,329 Posts
    Sat, Nov 25 2023 2:57 AM


    Sam, I hope your post makes them understand better then my post did, as I seemed to fail at it.  Thanks to Neil for sort of understanding.

  • BlackBogey
    488 Posts
    Sat, Nov 25 2023 6:52 AM


    so frustrating, keep asking questions buddy maybe twell get ebough people to make them correct the issue like they did last month

    @SamSpayed pretty much summed it all up better than I can, but look at it this way - WGT announced 2 updates ago that they would no longer be supporting your OS.  Then, they somehow made the programing effort to give you one more window of gameplay, and that should've been your cue to start thinking about upgrading.  That's it, you've already had your "one free do-over", and they aren't going to spend the efforts to re-write code, or keep older iterations of older code active, just to cater to what has to be an infinitesimally small percentage of users who can't/won't upgrade from 2009.  

    As Sam also pointed out, it's Black Friday/Cyber Monday/holiday season and there are plenty of great deals on electronics going on right now.  There is always Amazon/Facebook Marketplace/OfferUp, etc...  I just recently picked up a Core i5, 16gb ram, Windows 11 laptop on OfferUp for about $200.  It is plenty to run the game on and will keep me up to date for a few more years to come, but I realize it will one day become obsolete and I'll have to upgrade once again sometime down the road.