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Upper tier Putters!

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Mon, Oct 26 2020 7:41 PM (62 replies)
  • Julius0007
    52 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2019 10:00 AM

    I have taken note that many of the best players on WGT use the Odyssey Sabertooth Putter M1 L-98 with precision 5.4,  forgiveness 4.5, and 5.0 meter speed. 

    I was also hoping to attain this putter while moving up the tiers, but unfortunately WGT decided to abandon this putter and in its place came up with the Titleist Scotty Cameron Phantom X 6 Putter M1 and M2 (same putter, price, and abilites but one M1 and the other M2), which has precision 5.4, forgiveness 4.5, and meter speed 5.0 for 5,095 coins. When I reached Level 98 I immediately bought this putter and obviously thought I would gain even a little more accuracy and ability in my putting game....however, it was immediately apparent that this putter was some kind of joke (I am a mobile player and have been since I began in 2017, and a 10 in all my abilities, which definitely includes putting). This putter was so inaccurate and had 0 precision....worst putter I ever acquired. I spent hours on the putting green trying to get some kind of positive response from this putter, but it was absolutely horrible. In defense of WGT they responded to my complaint of introducing this putter under false pretences and should be ashamed of just trying to make a quick buck from upcoming tiers....they took back that loathsome piece of equipment and reimbursed me my 5,095 coins. 

    Now getting back to my main reason for writing to you....why does WGT introduce this putter at level 98 and also introduce at a higher level the Taylor Made Spider X Putter M1 level 101 for a cheaper price (4,695 coins) with less abilities (precision 5.2, forgiveness 4.0, and meter speed 4.7)....this makes absolutely no sense....there is no rhyme or reason for their decision making as you improve your tier in the putter category!

    Can someone please make some sense of this so I can at least somewhat understand what's behind this logic, because I am completely stumped!

    Thanks to anyone that responds!

  • MGB01
    1,469 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2019 12:55 PM

    at 1,700 putts in your career i wouldnt say you have much experience in what would be a great putter or medium putter....i can only imagine when you tried the phantom putter that you never made any putts so assumed it was a bad can buy the best money can buy but unfortunatley it wont read the break for you.......all the top end putters are only as good as the person using it........your putting stats dont seem a 10 ranking like you suggest but maybe someone else would say different...

  • jacktrade51
    10,922 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2019 1:16 PM

    Now getting back to my main reason for writing to you....why does WGT introduce this putter at level 98 and also introduce at a higher level the Taylor Made Spider X Putter M1 level 101 for a cheaper price (4,695 coins) with less abilities (precision 5.2, forgiveness 4.0, and meter speed 4.7)....this makes absolutely no sense....there is no rhyme or reason for their decision making as you improve your tier in the putter category!

    Isn't it obvious?  They introduce one club at a higher price and a similar one at a lower price a few levels higher.  WGT is trying to make money, and they have done that across multiple putters, drivers, and iron sets consistently.

    Trying to be more useful, putters are really a matter of feel and confidence.  Price and level are less important than thinking you can make the putts with it, whatever it is.  I know players much better than me that are still happy with their level 77 putter.

    I used free rental on Sabretooth multiple times.  I never liked it.  A few weeks ago, I used free rental on Scotty Camerson with exact same stats.  I bought it.  It's not logical; it is what worked for me.  But I still haven't sold back the old Nike putter.  I reserve the right to change my mind.


  • TopShelf2010
    10,881 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2019 1:32 PM


  • DoctorLarry
    4,276 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2019 3:30 PM

    I see some good answers and replies above to your post.

    I will add that I played the Red Spider putters on the way up (including the L94 you now have), and they did well.  I got the L98 Phantom when I got to L98 and it does just fine as well - just a bit better specs than the other putters, for me.

    I don't recall any of my higher-end putters ever missing a putt on their own - it was always a mis-read or mis-hit by me.  Occasionally I got lucky and had a mis-hit counteract a mis-read enough to make a putt!

    WGT has a lot of options and variations in equipment - so the player has to choose what is important to them (and what they can afford!).  Rentals and advice can help, but I have not been disappointed with anything that I chose after some review.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Nov 9 2019 1:01 AM

    It doesn't matter what putter you have as long as you get use to it.

    Good players still have the starter putter as have been said,  so they like it.

    The 1st Putter I got many moons ago was the Daytona Rossa,  that was very good.  I have the Odyssey Versa #1 black putter (L70)  now and that is very good too.  I like the 30,60,100 scale as I got use to the Avatar movements on the meter scale to judge the distance.  

    So basically,  stick to one putter and learn how to use it


  • DufferJohn7
    3,563 Posts
    Sat, Nov 9 2019 4:01 PM

    I came up the levels using the Versa putters. If I remember correctly L30, L70, and L96. When I reached L98 I picked up the Titleist Scotty Cameron. Like the OP for about 2 weeks my putting went in the toilet. Then I started to learn how to use it. So after losing ground my current putting percentage stats are now the best they have ever been. 

    You have to give it time and make the effort to learn how to best use any new equipment. The club isn't magic.

    Have fun and hit em straight,


    PS: Still keep the L96 Versa in inventory just in case. LoL

  • bossbird
    2,196 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2019 2:07 AM

    Julius0007, I absolutely agree with your experiences with that top notch scotty phantom , I rented it for free during the free rentals weekend , got on ok , so bought it. Worse decision I ever made just didn’t perform at all like the rented one , which wasn’t actually any better than my lvl 101 red spider. I too was grateful WGT took it back and refunded my coins , now on , if it ain’t broke I won’t fix it. I am happy with all my clubs , and no longer see any improvements can be made. 

  • BOZskills
    395 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2019 6:16 PM

    Julius,i think all the replies made good sense and i agreed with them all,so i'll try your last question about the stats of the higher level putter don't seem to be as good as the lower level and more expensive one . Imo, it would be because of the different putting styles. The TMx would seem to be an off ding putter. Just a guess.

  • flatstick96
    208 Posts
    Tue, Nov 12 2019 10:36 AM

    I used the starter putter until L55, where I got the Daytona, which I then used until I got to L98.  When I got to L98 I couldn't wait to try the sabertooth; I rented it immediately...and HATED it.  Did not buy it, stuck with my trusty Daytona (which, to this day, I think was the best "bang for buck" in the entire pro shop).  

    After that, every time I played against someone with the L98 sabertooth I would ask them about it, and the answers were almost universally: "I didn't love it when I got it, but after I got used to it, it's great".  

    So when a free rental weekend came around, I rented it again, and played with it A LOT over the next few days - and as I got more used to it, I could see what they were talking about, so I ended up buying it (with the post-rental 10% discount, of course - I'm cheap).  I still didn't sell my Daytona, but I went ahead and used the sabertooth for a few weeks, and I pretty quickly realized I liked it so much I'd never pull the Daytona back out of the bag.

    Point of all of that is to say: just because you don't love a putter immediately doesn't mean you won't eventually come around and fall in love with it once you're more familiar with it.  Next time there's a free rental weekend, try it again before you write it off completely.