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Welcome to WGT Early Access!

Fri, Jan 3 2025 9:29 AM (1,423 replies)
  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2019 5:31 AM



    Putting is totally different. Someone will have to make a new tutorial on how to putt with this version. Reading breaks and speed is not at all like the flash version. It would be nice to see the hole as the putt goes hopefully towards it, not to watch it go in but to see how bad it missed lol.

    The one thing that's going to add a few strokes to every round. :-(

    Avatar putters are going to suffer, no question. I'm so strict with that method-10 years doing it that way-that I am totally clueless when I face ANY kind of putt on the new version. It's like back to Grade 1 on the greens.

    To make matters worse, I don't see a PutterPal  even though I said I wanted it. Not sure what's up with that yet but I'm seeing my personal fix as one where, on the PC version, I equate avatar moves to the PP. Looks like the PP is going to be a standard now.

    This is the meter scale off Kat's, if its any help to players

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2019 5:33 AM


    This is the meter scale off Kat's, if its any help to players

    I'm putting it over the PC Meter to mark down the % for my marks. Then I put it over the new app

  • Robbob1970
    114 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2019 6:08 AM

    To all you PC players


    You'll need to go and buy a WUTTER for Early Access version

  • Ezzy123450
    209 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2019 6:31 AM

    In an Unlimited tourney, a "Restart" button would be useful.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2019 6:53 AM

    I'm putting it over the PC Meter to mark down the % for my marks. Then I put it over the new app

    I suppose that would work IF the meters were the same size but mine aren't. 

  • pcastleberg
    1,449 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2019 7:38 AM

    In general I have found each line to be 10% with an additional line at 75% and 25%.  One extra line at the bottom for whatever reason....right before you get into the dark blue.  

    I've found this to be quite reliable in hitting distance.  I play mobile all the time and my playing on this version of PC has proven to be the same.  

    Hope that's helpful.  Just take whatever your rated distance is and multiply the % by your clubs rated distance to get the distance it will hit. 

    Putting is a whole different story because of green speeds but that straight forward approach works for all other clubs on full shots.  Just don't forget to figure wind and elevation. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2019 7:47 AM

    In general I have found each line to be 10% with an additional line at 75% and 25%

    I don't have a problem with figuring out what values to assign to the scale, I'd just like to figure out how to get it.  :-)


    *edit, Duh, go to PC and equip it. Problem solved.  :-)

  • Twistedspinetre
    68 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2019 8:23 AM

    Hello WGT Champion.

    It was with trepidation that I downloaded the early access version and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. My view is that the changeover will go well. The developers should be congratulated. 

    Overall the feel of the game is still distinctly WGT, although many will no doubt pine for the flash version when it is gone like an elderly person leafing through an album of sepia-tinted photographs.

    I don't know if it is deliberate or not but the putting dots are slower (I reckon by about 50%), this enables the player to get a more accurate read of the break once adjusted for.

    The main improvement I would like to see is the facility to bring my charts to the front without having to minimise the window.

    I would agree with many of the comments here in particular, increasing the ding size whilst reducing forgiveness and a larger wind direction indicator.


  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2019 10:41 AM


    I'm putting it over the PC Meter to mark down the % for my marks. Then I put it over the new app

    I suppose that would work IF the meters were the same size but mine aren't. 

    Its adjustable. right under the image