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WGT Early Access for PC

Sun, Nov 5 2023 12:56 PM (1,507 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,657 Posts
    Mon, May 17 2021 7:28 AM


    Please WGT give us the option to turn the caddie off. And also the possibility to remove balls from our inventory, too many crap balls in there won, gifted by WGT, in tournaments.



    I didn’t realize they removed the option to delete balls from our inventory 

  • borntobesting
    9,657 Posts
    Mon, May 17 2021 10:35 AM

    If there was an option to delete balls  . I should have used it then

    There was that option in the flash game. When you moved your cursor over a ball there was an X to the right of the ball click on the x and that ball type was deleted. 

    293 Posts
    Mon, May 17 2021 11:07 AM

    I agree it is "waste" but it is virtual waste.

    I don't see the problem.

    Is this a problem that is worth solving?

    Not like you really have to carry them around the golf course.

    Are they in your way?


  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Mon, May 17 2021 11:14 AM

    Please WGT give us the option to turn the caddie off.

    Yes, yes and yes please.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, May 18 2021 8:30 AM

    If you just want to burn up balls but don't want it to really affect your game then can do this. this is especially effective if you still need levels.


    equip a crappy ball and go to Chelsea room. play in that room and basically just hit the ball around and let the other person win every time.


    Then watch the video at the end of the match also.

    Chelsea is so cheap can lose a thousand of those and only be down 500k in coins.



  • Bowl64
    3,099 Posts
    Tue, May 18 2021 12:42 PM



    Please WGT give us the option to turn the caddie off. And also the possibility to remove balls from our inventory, too many crap balls in there won, gifted by WGT, in tournaments.



    I didn’t realize they removed the option to delete balls from our inventory 

    They must have because i haven`t seen any option to remove them. Same goes with the bleedin "rewards" or whatever they are called, can`t remove them either. Millions of balleffects i`m never going to use.

