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people chipping.pitching,punching on greens

Thu, Aug 18 2022 11:03 AM (66 replies)
  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 2:52 PM


    Well, the cry babies got to wgt.  WGT  changed the use of wedges on the greens, with this last update. Android users beware, there is no longer any use of backspin on the greens, and so far, Apple users aren't effected, at this time. 

    not surprising if true.

    it was going from a situational thing to 5-10 people using the shot on just about every putt greater than 6 feet.



  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 4:04 PM

    So how is using a wedge, on the green, any different than, those that use calculators, rulers, and charts, to play the game.   They are all tools to improve your performance, are they not.  A wedge shot, isn't something magical that works every time, those that use it, took the time to learn and use it, maybe just as good as charts and rulers.  

  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 4:07 PM

    to play a wedge on green

    double distance

    ie if 25 hit 50

    cannot use spin wgt dont let you

    need to adjust for wind tho


  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 8:29 PM


    So how is using a wedge, on the green, any different than, those that use calculators, rulers, and charts, to play the game.   They are all tools to improve your performance, are they not.  A wedge shot, isn't something magical that works every time, those that use it, took the time to learn and use it, maybe just as good as charts and rulers.  

    Not sure anyone disagrees with that - I guess WGT just decided to "protect" their greens?

    Never did get an answer - did they stop mobile from using a wedge on the green or just from applying backspin?  I know you can still use a wedge on green on PC - just never could use backspin on PC.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2019 8:35 PM

    Yes they stopped the backspin on android, but as of now you can still use it on Apple.  Yes, they found out that all those divots, in the virtual greens, we're costly to repair every night !  

  • juDAVEst
    569 Posts
    Wed, Oct 30 2019 6:13 AM

    Well I'm still using my Wutter and I'm on Android .....just needs some tweeking here and 12 and 13 are proving to be hard .....but I'm pretty confident I will get it sorted ....also I think it will be easier to do the shot with no back spin .....btw I'm the guy who invented the name WUTTER least I'm pretty sure I did .....wedge plus putter equals WUTTER.....GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE WHO WUTTS !!!!!

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Wed, Oct 30 2019 7:55 PM

    also I think it will be easier to do the shot with no back spin

    I think not.

    You can map out carry distances (I have for PC) but the ball will not slow or stop as with BS.

  • juDAVEst
    569 Posts
    Wed, Oct 30 2019 11:32 PM

    I know that but my friend I'm starting to get them going in now again ......even 28ft 2in downhill's all abt compensating .....and I'm pretty good at helps....joking apart I reckon by abt January I will be as good as I was with BS!

  • juDAVEst
    569 Posts
    Thu, Oct 31 2019 12:37 AM

    It's abt turning a 20ft putt into a 3ft won't be easy I agree but watch this space!!!!

  • kingovthegypsies
    31 Posts
    Thu, Oct 31 2019 9:00 PM
    Apple users are now affected, thought it was technical glitch, asked WGT, so far no response, knew I should have checked the forum. Thanks for the info 👍