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2018 Andyson Memorial Bracket Eliminations

Sat, Oct 13 2018 7:24 AM (207 replies)
  • twinponds169
    3,024 Posts
    Tue, Aug 21 2018 9:23 PM
    21 Aug

    twinponds169 defeated chookie15 in a 9 hole match play game on CONGRESSIONAL C.C.

    Had a great time playing with Chookie who gave a great effort and more than held her own. Thanks for a fun game Lee!

  • darek2
    1,879 Posts
    Tue, Aug 21 2018 10:37 PM
    aaaaaaaaah , to bad i missed , & to bad last champion dont have automatic entry too., but always I enjoyed , and gr8 memorial
  • garyk49
    2,327 Posts
    Wed, Aug 22 2018 9:57 AM

    Shedite(as a replacement for my original opponent) just had a walk around Congo.

    Started out with Dennis kicking some of my putts away as Bill took a 1 up lead.  Dennis decided to leave me alone and I was able to get back to AS, before I took a 2 up lead.  Hard fought Bill got me back to only 1 up and that is where it ended on the 9th hole.

    Gary wins 1 up

  • Shedlite
    917 Posts
    Wed, Aug 22 2018 11:04 AM

    and a well deserved win it was well played Gary was a pleasure to play good luck rest of tournament :o)

  • drmoose
    3,535 Posts
    Wed, Aug 22 2018 12:48 PM

    Been tryin' diligently to get my match in with Duda51, but he's shown no activity since the 18th. If any of his CC mates in the Transgressional can get a hold of him, have him PM me( or wall post) so's we can set 'er up.

    Doc :)

  • Bowl64
    3,099 Posts
    Wed, Aug 22 2018 12:54 PM

    Just played Chuck (hyrus), very nice bloke and i had a flying start good enough to secure me a win. See you out there Chuck :)))


  • hyrus
    291 Posts
    Wed, Aug 22 2018 12:56 PM

    Bowl64 vs hyrus    Bowl64 wins 3 up

     Bjorn came loaded for bear and I was 3 down in 4 holes, thank goodness the rest of the game was uneventful or I would have really gone down in flames.

         A great player and a good fun game but I was way outmatched. 


  • wmkyle
    438 Posts
    Wed, Aug 22 2018 4:00 PM

    I sent a messaged out to TWOMINUSONE about our upcoming match play and he sent a message back saying he couldn't make it.  Hopefully to hear a respond back from someone on who to play.


  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Wed, Aug 22 2018 4:16 PM

    Just wanted to pop in and say the spirit of Andyson was out on the real course today helping me line up my putt.  Didn't make that for bird, but did tap in for par.   :) 

  • Buddbirdie
    496 Posts
    Wed, Aug 22 2018 7:43 PM

    I sent two friend notices to ROMAX.  No reply so far.