After a record 256 teams (512 players), 16 weeks of competition and 73 folks added to the honour roll, from friends that they touched and made an impression on, enough to want to remember them!
We have a winning team woo hoo!
Kev1075 & Quincy2003
Awesome road to victory! Some amazing games played in great spirit of our remembered WGT friends!
I'm sure they were all looking on with a smile on their faces!
I want to thank all the players, the CEverett Team past and present, the sponsors, WGT and all of the folk that helped make/create a very special memorial to honour our friends.... That's pretty darn cool.
With deep gratitude and affection.
Its just a game till you know a light will never go green again

"Special thanks to all our donors! You provide the icing on the cake for our draw!

Wgt Nico for his work in keeping the thread front and center
Johnny (WigerToods2010) graphics god!
Nigel (Wutpa) Sheets whisperer!
Tom (TomCarioca) The polishing producer to make sure it is fun for the viewer!
Missylynn77 For just being Missy and always having our backs :)
Sean (Donkey8798), Akatiger74, Marv (Marvelous523), Chris (Amateur4sure), Hikmet (HKharroubi1), Tim (CousinZeke1) For their eyes and advice!
Topper (Ranger1988) & Carl (Bader76) For advice and well wishes!
My Broseiden for helping write the mission statement and setting the tone!
It takes a whole village to put on a production this size and it has been my joy and privilege to have worked with you all!