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WGT, the most polite sports video game ever?!

Mon, Nov 20 2023 2:22 PM (85 replies)
    16 Posts
    Thu, Jul 12 2018 9:28 PM

    It's something that I take fro granted until my son looks on while I'm playing a H2H match.  It's not a sure thing, but generally speaking, the overall etiquette and sportsmanship displayed by players is unlike any other game, ever, that I can think of.  My son agrees, we can't imagine any other game, sports games or otherwise, where your competitors are so congratulatory and respectful like WGT golf.  I know it's golf and it reflects the etiquette displayed in the real world, but it's a video game... that's very uncommon!

  • borntobesting
    9,756 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2018 9:08 AM


    It's something that I take fro granted until my son looks on while I'm playing a H2H match.  It's not a sure thing, but generally speaking, the overall etiquette and sportsmanship displayed by players is unlike any other game, ever, that I can think of.  My son agrees, we can't imagine any other game, sports games or otherwise, where your competitors are so congratulatory and respectful like WGT golf.  I know it's golf and it reflects the etiquette displayed in the real world, but it's a video game... that's very uncommon!

    You haven't played some of the players that I have played. True most are respectful but there are some who take nasty to new heights. 

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2018 9:10 AM


    It's something that I take fro granted until my son looks on while I'm playing a H2H match.  It's not a sure thing, but generally speaking, the overall etiquette and sportsmanship displayed by players is unlike any other game, ever, that I can think of.  My son agrees, we can't imagine any other game, sports games or otherwise, where your competitors are so congratulatory and respectful like WGT golf.  I know it's golf and it reflects the etiquette displayed in the real world, but it's a video game... that's very uncommon!

    Yes you will find that players for the most part are very mature and respectful people . But in time you will also encounter players who are the complete opposite . So when that happens please dont take offense because we all arent like that .

     Welcome to the game and glad that you are enjoying it . Play well and have fun . :-)


  • newcastleb
    1,813 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2018 11:28 AM

    And remember, if you are unlucky enough to get one of the truly horrid ones, take screen shot(s) of the chat and report them to WGT who do act on such reports


  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2018 12:17 PM

    Trust me, there are jerks, I’ve come across women players, and they’re nasty.  Some just take the game too seriously, and can’t handle losing. 

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2018 1:53 PM

    Real women, or G.I.R.L.s? (guys in real life)

    And remember, if you are unlucky enough to get one of the truly horrid ones, take screen shot(s) of the chat and report them to WGT who do act on such reports

    +10, and tell the offenders about it. Encourage them to talk freely after stating that you will certainly submit the evidence!

    (may be a show stopper though ;))

    16 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2018 9:09 PM

    "GIRL's", Hahahaha  I've played plenty of female avatar players or players with "Babe" profile pics, that are surely guys... but whatever.  I haven't found there to be a distinction between the poopers, between the genders.

    I have definitely encountered nasty players, but it's rare.  I'd say like 1 out of 50. That's incredibly rare for a competitive, multiplayer game.

    From some of the nasty players I get cursed out, threatened, etc. This doesn't bother me. The worst for me is when a nasty competitor is facing a loss and they continue to intentionally miss 1 ft. putts for like 8 times, sometimes even shutting down and re-booting just to cue the reconnection screen. This can eat up 10-15 minutes sponsorship time.

    When I've encountered those shenanigans, it's always been from a middle eastern player (Pakistan, Egypt, India, etc.). Not stereotyping, but that's the case... and I find it amusing considering it's probably from regions where real-life golf isn't a common commodity therefor golf etiquette probably isn't expected.

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Sat, Jul 14 2018 11:50 AM

    Real women, or G.I.R.L.s? (guys in real life)

    I have played with several of these who have said that a lot of guys clean up their act if they think a female is present.

    And there is the occasional female who plays  as a guy to avoid being hit on.

    All types are out there, but most are truly considerate and polite.

  • JasCooper
    528 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2018 11:49 AM

    Really? Try playing as a female. I’m one of those G.I.R.Ls (didn’t know there was an initialism for them). I’ve never seen such a bunch of condescending, sexist pigs. WGT should have its own ‘Me Too’ movement.

    And I just have a female avatar. My profile photo is Butters from South Park. I play as a female to make it easier to see when it’s my turn (since fewer females than males in the game). Well, maybe that and better clothes...

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2018 12:22 PM

    Well, maybe that and better clothes...

    LOL, there's a place for cross dressers and transgender players as well... the game doesn't discriminate... 

    I have done the same thing in the past to help remind myself in coin games when you are up, but that was before all of the sponsorship gear and custom avatar features that can now be used. 

    I asks a couple women in my old club if it was offensive to them and they mentioned they would prefer I play as my male avatar.  I respected their wishes because we also played in AS games together on the desktop.  

    Since the changes to mobile... I have only come across one player that was dressed identical to myself that I timed out on because I wasn't sure it was me... before that it was a little more confusing at times.  Whatever brings even the slightest bit more enjoyment to the game though seems reasonable.  Even if it is a silly avatar, sometimes I would just rather view the female avatars than watch my old salty self like avatar swing a club... so I can get why people would enjoy a different view from time to time...