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Question for the members

Sun, Jul 26 2020 9:49 AM (140 replies)
  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Wed, Jul 11 2018 3:27 PM

         First, a Cheat only cheats himself.

         I do not care what they use.  I use my mental ability (or not), and experience in a given situation to arrive at a plan to acheive a desired result.   Some might call that cheating because of an experience factor that I have and they do not.  So be it.

         I consider who it is, their tier, level, equipment, number of rounds played, and their length of membership.  If a person is playing a great deal better than those indicators imply, I will remind myself of this whenever this person is in a group I want to join, or is trying to become a member of a group I am in, and do not play this person.

         All sports are a contest.  Some will treat it as a way to enhance their given lifestyle and will do anything necessary to reach that end.  Others will treat it as it was meant to be, a contest between peer groups to determine a champion, based on given rules of behavior.

         It all boils down to what each player considers what constatutes unfair advantage.


    My Nickle.

  • dacrash
    465 Posts
    Wed, Jul 11 2018 3:44 PM


    I am referring to  a 18-20 mph wind coming in at 8 0 clock with 12 elevation from 187.   Working that shot out would be feel but i know some will put that info into a chart and get an answer.Is punching info into a chart and receiving  an answer on what to hit actually gaming?

    Is that player actually playing the game??

    if you dont do any math in your head/calculator/spreadsheet how do you determe what club and how hard to hit it?

    In this game and in real life, math is needed to know how far to hit a shot, what club to use.  So, if doing math by any means is cheating, then every professional player is cheating when they determine how to hit a shot.

    My opinion is that if a player needs help doing the math, then they should get it.  Has nothing to do with abilty to play game, its a real life issue.  I hate making change.

    Do the math, then feel and experience come in, just because you get a number from head or machine it doesnt mean it is correct in the game.  VEM will always cause a player to have to play by feel more than math.

    This is a computer game create by math.  As with any game some people play better than others.  You know that there are professional gaming competitions.  Those players just like pro athletes are better than others at the game.  Someone will always be better and someone will always complain when they cant keep up.

    Cheaters manipulate the game physically.


  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Wed, Jul 11 2018 4:25 PM




    Play someone on a 30 second timer .(Shame we can't go lower than 30 seconds.) Then you will get an idea of how fast their mind works. Some players need  time to work out a shot via spread sheets and rulers some can simply rely on memory 90% of the time and guess the other 10%  . I

    I am with Yannis. The difficulty in this game is dependent  upon you doing everything in your head. Take that away and it becomes a game  of gadgets  !!  

    Hopefully for the last time, if you're doing something (anything) in your head, they you are not playing by feel at all.  

    2x2 = 4 on a spreadsheet

    2x2 = 4 in ones head

    I am referring to  a 18-20 mph wind coming in at 8 0 clock with 12 elevation from 187.   Working that shot out would be feel but i know some will put that info into a chart and get an answer.Is punching info into a chart and receiving  an answer on what to hit actually gaming?

    Is that player actually playing the game??

    I would submit that as soon as you say to yourself well...12 / 3 = 4 yards +/- distance..then you aren't playing by feel.  

    As soon as you go well...if it was 20 mph at 9:00 I'd aim 2 full aimer boxes then adjust about 1/2 of a 1/2 because it's 8:00 not 7.5 o'clock (exactly half of the wind effect)...then you aren't playing by feel.

    If you don't do any of that in your head well then a cheers and a tip of the cap to you.  :)

    If you do, then you don't play by feel and by extension you are playing the exact same way as a player who types that information into a spreadsheet to get an answer.  Doesn't matter if the math is mental or not, the method is the same.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, Jul 11 2018 6:57 PM


    I am referring to  a 18-20 mph wind coming in at 8 0 clock with 12 elevation from 187.   Working that shot out would be feel but i know some will put that info into a chart and get an answer.Is punching info into a chart and receiving  an answer on what to hit actually gaming?

    Is that player actually playing the game??

    That's my point, Tess.  I have been guilty of doing that until I saw Ujj play and that opened my eyes. Don't get me wrong we have had our differences, and I am not trying to suck up, but the man can play the game as it was intended to be played. Like I said earlier Wontanamo also plays that way, along with Fmags , icon, Bollox, and many others. They are true Champions. 

    So anyone who uses theses helpers scores well, and dares to compare themselves to these guys makes me sick. 

    It was when I saw a ruler to set the spin dot on the ball, I said WTF, when is this crap going to end. Well, it didn't end there I heard of a stopwatch being used to time the dots.


  • Nancy1959
    7,065 Posts
    Wed, Jul 11 2018 10:14 PM

    In this game and in real life, math is needed to know how far to hit a shot, what club to use. 

    Not true at all for me.  I've never used charts, never used notes.  I do simple math in my head for approximate putting distance but that is it.  Geez, I don't even use shot pal or putter pal, LOL!

    I play by feel and memory.  I only move the arrow on drives and on the rest of the shots, by feel, I hit left or right of the meter to combat the wind or break on greens.  The only exception is severe winds or severe breaks where I do a combination of the two because hitting far left or far right of the meter isn't enough. But there is no math involved for me when I do that.

    It works for me and I enjoy playing the game.  For me, I wouldn't enjoy it at all if I had to refer to charts or notes, or get out a calculator for any shots.

    I'm not the best player on WGT, but I can usually hold my own playing the way that I do.  I certainly don't care if others play with all the math equations, timing the dots on the green, etc.  It's just not for me.

  • alosso
    21,040 Posts
    Thu, Jul 12 2018 12:20 AM

    In this game and in real life, math is needed to know how far to hit a shot, what club to use. 

    Not true at all for me.  I've never used charts, never used notes.  I do simple math in my head for approximate putting distance but that is it.

    I beg to differ. It's safe to say that ev1 does estimation (math) and comparison (math) for each shot, IRL and here.

    For each drive, we have to estimate where we want it to land, and what we have to do to achieve that. "Is that bunker in my landing zone or outside?" = length comparison.
    On a golf course, I aim at the furthest left "good" spot and rely on my built-in fade to land the ball further right. (I never hit draws with driver ;))

    On the fairway, if >250 yds away from the next obstacle, it's safe to play a 3WD for transport. Closer to the green, we compare the distance with our "chart memory" - I7 or PW? will make a difference.

  • Ezzy123450
    209 Posts
    Thu, Jul 12 2018 9:58 AM


    Using excel, wind direction, rulers, etc. is cheating for sure.  everyone who uses them should be banned, flogged, and whipped.

    Only "True" golfers should be allowed to play this computer game.

    In fact, I think using a computer to play this game should be considered cheating.

    p.s. not putting on the green is a bannable offense in my book

  • thesupernova
    7,331 Posts
    Thu, Jul 12 2018 2:49 PM


    I am referring to  a 18-20 mph wind coming in at 8 0 clock with 12 elevation from 187.   Working that shot out would be feel but i know some will put that info into a chart and get an answer.Is punching info into a chart and receiving  an answer on what to hit actually gaming?

    Is that player actually playing the game??

    Forget it Tess.

    Most understand  the point that you are making


    Some can't think   outside the box.

    Actually they can't even find the box.

    Reminds me of this City Slickers Clip


    Mitch (Billy Crystal is explaining  (without success) how to use a VCR.

    Finally the character (Played by Bruno Kirby)

    Says forget it! 

    it's been 4 hours

    The cows can tape something by now !


    Reminds me  of this scenario 2 dimensional thinking 


  • lonniescott711
    4,183 Posts
    Thu, Jul 12 2018 3:45 PM

    If you do, then you don't play by feel and by extension you are playing the exact same way as a player who types that information into a spreadsheet to get an answer.  Doesn't matter if the math is mental or not, the method is the same.

    There is a big difference in thinking for yourself and using an instrument to think for you . There is a very big difference between using your brain and using a spread sheet .When we say playing by feel , we mean that we dont use any gadgets or anything other than our brains to play the game . No rulers spread sheets calculators or anything outside of our human abilities is used to play the game .

    Everything we do or figure out is all done mentally . From club and shot selection to distance judging and ball striking .Nothing to help us other than by memory and by what we are thinking . That is what it means to be playing by feel .

  • Nancy1959
    7,065 Posts
    Thu, Jul 12 2018 4:09 PM


    In this game and in real life, math is needed to know how far to hit a shot, what club to use. 

    Not true at all for me.  I've never used charts, never used notes.  I do simple math in my head for approximate putting distance but that is it.

    I beg to differ. It's safe to say that ev1 does estimation (math) and comparison (math) for each shot, IRL and here.

    No, that's what I'm saying.  I don't do that.  I aim and hit.  I typically play 9 holes in 10 minutes.  The only mental calculations that I do in a game is a quick head math on greens to estimate the approximate distance for the putt...nothing very exact and still mostly by feel (totally by feel on breaks with no mental math used).   I rarely ever move the arrow on any shot.  Everything else is just by feel.  So you "begging to differ" is irrelevant, LOL!