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Daily Motivation

Mon, May 13 2024 9:18 AM (1,973 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Mon, Oct 8 2018 9:26 AM

    Monday, October 8, 2018

    On this very day

    Right now is your only opportunity to live this one-of-a-kind day. Fill its moments with purpose, experience, feeling, wonder, kindness, and love.

    Remind yourself how fortunate you are to be here, now, alive, aware, and able to make a difference. Share your good fortune by offering the best version of yourself to everyone you encounter.

    Choose not to waste any of today’s precious time on things that bring you down or on matters that don’t really matter. Keep your focus on the beauty, on the goodness, on all you love.

    Don’t rush ahead, don’t fall behind. Embrace each moment as it arrives and work to fulfill its unique opportunities.

    The richness of your life does not live in some distant time or faraway place. It is here, now, ready to be experienced and expressed.

    Step boldly forward and connect with the great value that is yours to live on this very day. Realize who you are, what you have, everything you can do, and be inspired to put it all, right now, to great use.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Tue, Oct 9 2018 12:09 PM

    Tuesday, October 9, 2018

    Make a difference

    The fact is, you can make a difference. Will you, today?

    Even if no one notices, even if no one understands, even if no one seems to care, you can make a difference. You can give the world a persistent nudge in a positive direction.

    Sure, you could choose to skim along the glossy surface of life, and add to your stash of meaningless sensations. Or you can stop, dig in, and do the difficult, often thankless work, to make a difference.

    Next time you pass a mirror, pause, take a look, and ask yourself, what do you really want to be doing with your life? Do you want to just upload pretty pictures of your face, or would you rather look others directly in the eyes and see the difference you’ve made in their lives?

    There’s no such thing as a life well lived if it’s lived only in your narrow self-interest. Go beyond merely posing as someone who cares, beyond just voicing support for all the proper, impressive causes.

    Find a way, your own special way, to make a difference. And do it.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Wed, Oct 10 2018 8:18 AM

    Wednesday, October 10, 2018

    Let life get to you

    Let life’s wonder and beauty draw you in. Let life’s mystery and possibilities excite you.

    Let life’s challenges generate fresh enthusiasm within you. Let life’s goodness inspire you.

    Let life get to you in a way that is positive and energizing. Whatever the moment offers, let the brilliance, the love, the hope shine through.

    Draw new strength from each experience. Find new respect, understanding, and compassion with every encounter.

    Whether the day is stormy, or sunny, or somewhere in between, you have good things to do with it. Be motivated by what you see, what you feel, what you know, to give your best.

    Open yourself anew to the wondrous experience of being alive. Let life get to you in a way that invigorates you into giving your best.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Thu, Oct 11 2018 11:58 AM

    Thursday, October 11, 2018

    Realistically hopeful

    What has happened, has happened. What you think about it, what you feel about it, what you do about it, that’s all up to you.

    There may be ample reasons to feel despair. Even so, you can make the choice instead to be hopeful, and realistically so.

    True hope is not an empty fantasy. It is a decision you make about how you intend to move forward.

    Being realistically hopeful is being ready and willing to support your hope with your persistent efforts, your attitude, your commitment and priorities. Realistic hope is always possible because the situation will change, and your hope can influence the direction of that change.

    Hope is much more powerful than a mere wish for things to get better. Hope energizes you to do the work that will make things better.

    The world at times can lay great difficulty upon you. Meet it always with the power of real hope, and let that hope push you to transform each challenge into new achievement.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Sat, Oct 13 2018 1:01 PM

    Saturday, October 13, 2018

    Play an active role

    When you come upon an opportunity, take it. When you discover a problem, solve it.

    Play an active role in life each day. Get up, get out there, get busy, and get things done.

    Make use of your energy and you’ll have much more of it. Put forth a little enthusiasm, and you will quickly feel that enthusiasm began to grow.

    Join in without waiting to be invited or persuaded. Offer your action, your advice, your understanding, your kindness.

    Keep yourself interested, informed, involved, and positive about making a difference. Always there is something good and worthwhile that you can do.

    Life moves fast and is filled with richness. Move along with it, and add your own unique efforts and expressions to the richness.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Mon, Oct 15 2018 7:30 AM

    Monday, October 15, 2018

    Embrace now as it comes

    Embrace now as it comes, live it fully, and you will always have it. Even after the clock and calendar have moved on, you will still have the experience of living this day.

    So live it well. As the hours pass, let them find you doing what you love, what you believe in, what makes a difference.

    Find joy in the simple moments as well as in the grand undertakings. Feel the warmth, taste the richness, notice the detailed texture as you move through it.

    There’s no need to rush, and no cause to linger. Every experience is worth the time, and every time brings a worthwhile experience.

    See the value in now as it comes, as each day flows from one situation to another. Act upon every opportunity to enrich your life and your world.

    Forever add the value of now to your life by living it fully while it is here. Accept, allow, embrace, experience, improve, and enjoy, right now.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Tue, Oct 16 2018 11:26 AM

    Tuesday, October 16, 2018

    Celebrate what is good

    Celebrate what is good. Appreciate what is right with the world, what works well, what contributes positive value.

    You would not get through the day without a whole lot of things going right. Take a moment to remind yourself of the good fortune you normally enjoy without even thinking about it.

    Much more often than not, your phone calls go through, your internet connection works, and the lights come on when you flip the switch. Just those three highly reliable services add great value to your life, and there are many more.

    Yes, your seat is cramped and the flight is thirty minutes behind schedule. However, for a modest price you can safely travel to the other side of the world in just a few hours, and that’s pretty amazing.

    There’s much to be repaired, much to be improved, many things that fail to go right, numerous disputes to be resolved. Yet there’s a whole lot more that works very well, and adds greatly to life, time after time.

    Do your part to appreciate, support, protect, and preserve all the good things in life. Though you have the luxury of taking them for granted, you certainly wouldn’t want to be without them.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2018 9:02 AM

    Wednesday, October 17, 2018

    The changes come

    Opportunities arise, equipment wears out, people change jobs, new products are introduced. You can be certain that in ways large and small, on a personal level and on a global scale, things change.

    Tomorrow, next month, next year, will all be different than today. And being dismayed, resentful, or angry about the changes won’t make them go away.

    A much more effective strategy is to pay attention, to accept that the world will change, to adjust and adapt and make positive use of changing conditions. You cannot stop life from changing, yet you can work within those changes to make them for the better.

    Not every change is positive, yet you can always find a positive response to whatever the change may be. Most of the world’s changes are beyond your direct control, yet you do have much control over the way your own life changes.

    Change is going to happen. So make the commitment in every moment to find new ways that you can do the very best with all those changes.

    You can’t stop change but you can work to make it good, and thrive on it, and help others to do the same. Every day the changes come, and every day is your chance to give life even more meaning and value.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2018 11:50 AM

    Thursday, October 18, 2018

    Enjoy the unenjoyable

    Getting out of a warm bed into the cold morning will be uncomfortable. Yet you’ll quickly adjust, and will in fact be thankful and satisfied about getting an early start on the day.

    Introducing yourself to that new person will be a little awkward. However, you’ll soon have a new acquaintance whom you’ll enjoy knowing.

    Whatever you know you must do, go ahead and do it. Stop wasting your time and energy putting it off or overthinking it.

    You may not get it perfect, yet you can get it done. It may not be the most pleasant experience you’ve ever had, but you’ll certainly survive.

    And in fact, the more unpleasant it is, the better you’ll feel when you get it over with. So go ahead, do yourself a great big favor, and get it done.

    Jump out of that bed, make that dentist appointment, write that report, hop on that exercise bike, and get it all behind you. Enjoy getting the unenjoyable stuff done, and discover there’s nothing that can stop you.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2018 8:30 AM

    Friday, October 19, 2018

    Choose the best thoughts

    Build on the thoughts that serve you. Let go of the thoughts that don’t.

    Every action begins with a thought. So choose the thoughts that lead to the most desirable, useful, productive, successful actions.

    When a negative, limiting thought such as doubt or dismay appears, you can choose to make it disappear, to replace it with something else. If the negative thought should come back, you can kick it out again.

    Changing the thoughts in your mind requires no physical effort, no long waiting period, no specialized skill. All that’s necessary is your intention to do so.

    Think of a dark blue convertible driving along a winding, mountainous coastal highway just after sunset. If reading those words can change your thoughts, so can your own intention.

    Your thoughts are continuously amplified by your actions into your experience of life. Choose the very best.


    — Ralph Marston