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Daily Motivation

Fri, May 10 2024 11:07 AM (1,972 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 11:42 AM

    Saturday, October 20, 2018

    Know exactly why

    How do you motivate yourself to take action? By being clear about the benefits of doing so.

    How do you push yourself to get up, get going, and get the work done? By being brutally clear about the negative consequences of not getting it done.

    If you don’t see the point, you’ll grab any excuse not to make the effort. When you understand in detail why you must act, you will act.

    In any undertaking, there will be plenty of challenges. Don’t add to the challenges with your own apathy or reluctance.

    Look beyond the effort and picture what it will achieve. Envision the satisfaction of doing purposeful work, of making a positive difference.

    Immunize yourself from all the excuses. Know exactly why you’re doing it, precisely what it will bring, and you’ll be eager to do whatever must be done.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2018 8:20 AM

    Monday, October 22, 2018

    Magnificent existence

    Most of this hour’s breaking news will be forgotten by the end of the day. Don’t let yourself get pulled in by all the urgencies that really have no meaning.

    Step back, breathe, and remind yourself of who you are. Connect your thoughts and feelings to all you truly love, to those things that actually matter.

    There are plenty of people and companies who profit from keeping you distracted. But you don’t have to participate in the bargain.

    Turn away from the glittering, meaningless freebies and shallow dramas that eat your time and numb your spirit. Fix your eyes and your awareness on the authentic beauty that is your life.

    Focus on the possibilities for creating real richness. Engage yourself in the satisfying challenge of making a meaningful, positive impact.

    Honor the magnificent existence in which you are immersed. Live each moment with substance, love, generosity and real meaning.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Tue, Oct 23 2018 8:55 AM

    Tuesday, October 23, 2018

    Bold and positive imagination

    Let yourself imagine something wonderful. Then imagine yourself making it happen.

    Think of an experience you’ve recently had, and imagine what would make it better. How can you imagine making it more positive, useful, productive, or enriching?

    Reality is what it is, and at the same time is subject to immediate change. Allow bold and positive imagination to drive that change in your life.

    You can imagine away the limitations. Then, inspired and informed by imagination, you can successfully transcend those limitations.

    You can imagine a whole lifetime’s worth of fulfilling, beneficial scenarios. Then, you can imagine practical, workable ways to bring what you imagine to life.

    What do you desire most for your life, your community, your family, your world? Dare to imagine it in rich detail, and let the power of your imagination push you to make it happen.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Wed, Oct 24 2018 9:26 AM

    Wednesday, October 24, 2018

    Great satisfaction

    Eating a decadent helping of junk food feels good for about thirty minutes. Avoiding the junk, and sticking to a regimen of healthy, nutritious food keeps you feeling good all the time.

    Making an impulse purchase of something totally unnecessary feels good, maybe for an hour or two. Avoiding those impulses, being financially responsible, knowing you can meet your obligations well into the future, feels good all the time.

    The demands of living with discipline and responsibility may often seem burdensome. Yet if you were to abandon that discipline and responsibility, all areas of your life would suffer greatly.

    Yes, life imposes a burden. The question is, will you willingly accept that burden and work to thrive within it, or will you run from the burden and thereby allow it to crush you?

    Give yourself a life you can look forward to, not a life you must look back upon with regret. Feel good now about making the choices that will continue to keep you feeling good.

    You can be strong, you can be diligent, and you can work with persistence to make life good in spite of its many burdens. Give yourself the great satisfaction of giving to life your best.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Thu, Oct 25 2018 8:47 AM

    Thursday, October 25, 2018

    Depth of experience

    Just because you’ve journeyed once to a particular destination, doesn’t mean you fully know and understand it. Go there again, and again, and you develop an ever deeper knowing and connection to the place.

    Just because you’ve been through something once, doesn’t make you an expert on it. Depth of experience, built through repetition, can be just as important as breadth of experience.

    If you require a surgical procedure, you prefer a surgeon who has done that same procedure thousands of times. You prefer a pilot who has logged thousands of hours flying the same kind of aircraft you’re on.

    The second time you read a good book, you’ll gain new insights you never considered during the first reading. Sometimes the best new activity is an old activity, experienced at a deeper, more mature, informed, and thoughtful level.

    The experience of living is more than just a superficial checklist to be completed. It is a wondrous territory to be explored, widely and deeply.

    Don’t be so eager to see it all, know it all, do it all, that you rush from one thing to the next, failing to find meaning in any of it. Instead, give love, commitment, nourishment, and depth to each experience, and rise to ever-higher levels of richness and fulfillment.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Fri, Oct 26 2018 12:53 PM

    Friday, October 26, 2018

    Failure is easy

    Failure is easy. All you have to do to fail, is nothing.

    Failure is easy, yet it can result in a life that is very, very hard. If you take the easy way out too often, soon you can end up with no good way to go.

    But a long time before you get to that point, you can vastly improve your trajectory by reminding yourself of this. The easy way is almost never the best way.

    It’s tempting to let the little things slide, to blame your troubles on others, to avoid speaking up, to put off effort until later, and later, until it never gets done. But you deserve more from yourself, you deserve better, and so does all of life.

    The easy way is not the way of the unique, creative, kind, caring, and purposeful person you are. You are equipped for decisive, effective, positive action, and capable of persisting in that action to reach the highest goals you can imagine.

    Turn your attention away from the easiest choice and fix your focus, your energy, your commitment on the best, most enriching choices. Do the difficult work to live the good and fulfilling life that is your destiny.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Sat, Oct 27 2018 9:11 AM

    Saturday, October 27, 2018

    Going to be great

    What’s about to happen is going to be great. As each moment of life unfolds, tell yourself that, again and again.

    You can expect whatever you choose to expect. So choose an expectation that will raise you to your most effective state.

    Before every encounter, before each task, each experience, repeat the affirmation to yourself. This is going to be great.

    Your positive expectation will not magically cause events to line up in your favor. What it will do is improve your confidence, increase your energy, and direct your focus to the best possibilities.

    Expect great things and you’ll see opportunities for making great things happen. Get in the habit of making the best out of whatever comes your way.

    Keep telling yourself that this is going to be great. And give yourself a powerful, positive advantage in meeting every situation.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 11:32 AM

    Monday, October 29, 2018

    You can do this

    You can make this happen. You just have to commit yourself fully to it.

    Before you start, make sure the goal is authentically yours. Being meaningful enough to you is what makes it reachable by you.

    The path to your goal is filled with challenges. Yet you’ve worked through countless challenges before, and you can do it now.

    Decide today that you’ll get it done, whatever it takes. Persist in your actions for as long as you must.

    If you’re not making any progress, be eager to adjust your approach, to improve your strategy, until you find what works. Then take what works and go with it, with everything you have.

    Good, solid, focused work is what will transform possibility into achievement. You can do this, so get going now and make it happen.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Tue, Oct 30 2018 7:49 AM

    Tuesday, October 30, 2018

    Feeling great

    If you’re feeling down, ask yourself this question. What specific positive action would make you feel better?

    Push the negative thoughts out of your mind by thinking of ways to move forward. Focus your thinking on all that you love and on creating the best of what can be.

    You don’t have to automatically think or feel a certain way just because something unfortunate occurred. You can decide for yourself how you want to feel, then think the thoughts and take the actions that will get you there.

    It’s not nearly as difficult as it might seem. Once you make the intentional choice to feel better, you can quickly begin to act on that choice.

    There is some positive, decisive action that will change your whole outlook in an instant. It could be something as simple as a smile, a brisk walk, a kind gesture, or anything you imagine.

    What is it that would get you feeling great right now? Go ahead and make it happen.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Wed, Oct 31 2018 6:38 AM

    Wednesday, October 31, 2018

    Filled with wonder

    Always, there is something new to discover. Always, you have new possibilities to explore.

    Life is immense and you are situated right in the middle of it all. Everything you’ve ever experienced is only a small fraction of all you can now experience.

    You can transcend whatever limits have previously confined you. You can expand your horizon beyond anything you’ve known before.

    You can never run out of room to grow. There will never be any shortage of ideas to explore, or paths to follow.

    As difficult as your problems may be, they are tiny compared to your possibilities. And a great way to get beyond those problems is to open yourself to more of the possibilities.

    Let your spirit be filled with wonder at all the goodness and beauty that are possible. Then step forward, inspired and empowered by all the richness you can now experience.


    — Ralph Marston