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Daily Motivation

Fri, May 10 2024 11:07 AM (1,972 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2018 9:29 AM

    Tuesday, September 11, 2018

    Clearly define

    Clearly define what you wish to do. Then you can direct all your energy and commitment into doing it.

    Clearly define where you have chosen to focus your attention. Then you have a specific direction to aim the power of your focus.

    Stimulation and information constantly swirl around you. So many options are available that the sheer magnitude of those options can be debilitating.

    But just because there are options, does not mean you must exercise them all. Just because there is information available, does not mean you have to know it all.

    Know and do the things that really matter, that support the life you wish to live. Free yourself from the needless burden of all the rest.

    Don’t let yourself get pulled in a thousand different directions. Clearly define your intentions, and follow the path you’ve created to the life you choose.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2018 8:06 AM

    Wednesday, September 12, 2018

    Climb the mountain

    The mountain has been there longer than you remember. Go ahead now, and climb it.

    Each step brings you up to a higher perspective. Take the first one, and the next, and the next.

    Feel confidence and enthusiasm as they build up within you. Feel energy that’s eager to be put to good use.

    Look ahead, look up to the summit as it beckons. See the challenge that you will now transform into achievement.

    Give thanks for the difficulties that will each make you stronger. Point that strength again and again in a positive direction.

    Persist all the way until you reach the top. Then gaze out with satisfaction and choose the next mountain to climb.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Thu, Sep 13 2018 6:56 AM

    Thursday, September 13, 2018

    Let it all inspire you

    Something you never expected and could not avoid just laid waste to you well-crafted plans. Breathe in, breathe out, and let it inspire you.

    You’re working hard to catch up, and getting further behind. Smile to yourself, and let it inspire you.

    Just when you’re starting to make progress, you get interrupted. Quickly forgive, and let it inspire you.

    Whatever happens is part of life, and you can find a way to make it into something of value. Let it inspire you to do just that.

    You don’t need a million-dollar view of the ocean to be inspired. You just have to make the choice.

    Every person you meet, every pothole you encounter, every twist and turn of daily life, has goodness to offer. Look confidently out, your heart filled with love, and let it all inspire you.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Fri, Sep 14 2018 8:59 AM

    Friday, September 14, 2018

    The time you can use

    Your time is now. But if you hurry through this moment, you’ll never know its beauty.

    Today is full of promise, laced with possibility. Slow down a little, see it, and live with richness the time that’s already yours.

    Why rush to get there if all you do when you arrive is rush some more? Put your attention and energy into living, not into hurrying.

    The future is already and always beyond your reach. Everything you have is now, so take care not to rush ahead of it.

    The time is not fifteen minutes until this or four days from that. The time you can use is always now.

    Live it, love it, give to it, enjoy it. Take the time that you have now, thoroughly filling it with richness and meaning.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Sat, Sep 15 2018 8:48 AM

    Saturday, September 15, 2018

    A bit of kindness

    Offer a bit of kindness to life today. Offer a bit of kindness, and discover how much it grows.

    You’ll find plenty of opportunities to give kindness away, yet that kindness never goes away. The more you give kindness, the more there is.

    Looking for a quick and accessible way to get yourself positively focused? Give a bit of kindness, and elevate your perspective to a more favorable, effective place.

    There’s no limit to the goodness that will result when you give a bit of kindness. Each kindness takes on a life of its own, and can keep building upon itself long after you’ve forgotten about it.

    Eventually, all those bits of kindness you give will come back to you. Though you won’t know exactly how, your world will be warmed by every kindness you offer.

    Give a little bit of kindness, every chance you get. It’s a gift that never stops making life better.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Mon, Sep 17 2018 8:22 AM

    Monday, September 17, 2018

    Now is your chance

    Now is your chance to be finally free of anything you’ve been doing to hold yourself back. Now is your chance to live in the way you most fondly imagine.

    Now is your chance to make positive use of all that your experience has taught you. Now is your chance to put into practice your highest and best ideals.

    Now is your chance to forgive, and to leave all the pain of the past in the past. Now is your chance to create new goodness with sincere, authentic, loving intention.

    Now is your chance to put your highest hopes into action. Now is your chance to step boldly beyond the grip of your fears.

    Now is your chance to see new possibilities, and to live them with everything in you. Now is your chance to encourage, to love, to give, to heal.

    Somewhere deep within, you know how good and beautiful it can be to be you. Now is your chance to bring that vision fully to life.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Tue, Sep 18 2018 7:58 AM

    Tuesday, September 18, 2018

    Connected to it all

    You are connected to all of existence. Choose always to make good use of that connection.

    You are connected to people who can support and encourage you. Explore the connection, strengthen it, and build upon it.

    You are connected to people who can benefit greatly from your presence, your attention, and your assistance. Be thankful for the opportunity, and continue to discover ways to make a difference in the lives of others.

    You are connected to an endless abundance of resources, information, ideas, and energy. Step forward each morning with love, and with the intention of creating new, meaningful value from all that abundance.

    Your awareness, your thoughts, your actions, are deeply connected to all that is. Every choice echoes endlessly through life, so make those choices with kindness and care.

    Everything you do matters to everything that is. Do it well.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Wed, Sep 19 2018 8:39 AM

    Wednesday, September 19, 2018

    Deliver the best

    Go always in the direction that makes life good. Your life is much too valuable to waste even a minute of it.

    If a thought, activity, situation or choice doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Let your discontent prompt you to find a more affirmative path.

    Say yes to what strengthens you, excites you, challenges you to grow, and makes you feel fully alive. Let go of what holds you back, compromises your values, and lets you get away with not making a difference.

    Take a great big, deep breath of possibility. Feel the confidence, feel the enthusiasm, feel the desire to give your best to life.

    Decide right now to love the moment you’re in, just as it is, just as you are. Envision the highest use you can make of right now, and put that vision into action, right now.

    You have every reason and every ability to make each day more fulfilling and life-affirming than the last. Expect the best of yourself, and deliver it.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Thu, Sep 20 2018 7:24 AM

    Thursday, September 20, 2018

    Choose persistence

    When you’ve done just enough, do a little more. Soon you’ll be far ahead.

    When you’re making good progress, keep going. Take full advantage of your momentum.

    When you feel like stopping, give yourself an enjoyable break. Then come back to your work with fresh energy and a renewed sense of purpose.

    Persistence is not ever easy. Yet it is always yours to choose.

    And persistence makes the difference between permanent regret and lasting achievement. Ask yourself often, which would you rather have?

    Right now, on this task, in this place, you can persist. Do it, choose persistence, and you know you’ll always be thankful you did.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,719 Posts
    Fri, Sep 21 2018 8:15 AM

    Friday, September 21, 2018

    Keep choosing well

    You’ve come this far by making some good choices. Going forward, keep choosing well.

    No, of course you’re not perfect. No one is.

    Yet experience has taught you what works for you and what doesn’t. You can use that experience to vastly improve your world.

    No one has to remind you about the mistakes and poor choices you’ve made along the way. It would be great, however, for you to remind yourself of all you’ve done right.

    Think of the good choices you’ve made and the positive results those choices have brought you. Let it inspire you to make many more positive choices that will bring even better results.

    Every day is filled with choices and every choice is an opportunity for you. Keep choosing well, and keep bringing new goodness and value to life.


    — Ralph Marston