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Fri, Aug 3 2018 11:25 AM (27 replies)
  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2018 2:16 PM

    It was quite clear that he had not played since he was rumbled, it was also quite clear from your play history that you had not either. That i looked at a bit later in day so below bold seemed like sense to me.

    He friended you pre expulsion, you log on much later and accept the flashing light. Not sure how someone booted from game can still show in your friend requests but it must.

    Now, folks who liked Dennis remember yours and his exploits and they were mainly the ones who got the hump with your gofundme stuff, they were also upset when you were posting non stop on the Andyson memorial thread with your ideas. Thats been sorted now, its being ran the way folks wanted it to be. Even i had other ideas but accepted the "organisers" wanted to do it their way......and i nod my head and say good luck to them. Its quite easy.

    This is a game, folk make friends. In my opinion more in their clubs , thats certainly the case for me, barring a few other individuals on here. Real life can get in the way, folk i was fond of have actually died recently, one being my good mate Shovlovin (Brian). Others in our club have had major major issues to deal with, i feel sad for them as i feel sad for you, but toward them i have a ni on family/friend bond, with you i dont but i still wish you well.

    I wont respond to any questions/responses as i dont do that now, but good luck.

  • Luckystar5
    1,637 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2018 3:27 PM

    Departure?  Don't know what dictionary you're using, but it doesn't appear to be the same as mine, or many others, that people use. 

         You said " statements like this are not even worth responding to." But yet you do, by attacki ng a really good person, further derailing this thread!   You don't  want your name dragged through the garbage, but yet you jump into it, with both feet, knowing that someone is going to hammer you.  Please allow me to be the first, to again, wish you a fond fairwell, ( Fairwell=" used to express good wishes on your departure, good bye, so long. ) and good luck!   

    Sorry people, but I can't stand by watching good people being attacked!  

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2018 3:45 PM

    Ok Paul , I posted a retraction in the news and announcements section , called maybe a mistake .  That's all I can do at this point .  You can accept it or not , That's up to you .

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2018 4:07 PM

    Departure?  Don't know what dictionary you're using, but it doesn't appear to be the same as mine, or many others, that people use.

    Being the center of drama is quite addicting to some people. I thought this nonsense died with that last 4%.

    Two weeks later............

  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2018 4:29 PM

    I thought

    Or at the very least

  • thegoosebag
    2,264 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2018 4:42 PM


    Departure?  Don't know what dictionary you're using, but it doesn't appear to be the same as mine, or many others, that people use.

    Being the center of drama is quite addicting to some people. I thought this nonsense died with that last 4%.

    Two weeks later............

    that 4% made me laugh jim,its lasted well

    cheers      mark.

  • LuckySkreet
    611 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2018 4:35 AM


      Some one just brought this to my attention . And I would like to ask my departure not be spoiled anymore by senseless accusations .

    LMFAO....     Priceless.......

    Spoiling your WGT departure?    You treating this like a retirement party..... something akin to a Monarch relinquishing the throne?   LMMFAO


    Face it dude.....    you're not going anywhere.     You've got NOTHING to abdicate.    This is ALL you have....and we all know you'd beat your mother with a rubber hose and unplug her life support just so you could power up your phone and hit the WGT Forum.