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Ice skates

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Sun, Feb 18 2018 10:57 AM (20 replies)
  • Rooster2821
    107 Posts
    Sun, Feb 18 2018 10:57 AM


    I was just trying to get some sympathy from Jim but I should have known better than that coming from a Yankee's fan.

    I'm a hard core Red Sox fan also, but the Yankees got it done in the off season and the Sox didn't. Dumbo might get something done as a token, but I'm not holding my breath.

    I have not been following sports closely the past few years. Been really busy at work, buying a new home and moving. Over the years the attitude of players have been turning me off anyway . Then when they did not stand for the anthem in football.  I did not watch a single game of football till the end of the season. So right now I could take or leave it and I hate saying that.