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Sun, Jul 31 2016 1:51 AM (74 replies)
  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2016 10:59 AM

    Lot of these clubs...the invites are new......i know......cos i look ;-)

  • VegasWade
    486 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2016 11:05 AM


    Lot of these clubs...the invites are new......i know......cos i look ;-)

    And GO FOR THE GUSTO isn't one of them, so kindly take your allegations elsewhere. We don't poach.



  • VegasWade
    486 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2016 12:00 PM


    Lot of these clubs...the invites are new......i know......cos i look ;-)


    I've informed my club owner, mbglove, of our lengthy pending invite list. He is now in the process of deleting them. Basically, as I thought, out of sight, out of mind for Mike. We don't send an invite unless someone has requested same said invite, aka, GO FOR THE GUSTO does not poach players in other CC's.

    If you have any concerns or questions, just ask Mike (mbglove)


  • WillieSinkit
    1,761 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2016 12:08 PM

    The status message on my profile page seems to have stopped them inviting me ! ! !



  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2016 12:23 PM

    LOL Willie.....good luck with that one

    As what normally happens is they dont look at profiles much, they just press the invite button

    Alanti brought his to attention, whether unfortunate error or not, and i did the same a few weeks back, again unfortunate error or not

    Tis the only way good sir


  • GrahamB2014
    2,192 Posts
    Sat, Feb 20 2016 1:12 PM

    My first post on this part of the site so please be kind. 

    I am new to owning  club and find the idea of poaching poor sportsmanship. I have in my brieif time as an owner lost 4 players to this mostly to larger clubs.

    I think if some form of football type transfer system was put in place a lot of this would stop. Players would be valued on level, XP, time at club etc the new club paying a fee to the old club.

    Another thing I have noticed is there is no filter search for unattached players; as my club policy is not to poach off other clubs this would save a lot of time.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sun, Feb 21 2016 1:49 AM

    Hats off Graham. Don't worry as if folk want to leave on offer from a sh!teabag then they not for you anyway. Create plenty mixed tournies with end products such as league tables, let fellow members have a say and run things and have a good friendly forum.

    Tip in case you don't know. Click WGT comp results. The placings tell you if in club or not. Legends etc off there are generally not interested at being in club so start with pros etc and build slowly together
