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Bethpage Black Friday Sasquatch Search Shootout

Sun, Mar 27 2022 5:22 AM (195 replies)
  • Nkakley
    281 Posts
    Sun, Nov 29 2015 4:22 PM

  • Nkakley
    281 Posts
    Sun, Nov 29 2015 4:47 PM

  • XMAS69
    76 Posts
    Sun, Nov 29 2015 4:50 PM

  • papagrasutu
    2,469 Posts
    Sun, Nov 29 2015 7:54 PM

    never figured out screenshots, but here is the replay.  Thanks, alot of fun!  Paul from the FAPC  replay.aspx?ID=fbb0f68d afa6 4cf1 a1a7 a560003e8f60

  • wjceel
    487 Posts
    Sun, Nov 29 2015 9:09 PM

    id just like to thx Yancy for running this little shootout, i enjoyed it something different.

    im looking forward to seeing the results. cause i think im in with a chance for CTTS with least shots lol.

    thanks again bud.



  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Sun, Nov 29 2015 9:55 PM

    No worries Paul from the FAPC!

    Baaaaaaaaaam --- Here you go! I (my name is Yancy) also have a large full screen sized one saved - if you wanna copy for the family photo album or whatnots - just gimme a holler all up here on the WGT.

    Glad we got this up! Never saw one with the Avatar wrapped in the trees like this:


    Regards, I am Yancy
    Just the curious in me, the FAPC is....

  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Mon, Nov 30 2015 12:59 AM


    The thank you posts here have not gone unnoticed, I am most appreciative for everyone taking time to let me know such personally. Another thing that also has me smiling is that the most common word I see in the posts as a whole is: "Fun" aka "Mission Acomplished"

    An event such as this brings out WGTers that a player may not have ever ran into if it was not for these type of "WGT Wide - Fun Community Events". Great way to meet other WGT players that have the same personality type or interests. I hope that I can be a part of more of these community wide fun events on WGT in the future!

    Now - I (my name is Yancy) pass along to ALL who participated in the 1st Anniversary Event, whether you found the Squatch or not. Be proud & show it off!

    Sincerely, I am Yancy


  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Nov 30 2015 1:38 AM

    I thank you Yancy, mine is sitting proudly on my blog page.


  • Nkakley
    281 Posts
    Mon, Nov 30 2015 8:38 AM

    Oops, Mikey ... you posted MY screenshot instead of yours! LOL.

  • papagrasutu
    2,469 Posts
    Mon, Nov 30 2015 9:52 AM

    Friendly Active Players Club.  Thanks for your help.  I'm sure I got this angle from hitting it back towards the tee, and in fact I think I hit the tree for the lie.  All the best,Paul