MBaggese:don't care about the average going up.
MBaggese:WGT finally was implementing a "real" average...but then after a 29 and a 30? stayed at 56...oh well, back to false "averages" I guess.
Yea Mike, WGT missed an obvious opportunity there..
They're getting better and better in business. I'd love to see the numbers of ranked rounds played statistic in the past year. I'm pretty sure it went so low that a new strategy to invite players to play more (so use balls, so buy credits...) I'm dealing with the costumer service about disconnections on 18 holes practice solo, always in the back 9. Funny how it never happens in a multiplayer game when you can come back in the lobby and restart where you've been disconnected. In a solo practice game, you have to restart from the 1st tee, so play more, so use buy credits.
Crazy how you guys are more and more creative!!! See how many rounds I've played in the past month, picture of the interest I start having for this game that I loved. At least no issue with my avg ;)
I'll play a last event in September, then will just be around for couple of rounds with friends and laugh reading about wgt's strategy.
As I start all chats in the game: 'Have fun all!"
BTW, Cameras are also missing at Chambers Bay Mike, at least in practice rounds, but you have mulligans to re-play the shot, so use balls, so... ;)