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Somebody asked me what.....................tour legend is

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Mon, Feb 23 2015 12:45 PM (21 replies)
  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sat, Feb 21 2015 7:36 PM

    I'm lead to believe its 500 as is legend m8

    Maybe wrong, probably am lol

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Sat, Feb 21 2015 8:10 PM

    Maybe wrong, probably am lol

    Nope. You're right :-) 500 (not including 3's and 5's)

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Feb 21 2015 9:17 PM

    Although why they have to saturate it I have no idea. The figure would mean more if it was genuine.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Feb 21 2015 9:28 PM

    I do know I have seen many TL's struggling in the mid 60 's

    Struggling? A TL with an average in the 60's is one that doesn't cherry pick rounds to protect an average. For some reason players make TL with that sub-60 average and then kill themselves to keep it there like it all of a sudden makes them a player.

    500 rounds is the magic number to get to the fake average, excluding 3's and 5's like pointed out above.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Feb 21 2015 11:16 PM

    Struggling? A TL with an average in the 60's is one that doesn't cherry pick rounds to protect an average.

    Agreed and unless they got to TL by being a red tees expert, then an average in the 60's is generally one who cards all their scores, or at least the majority of them.

    Personally I have hit the 500 rounds but not yet at saturation as I have played a few Par 5 Courses in CC Comps so my average is true. That said, I would rather see an average based over the last 100 rounds at your tier, as the averages mean zip after saturation. On that subject I want to see red tees scores excluded as well.

    The top players will not be affected - they will still be the cream of WGT

  • sarak362336
    1,597 Posts
    Sun, Feb 22 2015 1:12 AM


    I do know I have seen many TL's struggling in the mid 60 's

    Struggling? A TL with an average in the 60's is one that doesn't cherry pick rounds to protect an average. For some reason players make TL with that sub-60 average and then kill themselves to keep it there like it all of a sudden makes them a player.

    500 rounds is the magic number to get to the fake average, excluding 3's and 5's like pointed out above.

    Absolutely right Jim - why people get so hung up about their 'average' amazes me.  My true average is around 61 for 18 holes - thats what I would expect to score over 18 holes - My WGT average is now in the mid 57s simply because I have played and posted a lot of rounds.

    I always treat the WGT player average with suspicion - a low one usually indicated a player who only posts their good ones - a high one might indicate lots of uneven lies for example or a player that plays with the free ball for fun.   

    To gauge a players ability simply on their WGT average or accuse them of struggling is ridicilouse.

    Time to replace the term average with - Best 500 posted scores... or less

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,569 Posts
    Sun, Feb 22 2015 1:36 AM

    WTF does Jim keep referring to a fake average.

    WTF is that.

    My average is what it is, ain't fck all fake about it.

    BTW I ain't reached saturation as a TL yet, so how the fck can I fake it.

    Fckin flaky fcker fer fuks sakes.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Feb 22 2015 2:40 AM

    On that subject I want to see red tees scores excluded as well.

    100% agree with this!

    It's allowed in the game but for me it is nothing less than blatant CHEATING.

    I could make TL in a matter of weeks and maintain an artificially low average if I used the red tee  CHEAT but I refuse to play them.

    The title TL has been tarnished by those unscrupulous enough to CHEAT their way to it.

    But when I make TL I will do so with pride in the knowledge that I did it the proper way.


  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sun, Feb 22 2015 7:11 AM


    On that subject I want to see red tees scores excluded as well.

    100% agree with this!

    It's allowed in the game but for me it is nothing less than blatant CHEATING.

    I could make TL in a matter of weeks and maintain an artificially low average if I used the red tee  CHEAT but I refuse to play them.

    The title TL has been tarnished by those unscrupulous enough to CHEAT their way to it.

    But when I make TL I will do so with pride in the knowledge that I did it the proper way.


    I don't mind it that much.  All you have to do is play a TL to see if he's earned his title, or is a "red tee warrior".  I've had some great matches (both won and lost) against awesome guys worth their salt.  I've also tattooed some complete jokes of a Tour Legend.

    It all comes out in the wash, and they're only hurting themselves IMO.  Those are the guys who will never win a penny in tiered tournaments again because they've discovered that they're swimming with sharks, and they've put on tuna-flavored underwear by tiering up when they had no business to.

    As for me, I'm comfortable being "just a legend".