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Conection Issues

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Fri, Feb 19 2016 7:39 AM (28 replies)
  • twoover
    371 Posts
    Wed, Sep 30 2015 6:42 AM

    constantly have these problems,,,, I do send reports,, to no avail,,,getting vey disgruntled

  • twoover
    371 Posts
    Wed, Sep 30 2015 10:31 AM

    tried playng alt. shot,,, still same problems


  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Wed, Sep 30 2015 2:18 PM


    tried playng alt. shot,,, still same problems


    been around a few years, it doesn't change. WGT doesnt fix problems, just tinkers and makes more every "update" now.  so, don't really care how I score now.

  • theDEWman
    27 Posts
    Thu, Feb 11 2016 7:49 AM

    Sure things mess up now and then, after all it is the web. I play other games and I can't say it's perfect but it's rare compared to WGT. I have tried all the tricks and recommended fix's to no avail. Every time I play this game it messes up something and 50% of the time I loose the pass. If I use the pass with others in a multi player game it's just as well to kiss it good buy......mind blowing.

  • hvkk
    159 Posts
    Thu, Feb 11 2016 11:03 AM

    Amen Dew - this is getting very old - I have not played a game this week whereby one of us is not booted or game locked up 2-3 times per 9 holes.


    Its getting ridiculous - and frustrating - where does all the money go - why not fix the damn problems?????


  • 19015graham
    544 Posts
    Fri, Feb 12 2016 5:15 AM

    To add weight to the previous comments on game play issues.The unexpected errors are now "EXPECTED"....i must get 4 or 5 at least every night. Just yesterday i cost me 4 passes, each time it either freezes me out, gives me a blue screen,,,kicks me off completely or  gives aw dang message. Alternate shot is becoming almost impossible to play...unexpected errors for all 4 players every time.

    I have played this game since continues to get worse.....the so called updates improve becomes a money pit ....draining our  pockets.......

    May as well go back and play Tiger Woods on XBox   at least thats a stable platform

    WGT...come have a great game...reward our us back for our lost passes. lost points and balls.....that we lose due to jerky meters...reward the loyal players you have.....stop giving us a hard time .....................PLEASE..................

    In anticipation.....a beleaguered and frustrated, disappointed  wgt member

  • theDEWman
    27 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2016 12:17 PM
    18 Feb

    I may have just played for the last *** TIME

    Can't get through 1 *** game of this *** without it going to complete *** ***

    Multi player does not work at all 100% ***-up for over a year now and I can't get through 1 damn week of play on this *** game without loosing my mind because of it.

    For *** sake"s WGT get your god damn ass in order and fix this peice of **

  • hass88
    4 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2016 10:34 PM

    the thing with me somebody disconnects then i get blue screen everytime then i get kicked out of the game

  • meattpole0
    2 Posts
    Fri, Feb 19 2016 7:39 AM

    Well here another , my computer is just fine on any other site but when l try to play a game here we cant get past the 5th hole without a crash or someother error.

    Now l,m not a quitter , l have never qiit in the middle of a game , but when l play with others they quit and l,m left by myself.

    l wait forever till 2or3 sets of time nocthes go by for them to return , then l give up and go back to main menue , now it tells me game is over because l forfeited the game , and l get slapped with a quitter image , l used to be at 39 , now l,m down to 31 and lost my red button just because others quit on me.

    UNLESS you folks cant get this game to work right l will be removing it ,and go out and buy Roy Mcillroys new game , at least be able to finnish a game, l like your game but to many issues , when someone quits , we shouldn't wait for their return either , let the rest of the players continue , its bludy annoying.