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Conection Issues

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Fri, Feb 19 2016 7:39 AM (28 replies)
  • 46Handicap
    11 Posts
    Tue, Feb 17 2015 4:00 PM

    So where does one find "support" and how does one "send a bug report" when there appear to be no such choices under "Community" or "Forums"? The "Trouble Shooting" link is useless since WGT appears to be so biased towards the PC world. Exactly how do we Mac users "right click" something?

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Tue, Feb 17 2015 4:30 PM


    So where does one find "support" and how does one "send a bug report" when there appear to be no such choices under "Community" or "Forums"? The "Trouble Shooting" link is useless since WGT appears to be so biased towards the PC world. Exactly how do we Mac users "right click" something?

    Bug reports can only be done in game.  If you use a mac you can either user control+click or set up your mouse/track pad to have a right click.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • cshodrun
    576 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 2:42 AM

    not so ironically, I was disconnected while trying to read this thread about disconnections

  • garyk49
    2,322 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 6:46 AM

    How about this as an example of your problem. 

    This started on every shot.  Wait for the shot to happen, get popup, hit retry, shot happened.  Next shot same thing.

    Ok, lets ping my router.  The is the firmware version of router.  It is a way to check your network. is the outside world.  When the popup appeared was during the Yahoo ping.

    Shows Internet is working just fine.  Only to you is there a problem.  Just like like last night, first time I have ever seen this problem happen.  Instead of play now and friends list, get a box that says server too busy right now with a count down clock from 1 minute.

    Maybe your popup should say.....WE are having a problem with OUR connection, not YOUR connection.

  • 46Handicap
    11 Posts
    Mon, Apr 13 2015 6:36 AM

    Farewell WGT (and none too fondly),

    I played my last round on WGT yesterday and will not be back for the following reasons:

    (1) WGT's ongoing inability to provide a stable game platform resulting in FIVE disconnects and/or freezes on the FIRST hole of an Alternate Shot match (and not all on my computer); a freeze in the middle of a 30' putt which resulted (after reconnecting) in changing the putt from 60' strength to 150' in mid-stroke; etc.

    (2) The number of rude WGT members who essentially "walk off the course" on the first or second hole of Match Play because they are 1 or 2 down. It has reached the point where I will not play anyone who is not "Green completion". C'mon folks, this is only "virtual" and I hate to think this is how you would behave on a real golf course. Perhaps you do (such behaviour would see you ejected from my club) and is why you are relegated to displaying such petty childishness on WGT.

    (3) WGT's focus on selling credits for REAL money so that you can buy VIRTUAL equipment and no effective way to otherwise accumulate points. Don't get me started on "Complete a Survey"...

    (4) The suspect ability of some players to post ridiculously low scores. Case in point: MP against a player who (on paper) is 3 strokes better than me, in a 25 mph wind, with difficult pins, yet he manages to hit EVERY shot to within 6'. One or two, possibly; 3 or 4, hmm? But EVERY??? Oh I know, "he just had a good round" and "I should play more" but it's still called "Sandbagging"..

  • goldmind58
    4 Posts
    Mon, Apr 13 2015 1:41 PM

    I believe thats the reason for my not so good completion average...I freeze up all the time and usually will end my part of the game so others can move on and play and alot of times i cannot reconnect..i think my main problem may be that  i am using wi-fi at an RV park..may have to invest in a stronger longer reaching antenna or adapter.





  • theDEWman
    27 Posts
    Sat, Apr 18 2015 4:07 PM

    No don't think it's your connection, it's the servers. I'm on Fiber-op with 145mbs connection, I can download  50+gig in less than 25 min. Tonight I am 1 out of 4, kicked 3 times and lost my free pass, again. Things were good for a while than they go to ***, same old story with WGT.

  • theDEWman
    27 Posts
    Sat, Apr 18 2015 4:28 PM

    Just forming a thought since I posted.  How about if WGT would have to give back twice the credits that you loose. Say for instance your free pass or a bought one is gone, for no fault of your own, they have to give back 74 credits. If credits are on the line in match play and you get booted or the servers freeze up.  I bet that the problem would get fixed in a hurry. If there problems can cost us the players, money or credits, it should go both ways. Now let's see what the admins and devs got to say about that.

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2015 6:11 AM


    Just forming a thought since I posted.  How about if WGT would have to give back twice the credits that you loose. Say for instance your free pass or a bought one is gone, for no fault of your own, they have to give back 74 credits. If credits are on the line in match play and you get booted or the servers freeze up.  I bet that the problem would get fixed in a hurry. If there problems can cost us the players, money or credits, it should go both ways. Now let's see what the admins and devs got to say about that.

    Those are no solutions DEWman ... then you would have scam artists intentionally disconnecting and losing passes, balls, etc. in order to fleece WGT ... 

    Email Customer Support with each issue as it happens. They will review your situation and give you a refund, if warranted. 

  • theDEWman
    27 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2015 6:48 AM

    Don, me thinks you give up way to easy. There are lots of programs that look after things like this ( the so called cheaters) and automatic a freeze goes on their account. Punkbuster comes to mind, another game I play has anti spamming 3-4 dot's ....  and you loose the chat for an hour. It works for lots of other games I'm sure there could be something tailored to WGT to make things better. Don't get me wrong, I really like WGT, I think it's the best golf game on the go. It would be nice to see a bigger effort to fix some of the issues, ignoring them don't make them go away. Hopefully some of these discussions might enlighten them.