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club distances wrong.

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Thu, Feb 1 2024 7:22 AM (19 replies)
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  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Tue, Jan 30 2024 4:19 PM


    10th hole bethage black driver of tee with ordinary ball left 190 yds 1 Oclock headwind 7/9mph 1 yd uphill I hit 197yds hit the line ball goes 183 yds.

    Any suggestions why this should happen appreciated.

    It is impossible to tell what you did wrong with so little information. Exactly what club was used? What is the spin rate for that club? Exactly what ball was used? What is the spin rate for that ball? How much spin did you put on the shot? How hard did you swing (exact % of swing) If you don't understand how much each of those things can drastically effect the shot, especially into a headwind, then this probably/ most certainly doesn't belong in "bug report" category. 

    When you say you "hit 197yds and the ball goes 183 yds", you have already completely misread what happened. It should be written that I tried to hit 197, but it only went 183, followed by what did I do wrong. Then if you include all of the precise information, someone may be able to help you understand how to play better.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,337 Posts
    Wed, Jan 31 2024 3:22 AM



    10th hole bethage black driver of tee with ordinary ball left 190 yds 1 Oclock headwind 7/9mph 1 yd uphill I hit 197yds hit the line ball goes 183 yds.

    Any suggestions why this should happen appreciated.

    It is impossible to tell what you did wrong with so little information. Exactly what club was used? What is the spin rate for that club? Exactly what ball was used? What is the spin rate for that ball? How much spin did you put on the shot? How hard did you swing (exact % of swing) If you don't understand how much each of those things can drastically effect the shot, especially into a headwind, then this probably/ most certainly doesn't belong in "bug report" category. 

    When you say you "hit 197yds and the ball goes 183 yds", you have already completely misread what happened. It should be written that I tried to hit 197, but it only went 183, followed by what did I do wrong. Then if you include all of the precise information, someone may be able to help you understand how to play better.

    I couldn't agree more, but somehow from the information provided, we can still deduce what he did wrong.

    Firstly, 1 oclock is not a headwind but a tailwind. Perhaps you meant 7 oclock?

    Secondly, if your 5 iron goes at 195 (nominal distance) and you hit 197, that means you used the 4 iron playing around 94%.

    Now...couple of things to keep in mind.

    When you hit a shot less than 98% - 97%, the distance does not work analogically. Yes, 90% of your PW (120) is 108 mathematically, but the ball won't reach that distance if you hit 90% or if you hit 85% the ball won't reach 102 yds.

    The reason behind that is due to 4 factors:






    Let me elaborate a bit:

    Club: On wgt, the lighter clubs have a higher trajectory, while the heavy ones have a lower trajectory.

    Spin-apex: As you probably already know, the more back spin you use, the more loft (apex) you gonna have. The less you use (let's say full top spin), the less loft you gonna have.

    Wind: Tailwinds push the ball down (lower trajectory). Facewinds lift the ball up (higher trajectory). You can find side winds somewhere in the middle.


    Now...combine all the above with the 94% you hit on a heavy iron and you have your answer. I will make an example to make you understand better:

    Let's say (with whatever wind conditions) i hit a 100% power shot with full back spin and a 98% power with full back spin again. The difference in apex (trajectory) up into the air can be as much as 10 feet!!!! We are talking about 3 meters less with only 2%. Now, you can imagine how much apex you have lost by hitting a heavy iron at 94%.


  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Wed, Jan 31 2024 7:14 AM


    Firstly, 1 oclock is not a headwind but a tailwind. Perhaps you meant 7 oclock?


    Clock 1:00 | ClipArt ETC

    I think when referring to a clock, people are referring to where the wind is coming from. I know that is how I consider it.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,337 Posts
    Wed, Jan 31 2024 9:21 AM

    Exactly, where the front of the arrow is pointing. When the arrow is pointing at 1 o'clock, is a tail (comes from 7 o'clock and aims at 1).

  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Wed, Jan 31 2024 9:58 AM


    Exactly, where the front of the arrow is pointing. When the arrow is pointing at 1 o'clock, is a tail (comes from 7 o'clock and aims at 1).

    Perhaps I am the one that has this all wrong. I have always thought that when you say the wind is at 1 o'clock, you are saying that is where it is coming from, not where it is going. It wouldn't be the first thing I have gotten wrong all my life. lol I would be interested to hear how other people consider this.

    This influences how I consider it. (from a weather source) "When you talk about wind direction it is described by where the wind is coming from. So if the wind is blowing from the west to east, we call it westerly winds." I would assume the same would be true when using the clock metaphor. 

    EDIT: Anyone else want to chime in on this?

  • Yiannis1970
    3,337 Posts
    Wed, Jan 31 2024 10:28 AM

    I don't know how others intend to, but personally when i say 1 oclock wind, i mean the number on the clock that the wind pointer is aiming (south east wind). A south-east wind in golf terms is a tailwind.

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Wed, Jan 31 2024 3:02 PM


    Exactly, where the front of the arrow is pointing. When the arrow is pointing at 1 o'clock, is a tail (comes from 7 o'clock and aims at 1).

    That's my understanding as well.

  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Wed, Jan 31 2024 3:36 PM


    This influences how I consider it. (from a weather source) "When you talk about wind direction it is described by where the wind is coming from. So if the wind is blowing from the west to east, we call it westerly winds." I would assume the same would be true when using the clock metaphor. 

    EDIT: Anyone else want to chime in on this?

    That's always been my interpretation as well. And that's consistent with other usages of the clock metaphor in other spheres. For example, if one were to say that something is at 12 o'clock, we wouldn't look behind us. The metaphor is used to describe where it's coming from or its position relative to us. 

    So, a 12 o'clock wind would be a headwind. 

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, Feb 1 2024 7:22 AM


    10th hole bethpage black driver of tee with ordinary ball left 190 yds 1 Oclock headwind 7/9mph 1 yd uphill I hit 197yds hit the line ball goes 183 yds.


    on that hole the left pin plays 5 yards longer than listed the right pin plays 4 yards longer than listed. (for me)

    So 195 adjusted for the particular hole. . add 8 or 9 for wind. i would add 9. so that's 204. so for me FBS 4iron at 99-99.5%.


    so my adjusted yardage is 204 yours was 197. 204-197=7

    7 yards.

    190-183=7 yards.

    so guess what

    the problem here is not taking notes and figuring out the approach on that hole plays longer than listed yardage. and not quite adding enough for the wind. 


    as far as the par 3. if it's the one im thinking of i add three yards and spin it back to the hole. really not enough info here. did you take a no spin approach and come in flat? if so can land into a slope and kill the forward momentum. 



    if land it by that hole with FBS it will spin back 3-5 yards. 22 yards off is probably either wrong club chosen  or flat approach.



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