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club distances wrong.

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Thu, Feb 1 2024 7:22 AM (19 replies)
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  • sonny927
    9 Posts
    Wed, Jul 30 2014 6:09 AM

    Ok first off let me say that I love wgt and I am not mad,just curious. I have found that sometimes my clubs play short or long for no reason, this is very irritating when your playing in a tourny. Example: my 16 yard wedge hit with full back spin at 80% will go 10 yards everytime. yesterday in a tourny I hit 80% into a 14 mph straight headwind and it went 15 yards on a level green, Impossible!  and several of my approach shots came up way short. I hit a 175 yard club full no back spin and it went only 144 yards and it had a 8-10 mph cross wind slightly from the tail. ???  I have found out that I am not the only one experiencing this problem. I was wondering if  this is a bug or what as its only been doing this for about a week now. Any help would be greatly apreciated, thank you.

  • JLeary1
    416 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 7:28 AM

    I have been having similar problems, but only the past few days. Normally I have found wgt to be pretty good, and consistent, otherwise I wouldn't know this to be unusual. What I am saying is that the consistency of wgt in the past has made it so I know what to expect with distances under varying wind and elevation conditions.


    For example, yesterday I hit my 5 iron (190 yard club) 219 yards with a crosswind, and I hit it to about the 180 mark, so imagine my surprise when it sailed over the green (pin at 188 yards).

    Hit my cg wedge (60 yards) 80 yards the other day as well, and today I lost a match because I managed to again clear the green on a par 3 (pin was at 180 yards) with a tailwind, because I hit my 6 iron (175 yard club) more than 220 yards.

  • quelani
    219 Posts
    Sun, Aug 31 2014 3:04 AM

    Hit my cg wedge (60 yards) 80 yards the other day as well, and today I lost a match because I managed to again clear the green on a par 3 (pin was at 180 yards) with a tailwind, because I hit my 6 iron (175 yard club) more than 220 yards.

    You will find that on par 3s tee shots are a flaming lottery.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Aug 31 2014 3:43 AM

    Your history shows several different balls in the very recent past.  IF this has been ongoing then you simply can't expect to be consistent doing that, unless you have a chart for each ball and even then it would be confusing..........

    Choose one ball, and in all honesty a cally L33  is as much as you should be using for now, and a great ball anyway (or the 34 slow mo maybe), and map your clubs to that one ball.  Nikes are particularly fussy and you will get huge differences in outcome with tiny spin differences let alone FBS in a wind. etc.  

    Beth B9 first three holes (good as any) in a low cross wind will map for you.

    Won't stop WTFs, but your stats will look great, and so overall fine if you get close to dinging often enough.

  • JLeary1
    416 Posts
    Sun, Aug 31 2014 4:50 AM

    Not sure if that was addressed to me, Jimbog, but I can testify that I personally had been using the same ball for at least 6 months, and knew most holes pretty well - the ones I referred to were extremely out of the norm. I know there is random variation etc, but for the shots I was referring to, the yardage was so ridiculous as to raise it in my awareness that something was not right. I might also mention that the unusually long distances happened over a period for me of a few days only, and after that I have played the same holes many times and not had the unusual yardage that I did, so all I can gather is that there was some issue or bug or whatever that was doing it, as it has since returned to a state where my shots are at least within reason and I can trust that, given my ability to read elevations and wind, the shots will be predictable within reason.

  • Nav919
    333 Posts
    Tue, Feb 28 2023 8:49 AM

    If it's not the clubs or ball then it's Parkland or Links distances or the Apparel factor.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Feb 28 2023 12:09 PM

    Don't think your hat made the ball go further back then.

  • quecha
    263 Posts
    Fri, Mar 3 2023 6:58 AM

    I had this same problem with my irons on my last game.

    I have not changed balls and the problem only occurs with my irons ..... Help .... it is impossible to participate in any tournament with this uncertain situation

  • quecha
    263 Posts
    Fri, Mar 3 2023 7:04 AM

    I had this same problem with my irons on my last game.

    I have not changed balls and the problem only occurs with my irons ..... Help .... it is impossible to participate in any tournament with this uncertain situation

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