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Scott's tips

Fri, Nov 29 2024 12:49 PM (767 replies)
    309 Posts
    Sun, Aug 16 2020 5:44 PM



    didnt get a chance to say thank you when you popped into my stream a couple of weeks ago.

    the advice on resizing the unity game was brilliant now takes a second to ajust.

    so thanks for all your work you do some truly great stuff much appreciated by a lot of people

    all the best


    so don't keep it a secret :O

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,682 Posts
    Sun, Aug 16 2020 8:04 PM

    Hi Scott,

    I'm wondering if there's a workaround for the text styling problem here.

    A posting that is supposed to look like this...

    appears like this when actually posted which is very annoying. :-(

    I hope you've got an answer for it, bro.


  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Sun, Aug 16 2020 10:27 PM

    Yes Simon, there is an answer. Probably the easiest method is with BB Code. I hope this will work in a CC Forum, because it works in the main forum but it doesn't work in a blog post and I can't test it in a CC Forum because I ain't in a CC.

    BB Code is a bit difficult to grasp for some because they think that everything that goes into the message editor will appear on the page when they post their message, but with BB Code this is not the case, the actual 'code' disappears when the message is posted.

    This also poses a problem for me because how the hell am I supposed to get the code to show, when it disappears when I post my message!  Well, I have to add invisible characters into the code that you can't see, but the browser can, so that the browser doesn't parse the code, but also so that you know what you have to type.

    This causes another problem. If someone thinks 'Oh, I can't be bothered to type all that, I'll just copy and paste it', the copied and pasted code won't work, because not only have they copied the code, they've copied the invisible characters as well, which stops it from working. So don't copy and paste what I'm showing you, type it in manually.

    To change any text color, just put your text between the BB Code in the square brackets. DO NOT type this into the HTML source editor. It is typed into the message editor with the rest of your message.

    [‍color=red]Your text goes in here[/color]
    Your text goes in here

    [‍size=20px][‍color=blue]You can make it bigger and coloured like this[/color][/size]
    You can make it bigger and coloured like this

    The first sentence in each example above that shows the BB Code, has the invisible characters in it to make the code show up, so don't copy it. The second sentence in each example does not have the invisible characters in it, so the BB Code is parsed and the text becomes modified.

    I hope that all makes sense. There is another post of mine HERE that shows a little more BB Code, and there is a list of colour names HERE that can be used for colouring your text. Hex codes also work for even more colour options.

    Phew!  ; )

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,682 Posts
    Mon, Aug 17 2020 1:47 AM

    Thank you so much, Scott. It worked! 😃

    It doesn't look as natural as nor is as convenient as when it's done with the HTML editor, but it worked. Hope WGT would fix this ASAP 'cause I just can't type BB Code one by one whenever I need it. LOL

    Thanks once again, I know it takes lots of time to do what you do to help others. You've got my respect, bro!

  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Mon, Aug 17 2020 2:01 AM

    Cheers Simon, good to know that it works in a CC forum.

    This issue has been around since April so I very much doubt that WGT will do anything about it now. They have never, as far as I am aware, even acknowledged the issue in the first place.

    Test List

    • One thousand :
    • Two hundred :
    • Three million :
    • Four billion :
    • Five :
  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,682 Posts
    Mon, Aug 17 2020 2:23 AM

    This issue has been around since April so I very much doubt that WGT will do anything about it now. They have never, as far as I am aware, even acknowledged the issue in the first place.

  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Sat, Sep 26 2020 9:00 AM

    It's a shame that WGT took away our ability to format the text in our posts.

    It can still be done with bulletin board code, but I'm not sure how to use it is fully understood.

    Here's a little video explaining how. VIDEO

    More examples HERE.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2020 7:38 AM

    Just played the new version for the first time. Not bad. 

    Graphics can not even come close to the Flash program.

    Putting increments are gone. So now I have to get use to the % when putting, which sucks.

    Avatars are HUGE.

    The "golf balls" look like the size of a softball after each shot.

    Its just getting use to playing a cartoon graphic golf game. Its a shame because the graphics of this game is what made it so REAL LIKE. 

    NOW - It is a GIANT Avatar teeing off a softball in a Warner Brothers Cartoon. All we need now is the Road Runner and Wiley Coyote running around on the course.

  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2020 11:14 AM

    ...All we need now is the Road Runner and Wiley Coyote running around on the course.

    I'll expect to see those in Champs next update, lol.  ; )

  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2020 2:55 PM


    ...All we need now is the Road Runner and Wiley Coyote running around on the course.

    I'll expect to see those in Champs next update, lol.  ; )

    I'll be looking forward to the exciting line of Acme products that will start popping up in the Pro Shop. :)